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Bigest time waste for salespeople

Here are the four most common time wasted, generating patterns that develop regularly, and-of salespeople to do that to undermine their effective use of time

It's tough. :
bigest, time, wasters, salespeople, allure, urgent, trivial, comfort, status, lack, trust, organization, management, common, value

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Copyright 2006 Dave-Calle

Good time management for salespeople has been a stereotype of mine for over 30 years. In the last decade, I was involved in improving the help of people in the tens of thousands of sales by improving their use of time more effectively. Over the years, I have seen developing some regularly occurring patterns-on the side of the selling people to do that impair their effective use of time The four most I have observed here It is a general waste of time. See if it applies to you or your sales representative.

1. Urgent / trivial attraction. Salespeople love being busy and active. We have our own vision as people who can get things done. No idle dreamer, we don't make things happen there! The value of a large part of our senses and our personal identity depend on being busy. At the level of our self image of our self, being busy means that we are really important. One of the worst things that can happen to us is to do nothing, go nowhere, nothing to happen. So, we latch on every job that comes our way, regardless of importance. For example, one of our customers call on backorder issues. "Oh good!" We think, "I think that's something to do! We need! I mean!" So, we drop everything and spend two hours quickly back ordering. Looking back now, everything is buying or customer service. May I be able to And just was a bit urgent, but did not allow something to prevent you from being enough to take some sales calls? And are those potential sales calls not a better use of your time a lot? Or, a very complex "request us for our customer hand stuff quote." A half-day schedule with a better office, "we think.", Find out the specifications, calculate the price, and compile the literature is needed. "This task is straight forward for this project as a customer. Looking back, we can not give a project to an internal sales representative or customer service representative to do a foot job Once again, we succumbed to the attractiveness of the current work, which prevents us from making sales calls, which is important and urgently on the surface. I have pumped up our energy.I can go for pages with examples but have thoughts.We are busy and we often do not matter how important our method is We are crazy about the need to grab on any task coming in. And every time we do it, we invest our sales time more effectively Compromise our functions.

2. Current comfort. Many salespeople have evolved to a point where there is a comfortable routine. They made enough money and established habits and routines that are comfortable. They don't really want to spend the energy it takes to do things in a better way or become more successful or effective. This can be a good thing. Work as a custom or routine of However, our rapidly changing world continually demands new ways, techniques, habits and routines. Just because something has been valid for several years does not mean that it will stay so. This problem develops when salespeople are so happy in the way things are and they have not changed anything in the year. If you have not changed or challenged with some habits or routines in the last few years, chances are not as effective as you can. For example, you can still write down phone messages on a small slip of paper when you enter them in your contact manager, which is more effective This can stretch towards the most important things we do It is a simple example of the principle that can be done. The same routine to organize our work week to decide what to call on, to understand the customer, to gather information, the practical end to the list there is no. Current satisfaction means in most cases not as effective salespeople as can be. My book, Ten Secrets of a Time Management Program for Salespeople, discusses the use of "more" ideas as an alternative to the status quo.

3. Lack of trust in others in the organization. Salespeople tend to be natural to work alone. After all, we spend most of the day by ourselves. We decide where we should go and what do we do. It is no wonder, we naturally want to do everything by ourselves. It is generally a positive personality trait for sales personnel. Unfortunately, by doing well, you become better at beating other people's organizations. Instead of recruiting assistance from other people in the organization and thereby making more efficient use of our time, many salespeople do not matter, how the world is to write the order With a system that is full of products, sources, orders, sources that do not trust their own colleagues, you can also go to the list, with samples or documents here. The point is that it will be cheaper than you can do a lot of these tasks. Salespeople do not release jobs to them because they do not trust theirs to do that. It's a shame that it is a tremendous waste of good sales time and talent. Chapter 10 of my book "The Ten Secrets" describes a system to foster useful relationships.

4. Lack of Tough Care. Finally, time management starts with care. That means a good amount of high quality thinking-the energy invested in the process. I prefer to say that good time management is the result of thinking about it before doing it. "A good time manager invests fully in this process. They take time to create goals for each year and they invest all quarterly and monthly planning times to create plans for those hours Bad sales time managers for their work " Do not devote enough time to the "thinking about" phase. There is ample amount of investment in no business hours managers and I think it is a tough and open method. They ask themselves good questions and answer with as much objectivity as they can gather. * "What do I really want to achieve with this description?" "" Why are they not purchased from me? "" "Who are the key decision makers in this account?" "Do I spend too much time with this account?" * "How can I change what I'm doing to be more effective?" These are good There are just a few of the tough questions that sales time managers consider regularly. They do not allow their emotions and personal comfort zones to dictate the plan. It is often different and often used. They do these things because they used the amount and quality of thought time needed. Of course, there are hundreds of other time-consuming habits. These four, however, are the most common. Correct them and you are in your way to dramatically improved results.

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