Inside skeletal muscle there are several powerful elements, including ligaments and tendons. Ligaments alone are muscle bands of thread-like threads that produce collagen threads of muscle fibers. The fibers and threads of the ligaments are connected to bones that attach to muscles. Collagen is a binding protein found in collagen, muscle fibers, skin, tendons, bones, cartilage, connective tissue, etc that stop the flow of semi-solid proteins which rest under cartilage and bone (gelatin)
The ligaments connect with bones and joints, in which areas the fibers and bands of the thread-like element surround the joints. We gain power from this action. Working with ligaments is a tough band that connects the bones and the connecting muscles. Inelastic bands and / or cords of tough fibers that bind to connective tissue and adhere to bones and muscles are known as tendons. The tendon may suffer from tears and may also scare the muscles. Tendon provides us strength, strength, elasticity, etc.
Join the tendon binding protein, or collagen. The inelastic code makes up the fiber protein. Tendons include joints and cartilage supplied by tendons and ligaments. The ligaments form a connection by connecting to the joints. The joint connector of the joint spread in the bone. Within the relationship, we get our ability to move, as well as our range of movements. (ROM) ROM is a joint level that is capable of moving if the range of movement is limited; it causes swelling, inflammation and pain. Back pain that emerges from limited ROM can affect the joints and membranes known as synovium. This membrane is the joint liner and supplies the antibody. Antibodies are produced to avoid transmission. Proteins are produced via B cells and act via responses from the body of the antigen. In short, when bacteria or viruses are present, antibodies invade and reduce potential risks. Now, if the antibody is not kicked, it can lead to synovial failure. We have a fluid that is affecting cartilage that we have not created right now. Because the fluid is not responding, as it is needed, our bodies begin to avoid the need to drive off the infection.
An antigen is a fluid that stimulates the production of antibodies. There is a problem coming out of ROM etc, so it can be seen that it moves to affect the cartilage. The problem is an arthritic condition that can cause pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and lower back as well as causing this item. Symptoms of arthritis also cause back pain. As the range of motion is disrupted, the smooth plane of the cartilage begins to deteriorate. Cartilage limits the range of motion when exacerbation sets up. Deterioration also causes the cartilage to resist when trying to function as a weight bearing joint. Cartilage is also a sturdy elastic tissue that forms skeletal muscle and bone during the growth cycle. Disruption of the cartilage can cause the sac to break. Bursa is once again a liquid-filled sac. Bursa fluid helps joints, bone, cartilage, synovium, etc, by reducing friction and minimizing risks. Bursa disorders cause swelling and inflammation.
When you have a Bursa condition, pain may sometimes begin on the lower back and continue to other areas. Symptoms such as pain, fatigue, numbness, limited mobility, joint stiffness, fever, and swelling often come out of Bursa's condition.
In the worst case, muscle spasms, poor posture, skeletal deformities, edema, and inflammation may occur.
When the spinal canal, column, etc. are interrupted, there is an additional condition that extends the back pain to the fracture.
Contour of the spine defining back pain
Contour of the spine:
I believe that by outlining the spine, you can not only see the elements that make up our people, but also give us the ability to perform daily. The upper spine contains two vertebrae and is separated by the cervical spine. Between the connecting vertebrae is the nerve root associated with the disc. Down to the center back is the thoracic spine, below which is the spine body. Combining these elements below is neuroformen, the two spines are slightly higher than the disc that separates. There is a nerve root under the disc and the lumbar spine on the other side. Below the nerve roots there is a facet joint, almost adjacent to the pelvis. Beneath the joint is the sacrum, which is adjacent to the sacral joint. The coccyx is located at the bottom of the second vertebra and completes the spine.
Contouring the spine helps to understand how the back is structured and to look at areas that can lead to back pain.
When you look at the outline, you will find that the spine moves, bends, tilts, and twists, helping to make sure that each movement can cause back injuries.
In the structure of the spine, we have separate bones. The total count "34," these bones connect with the spine unit, spine joint, spine body, disc, spine unit and spine joint in the lower section
In the coccyx alone, the bones of the fuse are about five or less. The bone is at the root of the spine. Hughes bone is the coccyx of the basic language, and the limbs do not trim the spine, thus disabling us. Rather, the spine is the mechanism of our balance. I will fall if I lose my care
The coccyx is at risk because it can break down and lead to coccygealgia. Coccygodynia is a back condition that causes serious pain.
How is the coccyx broken?
The coccyx can be broken when a car accident occurs. In addition, the effects of trauma can destroy the coccyx and may fall backward.
Do I know how I have tail pain?
Pains in the back often occur, but sometimes the pain is sharp. This clearly indicates the potential damage to the coccyx. If you have a model of difficulty, you may also have coccygodynia. If you have difficulty sitting, you will probably feel pressure on the right. Sometimes defecation is also difficult.
What should I do if these symptoms occur?
Consult a doctor to test you, using x-rays. But if x-rays are negative, only your tailbone may be damaged.
Additional fused bones make up another five bones and step up the spine. The sacrum fills in this area, which is also bone. The sacrum is a triangle-like bone on the lower back and joins with the hipbone on both sides forming the pelvis. The sacrum connects to the sole area of the dorsal limb of the lower area. In the area outside the pelvis, the iliacs are stationary. The larger bones connect to the joint known as sacroiliac. The joints are part of the hip bone and are the joints between the sacrum and the ilium.
The joints in this area are shaped like horseshoes and fill the side of the pelvis sandwiched between the pelvis and the sacrum. Why are we discussing this area because we don't really configure the spine? This is because this area is a single common part of the connection to the spine, and asymmetry and deformation initiate back pain.
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