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As human rights awareness has grown,

Torture business

As human rights awareness has grown, its definition has expanded and relied on torture and repression as new, often authoritarian politics-the proliferation of human rights defenders and non-governmental organizations

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May 16, 2003, European Human Rights Court agreed-after more than two years application submitted-hear six cases submitted by Chechens against Russia Plaintiffs tortured and indiscriminate killings of Russian army I have a complaint. The court has ruled against the Russian Federation in the past and has received thousands of assorted plaintiffs of euros per case of remuneration.

As human rights awareness has grown, its definition has expanded and relied on torture and repression as new, often authoritarian, politics-human rights defenders and non-governmental organizations proliferated Lawyers, consultants, psychologists, therapists, law Executives, scholars and experts are tirelessly victims, books, seminars, for court appearances and other services

Human rights activists are mainly targeted at national and multinational companies.

In January 2001, the International Labor Rights Fund filed a lawsuit on behalf of 11 American oil giants against villagers, Exxon Mobil, Aceh for "abbetting" abuse in Aceh, Indonesia. They are for the company to dig a large tomb Provided to the military and helped build the interrogation and torture center.

In 2002, Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld and Toll law offices joined other US and South African law firms to file complaints .. Forced labor, genocide, extra legislation Killing, torture, sexual assault, illegal detention.

Among the accused: "IBM and ICL provided computers that enabled South Africa ... Control the population of Black South Africa. Automakers provided armored vehicles used to patrol the town Weapons makers have violated embargos on sales to South Africa, as did oil companies: Banks have effectively funded South Africa to expand its police and security equipment. "

The charges were leveled against Unocal in dozens of Myanmar and other multinational companies. In January 2002, Berger & Montague filed the plasma display panel Royal Dutch Oil-Shell. Oil giants are purchased using ammunition and charged using .. helicopters and boats, and providing logistical support for "operations to restore Ogoniland's operations" shell environment unhealthy For oil exploration and extraction activities

The defendants in all these court cases strongly deny the wrongdoing.

But this is just one aspect of the torture business.

Torture instruments are mainly produced in the West and are openly sold frequently through the nasty administrations of the developing countries and the Internet. There are lots of high-tech equipment: sophisticated electrical stun guns, painful restraints, true serum, chemicals such as pepper gas. Export licenses are universally minimal, non-intrusive, completely ignoring the technical specifications of the goods (eg they are fatal or just hurt

Amnesty International and the UK-based Omega Foundation have found more than 150 manufacturers of Stungan in the United States alone. They are Germany (30 companies), Taiwan (19), France (14), Korea (13), China (12), South Africa (nine), Israel (eight), Mexico (six), Poland (four), Russia ( four), Brazil (three), Spain (three),

Many torture devices, Austria, Canada, Indonesia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Albania, Russia, Israel, Philippines, Romania, To, It helps EU based companies avoid legal bans at home You The US government has traditionally looked to the international trade of such gadgets.

American high-voltage electric shock stun shields are raised in stun guns in Turkey, Indonesia, subject to electric shock batons and shields, and tortured American companies are the dominant manufacturers of stun belts. "Electricity speaks all languages ​​known to people. No translation needed. Everyone is afraid of electricity, and of course." (Amnesty-International).

The Omega Foundation and Amnesty International claim that 49 US companies are also the leading suppliers of mechanical restraints, including leg irons and thumbs. But they are not alone. Other suppliers are in Germany (8), France (5), China (3), Taiwan (3), South Africa (2), Spain (2), UK (2) and Korea (1).

Not surprisingly, the Department of Commerce does not hold tabs in this category of exports.

Also, the money is sloshing to a negligible extent. The record was spent alone in Saudi Arabia under the Export Control Item No. A985 show that the United States alone spent more than $ 1 million in 1997-2000 simply stan gun. Venezuela's bill for Shock Baton and others reached $ 3.7 million in the same period. Other customers are Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mexico City and-Surprise-Bulgaria. Egypt's notorious brutal service-already well-equipped-spent just $ 40,000.

The United States is not the only culprit. According to the Amnesty International Report entitled "Stop the Torture Trade" published in 2001 by the European Commission:

"The Taiwan Electric Shock Baton gave a quality prize but when challenged, the independent safety test for such Baton, or a member of the European Union (EU) adjusted most EU countries at home Although banning the use of such weapons, French and German companies are still allowed to supply them to other countries "

The expertise of torture is widely offered by former soldiers, and security service agents make redundant, retired police officers and even illicit doctors China, Israel, South Africa, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States , Such useful knowledge and founts of its propaganda.

How rooted torture was revealed in May 1996 US Department of Defense "Intelligence Training Manual" written in Spanish for use in the US federally sponsored school, training thousands of Latin American security agents The manual used to "propose execution, torture, beating and depression",

Where there is demand, there is supply. Rather than ignoring the target of discomfiting, the government will work to legalize and oversee it. Alan Dershowitz, Prominent American Criminal Defense Attorney, Proposition, Los Angeles-In an Op article at The Times, published November 8, 2001, in extreme cases legalizing torture and questioning the judge This is the tradition of human rights in the civilized world It may be a fundamental departure from Although both of the licensing and consideration of the license for dispensing have not been fully fulfilled yet.

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