The best leader sabotaging career announcement and talk leader. As a result a generator, the talk of leadership goes far beyond presenting or speaking. Not only individuals but also questions have to be asked for leadership before they can be answered. If you answer "No" to one of the questions, you can not give it.
It's tough. :
Leadership skills, Leadership skills training, Leadership development, Management, Management skills, Effective leadership, Leadership communication, Leadership communication
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I have used my experience to teach thousands of leaders a career in the history of tightening the leader screw.
Every day, these leaders are getting wrong or right results in the wrong way.
Interestingly, they fail to make their own choices. They are actively disrupting their careers.
Committing a leader A simple reason for this destruction: a communication presentation or talker not a leader to choose its deadly mistakes.
By boosting the career, the difference between the two methods of leadership communication is the difference between lightning and lightning.
Speech / presentation mainly conveys information. In leadership talks, on the other hand, they not only communicate information, they do more: they establish a deep, human emotional connection with the audience.
Why do you need a connection after leadership?
See it this way: The leader does nothing more important than getting results. There are generally two ways in which a leader can get results: they can order people to go from point A to point B.
Clearly, leaders who can "inspire" people are much more effective than those who can or can not motivate those people.
And the best way to "want" is an information container, but it's not simply related to people as related to those in a deep, human, emotional way.
And talk about leadership.
Here are a few examples of leadership stories.
When Churchill said, "We fight at the beach .." It was a story of leadership.
When Kennedy didn't think "in a country of the tummy .." it was a story of leadership.
When Reagan said, "Gorbachev demolish this wall!" It was a story of leadership.
You can come up with many examples as well. If you go at those times you probably put your finger on the story of authentic leadership that prompted the word of the leader to take action.
I am not only talking about the great leaders of history. I am also the leader of your organization. After all, the leader speaks 15 to 20 times a day: everything from formal speeches to informal chats. There is a talk of interactive leaders, as well as a leader in the effectiveness of presenting speech increases dramatically.
How do you interact with the leader? That is not easy. The mastering leader's story is a few concrete processes. As Clement Atlee talked of leadership, that great master of Winston Churchill, "Winston is preparing his impromptu story the best year of his life"
Churchill, Kennedy, Reagan and others who were masters in providing leadership stories did not actually call their communication "leadership stories" but they
Here's how to get started. Please contact us about your planned leadership, an issue. Answering "no" to any of these questions will not give it. You may be given a speech or presentation, certainly not a story of leadership.
(1) Do you know what the audience needs?
Winston Churchill said, "We must face the facts or they stab us at the back."
Real facts are the facts, when trying to motivate people.
Reality consists of needs. Often, their needs have nothing to do with your needs.
Most leaders do not get this. They think that their own needs, the need for composition, are real. If you are ordering it is fine. As an order leader, you just need to use your reality. You just need to tell people to get a job. You do not need to know where they are coming from. But if you want to motivate them you must not work within reality yours.
I call it "playing games at People's Family Park". There is no other way to motivate them consistently. If you claim to play your park game, you are disappointed with the motive results.
(2) Can you bring a deep conviction to what you are saying?
I keep thinking and I think that I should be considered as a leader and I will be done at work. If they can't feel it, they don't do it.
But when you come to the challenge yourself you will "want" but your stimulation is not a point. It is just given. If you are not creative, you should not lead.
Here's the point: you can transfer your inspiration to people so will you become motivated when you are?
I call it motivational transfer, which is one of the most unrecognized and most important leadership determinants of all.
There are three ways in which the transfer can be realized.
* Communicate information. Often this is enough to motivate people. For example, many people have ended for information about the harmful effects of smoking habits
* Makes sense. The challenge behind rationality that those who are willing to understand must understand. Re: Smoke: People were motivated to quit because information makes sense.
* Send experience. This involves the leader's experience becoming a people's experience. This is the most effective way, as the speaker's experience becomes the audience's experience, sharing emotions and ideas deeply and communicating.
That's why there are plenty of signs and audio courses in the first two ways, and there is no one, so it can not be helped.
Here are some thoughts about the third method. Generally speaking, humans learn in two ways: through intellectual experience, through experience. In our school, the former is dominant, but it is the most powerful latter in that it induces deep sharing of emotions and ideas.
Look back on your schooling. Was that what you remember most, your book learning or your experience, the interaction between the teacher and the students? In most cases, your experience made the impression you say most.
To transfer your motivation to others, use what I call the technique of my "definition time" which I fully describe in my book defining time: to people in action
Simply put, the technique is this: Put it in sharp focus and your specific experience is by describing the physical facts that gave you emotions
Now there is a secret to the time of definition here. Your experience must provide lessons, which are solutions to people's needs. I'm sorry.
Define the moment of making (must move up to one's motivational experience is necessary. Experience has of course happened to you, but that experience is the solution to the need that lessons communicate When it comes to experience.
(3) Can the audience take the right treatment?
Results do not occur unless people take action. But in an important leadership communication that you can not say, that person's good news goes without saying.
But most of the leaders have no clue as to what exactly they do.
They get people taking the wrong action at the wrong time in the wrong way because of the wrong result.
The main reason for this failure is that they do not know how to deliver all the important "Leadership Talk Call-to-Action".
"Call" comes from the meaning of "old English" to shout. "Promoting action is a shout for action. "The tacit of the concept is urgency and strength. But most leaders make three mistakes about it, so it does not convey the action to the most effective call.
First, they make a mistake by mistaking Call-to-Action as an order. In the context of leadership stories, actions are not in order to ask. Leave the order leader order.
Second, I have to talk about the perception by the leader err. The best call to action is not the leader to give. It is the people to give. That is what people give to themselves. Trueness-The action is promoted by the personnel themselves.
The majority of the leaders I worked with are hampering their career for a simple reason: they are giving a talk of announcements and speech--not leadership.
By verifying the power of the leadership story you have a great opportunity to turbo charge your career. Before giving a talk of leadership, ask three basic questions. Do you know what people need? Can you bring a deep conviction to what you are saying? Can people get the right acquisition treatment?
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