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Beekeeping science and technology

Modern science has allowed us to cultivate food that works much better than sugar and is readily available, but the problem is that production factors are unfortunately during the cold months of the honeybees Not so active, it becomes rich in pollen to feed bees, and the flowers bloom formally until late May to late May produce science in several ways how they sense weather changes Is a mystery for bees because it resembles a human being, environment and they

There is a 9 month gestation period and that is how many children's choices they have is that by 2-3 weather temperatures egg production.

If she is mated, the average queen turns on 2000 eggs a day during spring run and basically basically lives for another two years, then the new queen takes over the colony Basically the queen bee It has a monumental task of maintaining a fresh population, and since different species of bees live identically to each other, all colonies are the same, although humans are immediately there, but not when the seasons or weather changes. There are different ways of mating when you feel it.

The queens are identified by their buzzing sounds that are clear to the sound that the drone and worker bee make when communicating with each other. The queen's topic is more shrill and she is always surrounded by drones and workers who give life to defend the queen and the president's security is compromised

It is how close a bee colony is, and it is a mystery that many apiculturers try to learn and match human nature and their interaction with each other. Bees are like one huge family, as the majority of the hive is female, but only one carries on the next oviposition of the offspring to carry on the colony lineage This is the bees and people Science for the keeper to keep their homes to protect and bring interesting creatures to misunderstand many things that are overtly misunderstood Good enough for offspring to reproduce, except for people like bees Please stop 2-3 years.
Queen bee

Survival of colonies of bees living in the bee hive depends on the queen bee. Without the queen bee, the hive will eventually die. Hive Queen is the only female bee in the hive who is developing the reproductive organs completely. The queen is not in control of the hive. The purpose of her soul is to lay eggs that develop into bees that fill other roles in the hive.

The queen bee is determined when the bee is still in the larval stage. The reserved larval as the potential queen is given to the extra royal jelly. Royal jelly is a secretion stored by workers in the head. The larvae felt by the hive are also retained by the queen's cells as potential queens. Because the queen cells are different from the cells used in the rest of the hive, they are larger and designed instead of vertical, so the queen

The potential queen larvae must be determined within four days of the time the larvae are being laid.

She insults through the cap when it is time for the queen to leave her cell phone. When she bites, she emits a noise that is believed to warn other hatchling queens of her arrival. Music lovers recognize the sound as a G-sharp. After the first queen bee hatches, the rest of the queen cells have slits where the young queen bites, effectively killing developing larvae in the cells Beekeepers destroyed larvae, virgins Call the Queen of The working bee has some youth to have a backup queen available if the first queen has not found companions or does not survive her nuptial flight

She leaves the hive when the new queen is of sufficient age to fly. While she is away from the hive, she must find some drone bees from another hive. It is important that the queen mate with at least twelve drones during this marriage flight. The sperm she collects during this flight will be the sperm she uses for the rest of her life. If the queen can not make a wedding flight, the survival of the remaining hive is at risk. Parts are added to prevent multiple Virgin Queens to be used by many people busy.

Most hive allow the old queen to continue laying eggs, but she leaves the hive when the remaining hive is in a flock.

The drone honeybees die if they mate with the queen.

It is usually easy to see which bee is the queen bee when she is surrounded by other bees. She is quite long and has an abdomen that is a companion to her fellow hive. In order to identify the queen faster, many beekeepers mark their queen with a small bit of paint.
The average lifespan of the queen bee is two to three years.

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