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Avoid these ad fails are all costs!

People are trying to make foolish insults up to their advertising taking a number of approaches. The choice of these people is various reasons for the approach. While others were acting on erroneous information, some were ignorant about advertising and marketing - usually like this "cliché of cliches such as sex sales"

Small tits. :

Article body:
People are trying to make foolish insults up to their advertising taking a number of approaches. The choice of these people is various reasons for the approach. While others were acting on erroneous information, some were ignorant about advertising and marketing - usually if you are in doubt of such a "cliché of clothes such as sale of sale, If the business is not in Nevada, you can guarantee that sex will not be sold. If you want to handle your own ad, here are some things to avoid:

Pictures that have nothing to do with your products or services - If your company is a carpet cleaning business, there is a reason to have a baby 's photo thank you "What are you cute baby doing I am thinking that I want to have this company's clean carpet. "The same goes for pictures of sexy people (male or female) with provocative poses or small clothes.

A crappy headline - I actually said "If you buy something from us you said that you might be able to make larger ads" Advertisement with headlines "Yes, this is probably someone's attention Will you collect, do you want to be remembered as a company with financial problems?

Difficult to read fonts - Most people do not spend decrypting your advertisements as they are written on a brush manuscript, in that case the most convincing copy will be used for the Expedia Cancel font you want to use Copy it to the headline or the main body. The artistic font of preservation is natural accent.

Avoid ambiguity

We need to hear a lot of marketing messages every day with a lot of marketing messages ... on the internet, on the internet, in magazines and newspapers, on bulletin boards and other signs, and at the bottom and les, marketing Be clear & concise. To succeed in business, our message needs to clearly target a specific audience and explain the function and benefits of our products or services

Small tits. :
Marketing, business, customer, advertisement, sales, PR, sales management

Article body:
We have lots of marketing messages everyday ... With television and radio, magazine magazines and newspapers, bulletin boards and other signs, at the bottom and at the bottom of the receipt world are certainly a very noisy place. It is necessary to listen to, but the explanation on marketing must be concise.
A vague message is a potential customer or client to a story that is easy to understand, as one can. In order to succeed in business, we need to explain the functions and benefits of our products or services clearly targeting specific audience, we want to have further conversations with us I have enough interest to think. Then there is an entrée for us to begin developing relationships with them, the first step in the sales process.
Confirm that you can do Can you complete the message?
1. Define your target market. One of the best ways to create a clear output is to start with a clear input. For your business when you come to anything, you need to be very clear on your target market. Who wants to reach your sales? Please define as clearly as possible. Are they male or female? What is age, occupation, and lifestyle? Why do they want to do business with you? The job of the person who wishes to clearly obey by is a marketing message for a refinement to clarify more.

2. Narrow market, we will deliver widely. According to your marketing message, the whole opportunity is more customer or customer. In reality, if you place yourself as an expert rather than a generalist more people will be fascinated by you. People relate experts and altitude of expertise, and over possibilities, that you charge a premium price to reflect the position of this marketing If you get their attention, You can sell things (widely distributed).

3. I am talking about myself, not a customer. I want you to tell your marketing message about your prospects and specific needs. What problems can be solved for customers? Make a list of top 10 issues you settle for others. These should be the material and focus of every conversation you have. I want to avoid it. People are interested in what you can do for them - sometimes even more than the details of the products and services you provide. Your need for prospects and your solution will be your marketing

4. Explain the benefits. Not only must you explain the benefits of your products and services, but you need to be able to explain the advantages of working with you. Features are defined as characteristics of product use or design. The advantage is, on the one hand, how features add value to the prospect's life. Carefully define your features and benefits. At the same time, what are the advantages of working with you? Is it available 24 hours? Do you e-mail and return the phone promptly? Do you offer free introductory counseling? Provide additional value to your customers - extra reports on future purchases, information or discount? People buy features, not advantages. What is included for them? Let them know!

5. It is a product or service. There are many things to know when it comes to your products and services. More clearly you are in explaining those features and benefits, your chance of closing higher sales. Make sure that you can concatenate the clearly addressed features, benefits and specific customer needs for each product or service you offer. Words of the language in which the prospects can be clearly understood This information - it relates to who is as the target market. By drafting a brief one-page overview of these details, you can clearly get to the most important ones.

6. Keep it simple. The best message is what is simply said. People understand easily. The more complicated the explanation, the higher the risk that you "lose them on the way". "Also outline of the reference page Features and benefits of products and services such as client needs etc. Provide easy-to-understand information Do not give more information until customers ask for information Always the outlook leads the conversation Do it.

7. Use the tag line. A tagline is a slogan or phrase that conveys something about something features or advantages you provide. For example, the catchphrase of Chase Manhattan bank is "all right relationships". This slogan clearly conveys that one of the characteristics of working with them is relationship. Another example of a catchphrase is Alicia Smith: Disk Ninja. Disk Ninja means technology, precision, and performance. Write in what kind of brand message.

8. Please consult the R & D team. Created - target marketing released by friends, family, colleagues by running. Creating your own R & D team is a great way to experiment or experiment with your idea of ​​a low risk environment. At the moment we received feedback and are current customers. How about a nice one? You can get feedback on opportunities to pass, do not try simulation marketing messages.

9. Provide clear, clean information. It goes without saying that you should provide clear and easy-to-understand information. We are preparing business cards from this application. Represents all e-mail signatures including complete contact information including tin. The FAQ that you provide concerns frequently asked questions pamphlets, websites or other marketing materials. Make sure people make it as easy as possible to contact you and do business with you. If they need to find ways to contact you, they may find someone else well very well. Time - It will be a website or e-mail address such as business, business, cell, fax number etc on closed days. I will explain how to return or refund items. Clear and concise is the name of the game.

10. Understand the customer. Perspectives and even your current customers are focusing on one thing and only one. In most cases, they are not really interested in you or your product or service. They are interested in profit. How can you do that pain? How can you solve their problem? Keeping this in mind, this will concentrate and help create a marketing message that really hits the mark.

Copyright 2004 Alicia * by Smith

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