Ever heard your doctor mention the term bronchitis? This is in fact a chronic or acute swelling or pain of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system tracheobronchi (trachea or trachea and bronchi). Depending on the situation, it may or may not be contagious.
There are two types of bronchitis, long-term or chronic bronchitis and short-term or acute bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis is manifested by fever, hypertrophy or increased size of mucus secreting tissue, productive cough, sore throat, chills, runny nose, headache, generalized fatigue, and pain in the back. Chronic bronchitis is a debilitating disease caused by persistent coughing of the vast production of sputum or mucus by the bronchial and tracheal glands. To be considered chronic bronchitis, coughing with sputum, two It must last no less than three months for consecutive years.
Common causes of both types of bronchitis are bacterial infections, viruses, infections and environmental pollution (such as smoking, chemical fumes, etc.).
In a patient's diagnosis for bronchitis, the doctor mainly takes a history of health and observes to convey signs of illness. Medical experts auscultate or hear the patient's chest through a stethoscope for a sound that may be a sign of lung inflammation. These sounds can be moist rales, crackles, and wheezing. Wheezing is a sign of constriction in the air passage, crackling is a bubbling sound that indicates the fluid secretion in the bronchial, moist la sound like the sound of the hair rubbing together.
Acupuncture culture may be ordered by the doctor in case of suspected color or some streaks of blood. This identifies what infection is in the respiratory tract that helps the doctor in helping to create a treatment plan for the patient, so bacteria or viruses will breathe deeply into the patient and cough the sputum container Collected by instructing to exhale. Collection of chicks is best done in the morning before breakfast or food intake. The samples are then sent to the lab and the results come out within three days.
However, sputum collection in patients with chronic bronchitis may be performed by a method called bronchoscopy. The patient is administered under local anesthesia and then a tube is inserted into the airway to collect sputum. For further analysis, the physician can also order chest x-ray and blood tests.
With these tests and tests, the doctor determines what treatment is best for the patient, but also precautionary measures are taken if it is contagious.
Both acute and chronic bronchitis can be contagious. The cause of being contagious is due to viral and bacterial infections. Common viruses, but not limited to this list, due to bronchitis are influenza viruses, adenovirus, and myco
However, these two strains are avoided if the annual blow of the influenza virus vaccine helps the patient to be immunized from the virus, while the adenovirus is a family member of the community that is pathogenic (cause of disease) in humans. The virus department can be one of the forty-nine medium-sized viruses. Not only can it cause airway disease, it can also cause cystitis, conjunctivitis, and gastrointestinal infections. Mycplasma pneumonia is highly contagious among infants and adults.
Bronchitis antibiotics due to the virus are only lower bacterial infection if it is completely useless. Viral transmission, though self-limiting, may clear up within 14 days providing that bronchitis is not complicated.
If there is an underlying bacterial infection, then the doctor will probably prescribe the antibiotic to kill the bacteria and prevent further spread to nearby organs. Patients should be taken religiously as prescribed for antibiotics to prevent recurrence and avoid developing resistant bacterial strains.
It is possible to prevent infectious bronchitis. Individuals must have an adequate amount of healthy nutrition and rest to improve their immune system especially during the cold season. Regular hand washing can also prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Following the instructions of the administrator, this circumvention also causes bronchitis of bacteria and viruses that also lead to avoidance.
More symptoms of bronchitis condition: Know about various signs and symptoms of bronchitis.
Every year, you may suffer from illnesses that can render illnesses and disorders. Illness that you cross the way can move you and stop working to earn money. You have to think that in order to get back to work or school as soon as possible, you need to cure your illness to become a productive member of society.
This is why you should be aware of common illnesses today and be aware of the symptoms so you can take necessary measures to prevent getting worse. As soon as you notice any signs or symptoms, you can immediately consult your doctor and give you the medicines and advice you need to cure as soon as possible.
First of all, one of the most common diseases affecting humans today is called bronchitis. You need to consider that there are two types of bronchitis, one with acute bronchitis and the other with chronic bronchitis. In acute bronchitis, treatment is usually rapid and does not require special medications. This is because acute bronchitis is generally caused by the spread of a virus that can go on a 12 to 14 day issue.
However, it is still recommended that you consult your doctor once with signs and symptoms of bronchitis. This is because bacterial and fungal infections that require drugs such as antibiotics and antifungals also cause bronchitis. You need to consider that there is no way to know if bronchitis is caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi.
So, before your bronchitis gets worse and you do more damage to your lungs, first of all, bronchitis is the first thing about bronchitis to detect it signs and symptoms early It is mainly the swelling of the bronchi. Because of swelling, bronchial mucus can not be removed any more. This makes you cough and has difficulty breathing.
Here are other signs and symptoms of bronchitis and what can be done to relieve it:
* Cough with a thick sputum
*shortness of breath
*sore throat
* A feeling of stiffness around the box
* Pain or swelling around the eyes
* Slight fever
* Dyspnea
These signs and symptoms should be careful with bronchitis. Here, more signs and symptoms usually relate to bronchitis to know when you identify one and have it when consulting a doctor:
• excessive sweating
• chest pain
It is very important that you should pay close attention to the signs and symptoms associated with bronchitis to know when to visit a doctor immediately. It should also be understood that there are other signs and symptoms associated with the chronic form of bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis can include all the symptoms associated with acute bronchitis in a more severe manner. Patients with chronic bronchitis may suffer from coughing excess mucus in the blood due to bronchial tears.
Chronic bronchitis requires long-term treatment to completely cure it. This is chronic bronchitis. Is already very slow healing system that can breathe permanent damage. It also requires inhaled medications like bronchodilators to develop an airway, requiring you to keep yourself away from dusty places,
You should dampen your room by installing a room humidifier, or just have a wet towel or blanket placed all over the room
Always make sure that you are well aware of the signs and symptoms of acute and chronic bronchitis. It is acute or chronic bronchitis caused by bacteria and fungi, and if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications including pneumonia
Always remember that early detection of bronchitis means management that can prevent you from suffering early diagnosis and early proper treatment and serious complications
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