For many years I have been able to maintain as a performer in my work. I have work for more than 5 years and I worked at several companies before. Every time I come to the annual performance review, I can maintain between above average results and excellent results. You will always appear when you admit you look for the right way of thinking, getting the job right.
It's tough. :
Career, Work, Performer
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For many years I have been able to maintain as a performer in my work. I have work for more than 5 years and I worked at several companies before. Every time I come to the annual performance review, I can maintain between above average results and excellent results. Here are some of the attitudes and attitudes I have adopted at work:
1. Do more than expected. It is one work to solve not only problem 1 problem that will come to you. Solve one or more tasks. Many people do not want to do more. They thought that if they did much, they would lose. This is not a correct idea. Only by learning. Creation of added value than doing. And the boss likes subordinates hoping to do more.
2. The second task is to transfer not only completed tasks but also waiting bosses. Go and ask for more, be proactive. Your boss will be moved.
3. Act and think that the company is owned by you. If you are the owner of your company, I will make sure that you are 100% committed when doing your work. You will do your best for your own company.
4. Learn like your job. Like what you are doing. If you really can't like your job, change it to the job you like.
5. Willing to share your knowledge with others. Many people are not willing to share what they know as they want to keep their knowledge to themselves. They don't want other people to know it so they can be more valuable to the company. Certainly this is not true. If you keep maintaining the same knowledge to yourself, you will not go far. One of the key criteria to advance to a larger role is that you need to know how to coach your men. If you do not share what you know, you will not be given greater responsibility. You are willing to share your knowledge, and if enough, people know and respect as professionals.
6. Don't challenge your boss. I am not asking you to be a man of Jesus. You can think of something like this to your boss who will need to present. But you also have to be an expert who does not agree with your boss. You still have to follow that order, even if you do not agree with them.
7. Teamwork is important. Work as a team on the other side of the well to be good.
8. Try to be a professional in your industry. Read and learn more about the industry.
You will always appear when you admit you look for the right way of thinking, getting the job right.
Big internet speaker
An introduction to the skills for a successful public presentation, socially or as a way of living. Importance of presenting age of internet marketing. The company gave a public greeting from the company based on the challenge. The importance of speaking well in webinars and conference calls.
It's tough. :
Internet marketing, speech, presentation, web page, home based business, network marketing, internet presenter, business speaker,
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Anyone who is involved in Internet marketing is an important technology for speeches and presentations, and it is not. The web pages that are gaining attention use audio and video streaming. In webinars and conference calls, presentation technology may choose a critical home based business because it prefers to work alone: most people persuade themselves of their needs in a variety of uses. I will. As you know, these forecasts are self-sufficient.
Make your presentations memorable, fulfill your purpose, and meet the needs of your chosen audience. We will respond with the simple technology presented by our approach business to the challenge radical. Give your style a speech and enjoy it more, so your public. Get the visionary presentation of the network company involved in acquiring the speech presentation venue according to your needs. Also, all things are found and left in the presentation and memories, and they are clearly inspiring and interesting, when there is a good reason. Other people can at best use it as a cure for insomnia, or the audience can repurpose their time waste. The best presenters deliver a clear message with conviction, and strive to engage the audience with impressive results. If there is no message in the story, or if the speaker obviously does not have faith in it, the amount of technical expertise will not be useful.
As over-detailed activity to listeners due to overloading, in some cases, I think that there will be many people exchanging information purely for dialogue. They are for building reliability, respect, comprehension, trust or relationship, but are unsuitable for pure information download. Of course not to exchange information, but expect the average speaker hope. Use visual aids if they serve their purpose, not as a hiding place. They should support messages in a way that best meets the needs of the audience. It's a waste of everyone's time, so don't read verbatim from the notes or just repeat the bullets on your slides. If you have nothing to add, there is no need to be there!
Thorough preparation
"It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good improvisation."
Mark * Twain (1835-1910)
'It is very easy to speak in public' Dan Quayle, Vice President of the United States to George Bush 1989-1993
Always know what you want from the presentation. For the business of people who may have a chance to cooperate, we will sell. Ask the right questions from the beginning to clarify the purpose and proper style. First, why are you talking? Who is your audience and what do you want them to do as a result of listening to your story? How can you influence the outcome? If you do not know why you are there, it is pointless to talk. Are you sure that your message is clear when and what key ideas are you phrased? How can I leave an impression of a cheering message.
Prepare the outline of your speech now: As with any good storytelling you need a beginning, middle and end.
· And this announcement
· What your presentation is about and why it is given
· Why is it interesting to them
· How long does it take
· If you can not ask questions
* Whether there is a handout
· Announce your desired achievement
· Essential facts related to the group you are presenting to. What is the key you want the audience to understand?
* What logical sequence do you follow?
· "Convenient to know" points will be added if time permits
the end
· Bring together and summarize the points of your discussion
* Thank the audience and ask questions
Emotional state
It is common to feel your emotional state prepared and courtesy to your audience stage fear is less obvious to the audience to the speaker. Experience new speakers and overcome their emotional state of control. It does not matter how good the emotional state is. Always arrive early for a presentation and while relaxing for a few minutes, mentally rehears what you want it to go. The difference between enjoying your presentation and fearing it is the way you use nervous reactions. By taking control and using adrenaline rush you can do things well and achieve what you have aimed at in your presentation
You can improve the physical state, the state of mind. Keep your voice well-oiled, not with tea / coffee / alcohol-these dry your vocal cords completely. Drink water and, if necessary, have a cup with you (placed safely away) during your presentation.
Be aware of how you breathe. When you breathe, aim to feel as low as possible in your body without raising your shoulders. Take a relaxed, deep breath before you start talking. I still want to experience a calm match.
If you don't want, don't talk at all.
Good attitude is very important if you want to maximize your voice. Remember to stand straight.
Warm your voice! Biting an imaginary Toffee! Softly hum up and down! Properly warmed voices make for a lively sound. Warm up on the massage side or loosen the muscles
Gently bite into the presentation after the dry mouth is the tongue of the end. This will release saliva again to your mouth
Stretch, tension and relax your whole body. Shake your finger and wrist and roll the left and right shoulders individually and together.
Presentation ability
The words of presentation skills come into play. It is not a good idea to give a 'canned' presentation. It's a rehearsal More than practice, it's the material or energy's personality to the next place. I want some results. Secure your presentation too hard and it becomes an end rather than a meaning to its end.
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