Many people believe that having a completely healthy body can lead a normal and productive life. However, having a healthy body alone is not enough to make a normal life. You need to consider that mental health is also very important. Furthermore, the brain is an organ that controls everything in your body. Live a life that has a major impact on the presence of a brain defect.
You need to consider that there are several types of brain disorders. Several types of brain disorders can affect your basic motor skills, some can affect your senses, and how many bipolar disorders exist in many brains that exist today It is one of the diseases. This particular brain disorder can have an adverse effect on your life, as it affects the part of the brain that controls emotions and moods.
With bipolar disorder, you can never have full control of your mood and emotions. Depression episodes can be disabled in the Cycles episodes at the day-to-day work. Psychological symptoms of bipolar disorder include depressive disorder and depression. These are two classifications of bipolar disorder, which is also the reason why this disease is also called depressive disorder.
In episodes of timidity, people suffering from bipolar disorder experience high extra happiness or feeling. This is where people feel high, feel more energy, feel they don't need to sleep, disturb their thoughts, get confused about specific ideas, and think that people are jumping from mania right. Another factor to consider in mania episodes of bipolar disorder is that people become very optimistic, very sensitive and can not concentrate well. They do not admit that something is wrong.
In depressive episodes, people suffering from bipolar disorder experience excessive depression. I feel overly sad, very pessimistic, not interested in fun activities including sex, and often thinking about death and suicide. In severe cases of bipolar disorder in depressive episodes, those who are suffering actually commit suicide.
As you can see, this particular disease is a very serious disease that requires careful management and care. Because of the constant cycle of the mood of those suffering from bipolar disorder, they can never concentrate on their daily work. This is a level of performance at work or school and also because of the effects of bipolar disorder, it is necessary to consider that people suffering from this disease also have poor social life and often have relationship problems.
There is no cure for bipolar disorder. However, there are treatments available today that can effectively manage the disease. Treatment includes psychotherapy and medications. Sometimes, psychiatrists combine therapies and drugs to effectively manage bipolar disorder.
Remember that there is no cure for bipolar disorder and this particular disease is considered as a long-term disease requiring long-term careful management and care. Bipolar disorder, X-ray or CAT It can never be detected by a scan. Diagnosis is based entirely on the symptoms shown. So, if you notice that you or some of your family members have shown some symptoms of bipolar disorder, you should seek help immediately A psychiatrist who goes to you minimizes the effects of the disease It can give some effective bipolar disorder management strategies that can be used to control. Experts also prescribe some medications that can reduce the effects of bipolar disorder
Always remember that careful management and care are the keys to treating bipolar disorder. This disease is to live for the rest of your life, and knowing how to effectively manage and treat it means that your mood and emotions
Depression symptoms experienced by patients with bipolar disorder
Different diseases often cause much confusion among people. Depression has already been cited in the recorded history. If you are familiar with Jobs and King David, they suffered from such a disorder. Even Hippocrates mentioned depression, at that point it was called melancholia, which means literarily black bile. Medical physiology before humor about four fluids including black bile, yellow bile, blood, and hemorrhoids. Art and literature have also been able to describe depression for many years. But today, what is meant by depressive disorder?
Depressive disorder is not new, and for many years people were suffering without any treatment. Millions of people do not currently know that there is anarchy. It is very embarrassing because I think that I do not accept it as not recognized. As with other illnesses, depressive disorders are classified into types. People are familiar with major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder.
A person suffers from a major depression if he or she feels sad, shows signs of helplessness, eats, sleeps and enjoys. The patient's life is greatly affected. Dysthymia is less severe compared to major depressions. Long-term symptoms can be noted, and some have major depression episodes. Bipolar disorder involves a depression or a maniac cycle. And though it can not cure, patients can still control and stabilize their episodes by treatment or drugs.
Depressive disorders have many symptoms. And when bipolar patients are in the cycle of depression, they can experience all the symptoms of depressive disorder. However, if a person is in a cycle of gonorrhea, he will only experience symptoms associated with that cycle.
Here is a list of symptoms of depression felt by people with bipolar disorder:
• persistently anxiety, sad, "empty mood"
• Loss of joy and interest in activities and hobbies that the individual once enjoyed
* Pessimism, despair, guilt, helplessness, sense of worth
* Oversleeping and sleeplessness
* Overeating leading to weight gain
* Reduced appetite resulting in lost weight
* Think about death and suicide
• Energy and fatigue reduction
* Hypersensitivity and emotional anxiety
• I can not concentrate on making decisions I can not forget
• Physical symptoms like chronic pain, headache and digestive disorders
The following symptoms are not felt by bipolar patients: Because there is a possibility, there are not many experiences, so some symptoms are experienced. Various levels of severity of each individual exhibit symptom.
You must receive a complete psychological and physical assessment to receive proper treatment. This is necessary to determine the type of depression he or she is suffering from. You are taking certain medications due to symptoms of bipolar depression or. Possibilities can be ruled out by doctor interviews, laboratory tests, and physical examinations.
Diagnostic assessment will be the patient's history of symptoms and the doctor will ask all kinds of questions like when the symptoms started, how long it lasts, also whether it was previously treated, which You will be asked if such drugs have been given to you. Doctors forget to ask whether bipolar patients use drugs and alcohol, or if they have ever considered suicide or death, and do not forget questions about family history.
The symptoms of bipolar depression can also affect the mental state of an individual. Assessments can determine whether an individual's thinking patterns, speech, and memory are already affected. Mental disorders do not require laboratory tests such as x-rays or blood tests. Powerful scans such as MRI, CT, PET and SPECT can not detect brain changes in patients with bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses.
Only a physician can properly assess the condition of bipolar patients. He can also help the patient in getting the right treatment or medication needed to control the episode. The symptoms do not have to scare the patient's family or friends. The symptoms may seem quite normal for the individual but still need to be treated. I feel a sense of crisis that I can do, and I may think that other people are crazy if it's just an extreme thing already being implemented.
Do not hesitate to consult your doctor. If you check the major symptoms of bipolar and show some of the symptoms, you are probably suffering from bipolarity.
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