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Blind spot-(if you don't check your mirror, you're going to crash ...)

It is an area where blind spots are not easily seen for the driver. It may be the area the mirror misses, either on the side of the driver or behind the driver. .. or simply forgotten by the driver. An accident occurs when the driver changes lanes and there is another car in the blind spot.

As human beings (and executives!) There are blind spots in our lives and businesses, and these blind spots cause all kinds of troubles.

It's tough. :
Management, Leadership, Communication, Attractive, Coach Coach, Blindspots

Article body:
It is an area where blind spots are not easily seen for the driver. It may be the area the mirror misses, either on the side of the driver or behind the driver. .. or simply forgotten by the driver. An accident occurs when the driver changes lanes and there is another car in the blind spot. In the case, it is a major accident that the other car can hit or be forced to take evasive action.

Anatomically, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia says:
In anatomy, the blind spot is the area of ​​the retina through which the optic nerve and blood vessels connect to the back of the eye. Because there is no photoreceptor there is no perception of part of the field of view. Blind spots are usually not perceived as the brain fills the gap between surrounding details and information from other eyes.

As human beings (and executives! There are blind spots in our lives and businesses, and these blind spots cause all kinds of troubles. They have a team that is responsible. Her vision is efficient and happy high performance What she had was a group of fighting people, missed deadlines and employee diversions, each as a "victim" of someone else's cheating The strengths, weaknesses and communication styles that I rated as the first step, and also as the leader of my team, are blind spots to see her team.

Especially one person, "Gym", did a task that caused (or received) much of the discord, because he had his own way of things and couldn't see it, not the other to the strong wind I regret with sullen who became a working team member jointly. After some practice to clarify the team's blind spots and to prove their ability to hear and verify their ideas, her team began to work together.

Let's take this idea from work. In the orchestra, one who plays slightly from the tempo can destroy the beauty of the music. When everyone plays at the same tempo and plays the appropriate notes, beautiful music is created. The blind spot in this case is when an off-tempo person believes to be correct and refuses to follow the conductor. Sometimes the answer is to work directly with the individual.

So how do you know your blind spot? The blind spots are not bad-they are simply. If you find your blind spot, you can set the "mirror" to make sure that it does not cause further trouble (process). The following is a list of typical blind spots (you will want to add others from your own experience.) Ask yourself, as you think about each item, "How does this make me sad. "How does this get in my way or slow me down? "

• Jump to the conclusions about what they were going to say not to hear the other person's full statement.

• Look at the situation and immediately judge it as "right" or "wrong" before getting all the facts (judgment creates a blind spot-automatically!)

• Impatient with someone who wants to talk or talk too much

• Frustration with less careful, organized, conservative and task-oriented people than you

* Tolerations. .. It is a small thing that causes a momentary stimulus that means you are "correcting". For example, broken chairs, messy desks, chronically losing keys, etc. )

• Hurry those who have more patient approaches

• See your own needs and not ask for anything else about theirs

* State of classification immediately or people

• The wall against feedback (especially "negative feedback")

The way you understand yourself and the way you think and react under pressure is crucial to getting an accurate idea of ​​your blind spot. Start with these questions:
What is my behavior and how do I handle issues, people, pace, and procedures?
How Does Your Behavior Style Work?
What is my value and how ingenious?
What did you say? What do I do with that?
Which intention did you ignore?

May change your business

Are you ever "what if?"

It's tough. :
Leadership, Communication, Trust, Winning Trust, Effective Meetings, Questions

Article body:
What kind of business do you do?


If people are:

* Do you discuss in more detail the specific goals of the conference called?

* Are you checked with key officials to help them prepare for the meeting?

* Have all involved in the work been included during the meeting?

* Have you got results in a team process based on consensus?

* Take responsibility for implementing the decisions made at the meeting?

> Is this business profitable?

Business communication:

If people are:

* Do others express ideas during conversation?

* Have you created a safe environment that promotes clear thinking and free expression?

* Treat each other as to their conversations?

* Listen carefully and completely to what others were saying?

* Shall other people become stars in their conversations?

> Do you work more efficiently than this?


If people are:

* Did you understand the purpose for presentation before preparing for it?

* Did you talk with the audience Lords to learn about what they wanted to get from the presentation?

* What rehearsals they plan to say on the clock (to ensure they are finished on time)?

* Did you talk about alternative needs about the audience and themselves?

* Provided forced presentation that informed and urged others?

> Could these leaders be influencial?

Personality style

If people are:

* Can you see how others like to think, work and communicate?

* How to know your strengths and apply them for the benefit of maximizing?

* How did you know your weaknesses and manage them?

* Were you able to work in harmony with one another?

* Let's get the trust and respect from each other?

> Could this help people get along with each other?

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