Barack-Obama was born August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His childhood is marked by extreme conflict and struggle. The son of a white mother from Wichita, Kansas and Nyanza, a Kenyan father from Kenya, his parents divorced when he was just 2 years old. His father later died in a car accident when he was 21 years old, while his mother remarried, moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1967 and attended a public school. Then he returned to the school of Punahou, Hawaii until he graduated in 1979. He has repeatedly expressed his difficulties in dealing with the development of his multicultural, multinational, and broken homes. His mother formulated his feeling of social isolation and was also after dying of cancer in 1995.
He majored in political science, specialized in international relations, and received a bachelor's degree in 1983. As a result, he is a regional organizer who works as Chicago. , Was established Harvard University in 1988. He graduated from honors Magna with a doctoral degree in law in 1991.
He directed the voter registration drive from 1993 to 1996, and joined the law firm he took in the case including a community organizer, claims of discrimination and the right to vote in 1996 he lectured on the constitution of the University of Chicago law department Beginning, he was also elected to the Illinois Senate that same year, representing the 13th District of Southern Chicago. He was to be re-elected in this position in 1998 and 2002.
Barack-Obama's work in the State Senate was diverse and active. He drafted or sponsored a law on ethics and health care reform, a law to strengthen tax credits for low-income workers, welfare reform, and an increase in subsidies for childcare and he also had videotaping of murder interrogations Introduced a law to oblige, and a law to monitor racial profiling by the police. He also gained support from the Illinois Brothers Police Order, as it would be very helpful in collaborating with the police on death penalty reform.
He eventually dropped out of the state Senate seeking an election to the United States Senate in 2003. He is famous for his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, where he shared the background of his family, and the role of government in citizen's life This speech has earned him a new fame , He was able to give early impressions to many voters. From this speech he started his bid for the US Senate.
He won the US Senator's position from Illinois by landslide voting, which was the largest election victory in Illinois history. In the Senate, he sponsored another resolution, 427, and the bill introduced in 2005 and 2006 before the 109th parliament, and he sponsored another 427. Much of this involved immigration policy and reform, including the Safe Fence Act and the Safe American and Orderly Immigration Act. Two more initiatives he introduced regulate military weapons. It was the one that lists all organizations that receive federal funds, and off of the administrative budget. He also enacted the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act.
Barack-Obama has announced his candidacy for the US president, as of the month of 2007. He is based on many of his platforms: the duty to Americans as civil servants and the unification of government cooperation across party lines. As a young candidate, he stands for net neutrality, and at least he has shown a remarkable interest in technology issues by having the right to democratically access all the users to the Internet. We met with companies like Google to discuss possible policies. He also has plans for early childhood education, math and science education.
Barack-Obama is a revolutionary candidate in many ways. He is a rapid departure from the so-called "good old boy" network of white oil billionaires and associates. He takes a moderate to hard left self-reformist position, proposing that he can unify the two parties of the government to work together, and this is his way It is meant to try to please everyone by walking the line in the middle rather than pulling the right wing to the side. It is also counted on Barack * Obama to connect well with young voters and "Generation Y".
Barack-Obama-Political Profile
Nobody Barack-Obama can not deny that the fresh wind is blowing. In countries where all presidents were white Europeans, he is a candidate for mixed race. He is young when most presidents tend to be on the old side recently. He has the advantage of foreign experience, the cultural and location patchwork behind him. He can mix anywhere, identify with anyone, and connect with both sides across almost every gutter. So what kind of president is he going to make?
After being sworn in to the office as Illinois Senator in 2005, his first move was to recruit Petrauz as his chief of staff. This was a welcome move as a smart move, as Rouse was the former chief of staff to Senator Democratic leader Tom Daschel. He has so far sit in the Foreign Relations Commission, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Commission, the Homeland Security and Administrative Commission, the Veterans Commission, as well as a black stem of parliament
He is very live wire in his position, sponsored by the bill and resolutions brought before the 152 parliaments, and cosponsored another 427. He stands at the forefront of issues with border security and immigration reform It has come. He introduced "Secure America and Orderly Migration Act" introduced by Senator John McCain indicating that he can work across party lines. He is also a Republican Senator Richard-Ruger and Tom-Coburn And, with the two bills bearing his name today.
As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he made official trips to Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan. He is very good at diplomacy. After meeting with US forces in Kuwait and Iraq in 2006, I visited Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. He works to encourage peace in the Middle East. He also made special tours of South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Chad and made speeches condemning ethnic conflict and corruption in Kenya.
He also condemned situations where government officials particularly felt lobbyists' favor, and took some bold steps for electoral fund reform. At these times of serious concern for the increasing control that large corporations and monopolies are in our government, voters respond well to this message. He will then work with other Democratic Senators to tighten regulations on what government officials can do with taxpayer dollars and to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections
He also advocates for some environmental and energy causes, and again passes a climate change bill to reduce greenhouse gases to Senator John-McCain, liquefied coal he has also introduced a bill, " The Iraqi War De-escalation Act, "This is proposing to the Iraqi cap force level, open a gradual redeployment This is what he can point to, say," see, all candidates Promises an end to the war in Iraq, I actually did something about it "He also shows that he still maintains national security in mind, prevent nuclear terrorism Has introduced a law to
Obama is the most sequentially pro-Internet on that layer. Now that the government appears to be stuck in the Stone Age when it comes to technology, the United States has moved forward. Moderately delusional "hacker" user's definition of the word clearly understood that the complete management is exclusive Behimos Microsoft does not have sense, meaningless or predict software patents to predict destruction-rubber even if not stamped read The United States Senate Ted Stevens is dismissed as ignorant tables, etc., and the Internet also has a "series of tubes", although voters may have made it a very good reason for technical experts and avid Internet users to be a member. I'm in a foreign country. It is no exaggeration to say that trying to make government officials understand computers is like trying to explain rocket science to cavemen.
Left on stage, Obama! He has promised to appoint a chief technology officer to oversee US government management of IT resources, met with Google executives, "commitment to the law of net neutrality", and the importance of American science education In order to cope with the situation, he advocates a plan for investment in early childhood education, math and science education, and summer learning opportunities
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