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Budget Advertising-Part 3: Frequency, Frequency, Frequency

Budget Advertising-Part 3: Frequency, Frequency, Frequency

Yes there is a way to spend $ 100 a month and get a ton of previous exposure of your target market. This was a business.

Advertising, Low Cost Marketing Strategy, Low Cost Advertising, Budget Advertising, Budget Marketing, Marketing, Online Marketing Strategy

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This is the third article of the three part series. I have a stance of small and medium enterprises in the figure sales task

Remember this if you don't remember anything about marketing: the frequency is king.

If you can get your name and more often before your potential and current customers, maybe you will make a sale.

Some of them are 27 times from the message that needs the person to see in what research.

And if you want to brand your business then you need to get it in front of your customers as often as possible.

Think deeply with the brand, in any Ivory Soap, Campbell soup and tidal currents. Depending on the year and year of the recurring ad. If you think that the brand that has that sense is the head of the dish soap, soup and laundry detergent.

If you want to build your brand, you need to advertise often.

There is another advantage to frequent advertising. It also helps your current customers.

People want to know they made the right decision after they bought something. No matter how much you feel relieved, it can be solved if your needs are confirmed. Your ad will help.

Studies have shown that people are aware of car ads after purchasing a car--especially the car ads of the models they bought. And they are more likely to believe and approve the message. Again, they wanted to know, so they made the right decision.

There are many good reasons to advertise so often. Does that mean you have to spend a lot of money? Not only that, there are a few tricks that you can use to get the frequency you need at a low cost. (These are print tricks-other advertising outlets such as radio, online, we are talking about future issues.)

1. Make your ad as small as possible. Small ads cost less. For more information on the contraction of your ad, see "Budget 2 Ad: Thinking Small".

2. It's better to schedule ads that run all at once rather than spreading them. People never remember when to see your ad only when. If you look at your ad a lot, they won't remember looking at your ad the other week, so you'll be under the impression you always advertise

3. Take advantage of the frequency program provided by your newspaper. And sign the contract completely-don't run ads under open rates.

Here is how it worked for the PWC.

The newspaper had a program called "3 for free". "If you run a line ad three days, you got the next three days for free (the paper was published six days a week).

After that, we skipped the next three weeks and did the same thing again in the next month.

After years of doing this, PWC people had come to her saying to her that they saw her ad "all the time." Business owners are committed to PWC's advertising activities Men they are monthly The bride and groom visited the PWC regularly as it was "remembering".

What was the cost of all this? About $ 100 a month

But the word of caution. It takes time to build a business and a brand. It does not happen overnight. But remember that it keeps on getting your name in front of your customers and potential customers as often as you can

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