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At a secret meeting Iraqi rebel groups acknowledge that they can fight the wrong enemy

During the secret talks with Iraqi president Jalal Talabani, the armed groups acknowledged that they might have fought against the wrong enemy. President Talibani heard the admission, tapped the forehead strongly, collapsed backwards and lost consciousness for about three days. When resuscitated, he kept talking. The days of when knuckle heads sufficiently realize their warfare errors may come soon.

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 Humor, comedy, satire, news, laughter, laugh, joke, laugh, joke, parody, spoofing, skit, skit

Article body:
The Iraqi insurgent group admitted in a secret talk with the witness to appease President Jalal Talabani that they may be fighting the wrong enemy. President Talibani heard the admission, tapped the forehead strongly, collapsed backwards and lost consciousness for about three days.

When resuscitated, he kept talking. Obviously Sunni Muslim armed groups have made their best efforts to kill American forces and coalition forces may not be real enemies They also have tens of their fellows every day It seems that he is disillusioned with the practice of blowing it out.

As it is that the Allies actually released their country from murderous tyranny and soon they can get their actions together and run their own country

It seems to be behind the change in their emotions, not only long-standing petition dissatisfaction with their members in this country, but also, as they dangerously endure their traditional enemies, Because most of the rival Sunni "Mosque - ovites", this recognition is particularly angry with rebels. "

Their infuriatingly slow realization of the error of their method, many families losing loved ones during their misguided rampage, as well as the coalition government, the irony from Iraq

But at the least they talk about their desire to repair the way of detonation is the desire for families whose sons and daughters remain in Iraq

As the day will soon realize their warfare errors of adequate knuckle heads, we and eventually we get a lot of our underestimated armies from there

Iraq opens the scope of suicide bombing.

In an effort to reduce the loss of life and limbs by suicide bombers, the Iraqi government opened a range of suicide bombings. The government's intention has been decided to carry out such an explosive end to carry out an insane plan in a way that is welcomed twice as a blessing

As the government insists that it will be blessed, one, bombers will do their hope of putting themselves on the highway into the paradise of their dreams, two, he

As Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki stated, "We have established a way for suicide bombing to achieve their best goal in a much more compassionate way"

Small tits. :
Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laughter, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, skit, skit

Article body:
In an effort to reduce the loss of life and limbs by suicide bombers, the Iraqi government opened a range of suicide bombings. The government's intention has been decided to carry out such an explosive end to carry out an insane plan in a way that is welcomed twice as a blessing

As the government insists that it will be blessed, one, bombers will do their hope of putting themselves on the highway into the paradise of their dreams, two, he

As Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki stated, "We have established a way for suicide bombing to achieve their best goal in a much more compassionate way"

A suicide bomber who arrived to take advantage of the new opportunity said, "I think the government did a wonderful thing. Just think now! I will blow up myself, I will so much that I need my I can not express the strength is long to do, but now the end will be the same for me, but I do not need to kill anyone else to reach the paradise.

The government also advertised the scope as an ideal opportunity for suicide bombers, while providing themselves with some insurance against their misery, he

Suicide bomber killer said, "I like to have an insurance contract against possible Allah 's disapproval, even if one person blows myself or another person by chance, at least he will blow himself away It is only punished, it removes many concerns.

Prime Minister Al - Maliki said, "In order to achieve the settlement, we must not only stop the killing of Iraqis but also consider the killing of Iraqis."

Another suicide bomber who decided to take advantage of the new opportunity said, "I think this approach is wonderful, I get to blow up myself, this is what I have been doing so long, and , I immediately go to paradise as my timer reaches zero At the same time I will not bother anyone else with my explosion It really makes little sense; the end is It is the same for me and just as I need to kill anyone to head for the bliss of the sky "He seemed to say something else but unfortunately he The timer reached zero.

President Bush thinks that the private explosion range for suicide bombings is a real breakthrough in the peace process, "I told reporters, I told reporters that all self-proclaimed bombers utilized this compassionate opportunity In fact, I will encourage all the countries that are experiencing the tragedy given by suicide immediately to establish a range of their own suicide bombers' terror.

Donald Rumsfeld said, "Oh, I think the scope of suicide bombers is a wonderful solution to one of the most troublesome and awkward issues facing in Iraq. I will cooperate fully with General Casey, need I instructed to provide assistance in terms of dynamite and timer according to the situation.I just wish that sufficient practice to catch the SB from the street will not catch it and I will see a building that became ruined People blow.

Although the range of bombers is indeed a disappointing development in terms of a more promising sensibility of civilization, it is at least a miserable atrocity in that context, non-excessive irrational behavior

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