Astrology, medicine, astronomy
Astrology was the accepted science, and it was sometimes as part of a medical diagnosis as the patient's physical condition. It is hard to tell if we have been e-volved or de-volved, as we no longer think living in harmony with the cosmos. We are the movement of stars and planets of ours It was too scientific to think that it could have serious consequences for everyday life and our health
But we are correct. Anyone should say that a man with his limited brain can truly understand the work of the universe, or how he fits within it. Western civilization presupposes conquest, not understanding. But that was not always the case.
Astrology is one of the most important historical contexts in which astronomy evolved. Because the Babylonians were believed to show weather, war, hunger, illness, rulers, signs of the kingdom, they carefully assembled tablets in the position of Venus. Claudius Ptolemy Tetrabiblos, believe that astrology can be put on a reasonable foothold, even though it is an art of guessing art like medicine In fact, astrology convictions, horoscopes, new born children A public building was opened, meaning that it was cast for future spouses and political enemies, and numerous records of astrology practices could be found from Roman times, and the doctor was in the process of diagnosis As part of the regular consultation with astrology charts.
For example, all signs of the Zodiac were believed to dominate part of the human body. When the moon dominated a particular part of the body, bloodiness from that part was avoided as the attractiveness of the moon can cause excessive bleeding. Many medical manuscripts and calendars contain figures of the "Twelve Man" reminding of the specific effects of the moon. Furthermore, the force of the moon's pulling force changes with its phase, so the calendar usually shows the phase of the moon.
Astrology terms
Astrology may or may not be "science" depending on who you ask. However, one similarity that does not bear on science is a large collection of terms. Natal charts and horoscopes, "Your sign of the sun is Gemini." Or, where and where the individual was born, each planet, the sun, where the moon was placed at that moment, and each of those bodies How they relate to each other
The starting point of any astrological job is the sign of the sun. This is one of the zodiac signs of the Zodiac, and it is the constellation that the sun passed by when people were born.
Horoscope, as far as the public is concerned, is the small nuggets of advice printed in the newspaper as marks. But the complete astrology designed by astrologers is more than that. It is a complete map of the planets with respect to constellations and each other.
Once the planets are mapped, their sides can be measured. Sides are a measure of the angle formed by drawing a line between planets. The two most important aspects are the conjunction (which is a very small scale, less than ten degrees), and the opposite (a very large scale, nearly 180 degrees).
Although houses represent signs of the zodiac, they are also dedicated to certain aspects of a person's life. One house, for example, is dedicated to finance, another to another.
Each planet orbits the sun at different speeds. Mercury, right by the sun, races around it in a few weeks, while Pluto's Pluto along an orbit that takes centuries, sometimes the Earth passes the planet and it looks like it "moves backwards" You "Consider taking a fast train while passing a slowly moving train-backed up even though the late train is moving forward, this optical illusion is called retrograde, and backward These periods of movement are displayed with horoscopes and actions.
Astrology was the accepted science, and it was sometimes as part of a medical diagnosis as the patient's physical condition. It is hard to tell if we have been e-volved or de-volved, as we no longer think living in harmony with the cosmos. We are the movement of stars and planets of ours It was too scientific to think that it could have serious consequences for everyday life and our health
But we are correct. Anyone should say that a man with his limited brain can truly understand the work of the universe, or how he fits within it. Western civilization presupposes conquest, not understanding. But that was not always the case.
Astrology is one of the most important historical contexts in which astronomy evolved. Because the Babylonians were believed to show weather, war, hunger, illness, rulers, signs of the kingdom, they carefully assembled tablets in the position of Venus. Claudius Ptolemy Tetrabiblos, believe that astrology can be put on a reasonable foothold, even though it is an art of guessing art like medicine In fact, astrology convictions, horoscopes, new born children A public building was opened, meaning that it was cast for future spouses and political enemies, and numerous records of astrology practices could be found from Roman times, and the doctor was in the process of diagnosis As part of the regular consultation with astrology charts.
For example, all signs of the Zodiac were believed to dominate part of the human body. When the moon dominated a particular part of the body, bloodiness from that part was avoided as the attractiveness of the moon can cause excessive bleeding. Many medical manuscripts and calendars contain figures of the "Twelve Man" reminding of the specific effects of the moon. Furthermore, the force of the moon's pulling force changes with its phase, so the calendar usually shows the phase of the moon.
Astrology terms
Astrology may or may not be "science" depending on who you ask. However, one similarity that does not bear on science is a large collection of terms. Natal charts and horoscopes, "Your sign of the sun is Gemini." Or, where and where the individual was born, each planet, the sun, where the moon was placed at that moment, and each of those bodies How they relate to each other
The starting point of any astrological job is the sign of the sun. This is one of the zodiac signs of the Zodiac, and it is the constellation that the sun passed by when people were born.
Horoscope, as far as the public is concerned, is the small nuggets of advice printed in the newspaper as marks. But the complete astrology designed by astrologers is more than that. It is a complete map of the planets with respect to constellations and each other.
Once the planets are mapped, their sides can be measured. Sides are a measure of the angle formed by drawing a line between planets. The two most important aspects are the conjunction (which is a very small scale, less than ten degrees), and the opposite (a very large scale, nearly 180 degrees).
Although houses represent signs of the zodiac, they are also dedicated to certain aspects of a person's life. One house, for example, is dedicated to finance, another to another.
Each planet orbits the sun at different speeds. Mercury, right by the sun, races around it in a few weeks, while Pluto's Pluto along an orbit that takes centuries, sometimes the Earth passes the planet and it looks like it "moves backwards" You "Consider taking a fast train while passing a slowly moving train-backed up even though the late train is moving forward, this optical illusion is called retrograde, and backward These periods of movement are displayed with horoscopes and actions.
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