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Art of questioner

Today, look at one of the nuances of the spin question model. It is the "forking road" dilemma: during sales calls, there are numerous implications for further implications, lead, some of them, uncovering some buyer issues one after another

It's tough. :
Sales results

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Today, look at one of the nuances of the spin question model. It is a "forking road" dilemma: during sales calls, uncovering a number of implications, several leads, one after another, some buyer issues, to further implications. How are you going? Use your limited time with the buyer to address all the implications (let's call this trail # 1), or just follow one of the implications as long as you take (route # 2)?
Let's say you're selling a vacuum cleaner, and the conversation with the customer is already dissatisfied with the vacuum carpet cleaning ability she has now the problem you want to explore is the current cleaning The machine is to keep the carpet dirty. The question on the situation and problem in the framework is first of all. Because of the dirty carpet: 1) her child can not play on the floor, 2) her house smells bad, and 3) the condition of her dog's skin does not improve. That is an example of the first pass.
The second pathway may follow such a pattern: Implications-The condition of her dog's skin is not improved. Implications Implications-She needs to take a dog to a vet. Implications Implications-Going to a veterinarian is expensive, time consuming and melancholy.
You can pursue this further: The cost of a veterinarian visit will, over time, be more than the cost of a new vacuum cleaner, and in the meanwhile, this will increase domestic tension and family May reduce the productivity and happiness of all members of the
We will guide you which way will work best for your sale. The acquisition of the questioner's art depends not only on the wise questions but also on the actual hearing of the answers. Follow the directions that lead customers to where they want to go.

Project management concept

Project management as science and art cancels projects that have failed projects, cost overruns, and employees' two-year lives. Needless to say, these scenarios cost money, time, and lost opportunities. As well as the overall morale of the workforce will have long-term effects.

It's tough. :
Project management, risk management, pmi, project management software

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Although there is no panacea to these inevitable consequences, it is important to look at the cornerstone defining effective and successful project management.

Ultimately, we will regulate what we need in the area of ​​project management. This discipline of thought goes far beyond the epidemic of managing a single tool, or catchy name. PMBOK's knowledge of project management is a good reference book, again, the idea of ​​sharpening project management.

Important Project Manager Consciousness Influencing This Business:

1. Solid understanding of discipline and vigilance re-education, science and project management, which is an important area of ​​knowledge and practice.
2. By choosing the right tools to improve project implementation and planning, rather than attacking the project with everything and the kitchen sink
3. Understand the dynamics of the team and serve as an adhesive to hold the members together.
4. You can incorporate old and new methodologies on the fly.
5. People, people, people! Effective with team members in relation to transcribing project changes, overall progress, and project-wide visions throughout the period

Overall skills needed to achieve project manager's mindset: being flexible, strong verbal / written communication, strategically thinking

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