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Blogs are growing and social networks are also becoming more and more popular.

Social network

Blogs are growing and social networks are also becoming more and more popular. users can create users such as social networks and popular websites such as personal sites and others. These websites contain a wide range of parts including text, images, audio, videos, blogs. Opinions from users of this system, further its life, the governor or this goal. However, bloggers who use social networks to maintain blogs should consider a few different factors. This article discusses some of these factors, including whether to make the blog available to the public or keep it private

Make a blog private or public

The most social network users are web sites, public and private. A private website, a public website is available to all users of the system, but he specifically approves to display his website Socially such as these same features being served to blogs It is a network. For this reason, bloggers can make their blog articles available to the entire social network or a small part of this network

This decision is mainly based on personal preference issues. Social networks can be very extensive, some bloggers may not have the fear about the size of the potential audience, and other bloggers may not have this option before the bloggers carefully stare at the blog You should consider, but always they have their mind about the choices originally made

Considering the blog audience

Bloggers that make use of social networks to maintain blogs should also carefully consider the potential audience for blogs. Most social networks include an extensive cross-section of the public. Thus bloggers should be aware of this audience when posting blogs and consider how blog entries are interpreted by members of the blog audience. It is never possible to avoid angering members of all potential audiences, but bloggers are at least a blog entry to post a blog if this is not possible, consider a blogger to be blogging based .

Dealing with harassment through blogs

Another aspect is the blog of other members from the harassment for the possibility including the need to know the public blog for the network with blogger users. We will give advice for blogs in response to comments on this attack. Depending on the harassment blogger will ignore these comments or the choice to ignore. By policy that bloggers should reconsider, we are harassing in response to support for attracting social networks. In most cases, addressing this issue may be as easy as blocking the user from commenting on the blog, but in some cases, in this situation, the administrator The situation shall be reviewed and a judgment shall be made as to whether or not a violation has occurred.

Blog News Articles

Deploy as blog news
Exciting and controversial application of technology
One thing bloggers have found is that
It is possible to become a mysterious life form
Update your blog instantly, so blog news
Tend to be more current than paper news, or
on TV. Unlike the news delivered differently
The news in the media and blog are:
Navigate through a series of editors and admins
Before it reaches the public eye. This is some
Advantages and some obvious disadvantages.

One of the most notable examples of blogging news
Held in March 2005 before appearing in other media
As there were passengers when the terrorism hit London
Evacuated from a subway car near the explosion
The guy took some pictures of the scene with him
Mobile phone, and these images were in time
Online publication. Catastrophe First Person Account
Soon after these photos began to appear on the blog
Appeared and learned by people all over the world
Read words, look, events in London
Photos posted by blogger.

The fact that these stories and images are spreading
By individuals operating without direct addition
Reporter filter helped to make the crisis feel very much
Immediately to people around the world. When it comes
blogging, news often appears in a very personal context.
At the beginning of the possibility of this being possible
A new era of coverage, "one that takes" new journalism "
It is a logical next step to put emphasis on the shape
How the news is written and read directly into the hand

Many bloggers and cultural commentators
Weblog's movement champion feels this
Get their news, personal growth trends
It is a good thing from the blog, because it makes a flow of
More democratic than information. By decentralization
Control of news, blogs allow more voices to be entered
A field of discussion about important current events.
But many people are resolutely against
There are lots of blog news outlets used
Good debate on this side of the debate. Wrong
Newspapers and TV stations, the fact that there are several blogs-
Checker pays your attention
Many blogs responsible. This can lead to torrents
Spread of false alarms, multiple falsehoods
I shot the blogosphere by the storm. Question
Whether blog news is ethical or
Is not very complicated, but no matter where you stand
The topic of the current event blog is almost certain
I agree that this move has the potential
How a revolution is a leader in the modern people business field.

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