Marketing at your fingertips-the essence of catalog printing.
It's tough. :
Catalog printing
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Marketing at your fingertips-the essence of catalog printing.
You do not have to present the catalog and the exact product or your company shows marketing services. All it takes is a state-of-the-art catalog.
When designing a catalog, you need to be clear about the areas to focus on to consider. The first of these areas is the product or service. Some parts of the catalog that are not included in the need for some products are extremely important. So choosing which should be included is a meticulous task to do.
Another area of consideration is the classification of products or services. It is recommended to separate them from the rest, so while grouping the products that need to be given extra weight, these products should be grouped as one for a month or a new release of the company It may be a function for The same thing needs to be considered "and marketing services. Classification is the key to organized catalogs.
Next to the category is an explanation. The latter must be accurate or clear. First, give the name of the product or service followed by the features or a brief description. The range of words is 30-60 characters / product-service.
The overall appearance is the main consideration, as it is the heart of all the catalogs. Furthermore, good taste in the choice of photos, colors and words is essential.
There are various processes available for catalog printing. The first is a web press, which is a type of offset printing. It is used in place of roll paper for this printing process.
The web press is divided into two types: heat set and cold set. The first type is the standard method commonly used in print magazine types. The method is controlled by a heating unit which dries the ink spreading on the paper. This method has the capacity to print at high speed. On the other hand, the cold set system does not have a heating unit. Thus, the ink is naturally dried by air. This method can only be used on uncoated surfaces.
Another method is a sheet feed press. This method is most often used in catalog printing methods because it allows flexible printing on wider media.
Pull out the best in catalog printing. Know the details.
Secret of the best successful differentiation
I will not be imitated by your competitors even though it brings to you an unmistakable success with your consumers
It's tough. :
Strategy, Management, Differentiation, Competitiveness
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The ingredients are not imitating competitors, but also what they bring out consume significant success. Is it impossible? It's not. I am about to reveal you a surprisingly simple and wonderful secret of successful differentiation: Think beyond the core benefits of your product category Think: Off-core differentiation.
The "core benefits" are the benefits that consumers expect to receive from products like yours. This is a list of what is important to consumers in your product or service sector. "Advantage in the core" is more than product convenience needed. The advantage in the core of today's mobile phones is in motion The possibility of conducting conversations is much more than inclusive. Consumers are included in all the core benefits that they already expect from the product. These constitute the essence of the product and without them in the market It is impossible to compete, so it is an advantage offered by all competitors.
It is precisely by investing your effort really and by truly improving the benefits of the major breakthrough core-what happens you imitate you as fast as possible. That is what happens. Must understand: In that case, your competitors can not allow not to imitate themselves. You will do exactly the same thing.
Many companies have learned this hard way. Volvo, for example, created its brand around the central core profit. They did everything possible humanly! They invested infinitely! And they succeeded! In particular, they have succeeded in persuading competitors that it is very important to invest in safety. Today, no one says (except for a few outdated marketers) that safety is Volvo's derivative.
In order to create a derivative that is not to be imitated, you have to consider (already or just in potential) important in your market beyond the benefits of some core (you can do it first, other products or Think of "important things for the consumer" in the service category (or better still: you work time after hours. Even though they were making tremendous profits, their over the years Companies that succeed in maintaining differentiation and have not been imitated can be so successful that they can be seen far away in their market.
What are they waiting for?
Let's look at some examples of off-core differentiation.
Swatch decided to treat the watch face and band as a design area. What does this relate to the core benefits of the watch? Exactly! So no one imitates them. Not really
It is produced with the goose vodka vodka. This differentiation is the way for the core benefits of the vodka industry! Vodka forensic experts do not imitate it
Body shop? There is no place for animal experimentation, the environment, and another cosmetic chain that actively fights for the poor everywhere. No one thinks of imitating them.
Mob and mobile
Sometimes, off-core differentiation can ultimately be a core benefit. This happened to Nokia. Differentiation is not really off-core, but it actually occurs when the market is happening and based on deep insights into the direction of the consumer's future needs Nokia apparently taken off-core strategy and the global market The But with the development of Motorola is a better product, a popular item that you want to carry on Nokia's forecast. When people start to carry their mobile phones with them as they get into their daily life, it is an apparel item, a fashion statement thus an idea was born that helped turn Nokia into a world leader-you are your clothes Match the phone to the idea of a replacement panel. It did not look like the core benefits of the category at the time. Not completely connected to what the mobile phone is supposed to do.
As well as becoming a mobile phone manufacturer of that technology, it is a design that has the power to change something. Samsung, Soni As I'm writing, Nokia's share of the market is still (do you realize what lead Nokia could open?). Is differentiated by Nokia.
It can be said that only a few companies have become leaders by off-centred differentiation. Don't discuss what's a lot, what's a few. By the way, most companies never become leaders and do not have to be. However, if you are going to live in a competitive market, you prefer to devotedly a group of off-core strategy consumers, and even create a private monopoly for you
Open window
I am not trying to argue that core profit differentiation is a bad idea if you can do it. It opens a window of opportunity for you, until they begin to imitate you. For a man like Michael-Dell, it was enough to be a millionaire. Dell has changed the way it sells personal computers. Michael-Dell, from the moment when personal computers were standardized (on the other hand, thanks to IBM's clones and Microsoft's foresight in the 1980s), people were on the phone, and later personally since Dell was also understood The computer parts of the standard anyway, surely according to the needs of each user. It was not off core differentiation. Dell just saw where the trend is connected. Today, everyone is selling computers in this way, but the period of time he had this sparkling differentiation was made one of the richest people on his planet
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