Bungee jumping devices come in a variety of shapes and sizes. In fact, each piece of equipment used in bungee jumping can have considerable variation. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the equipment used in bungee jumping before joining the jump. I think it is what settings to use this method. Bungee cords, and harnesses-There are many different types of platforms and search equipment, but for the purpose of this article, we are the ones you most
When talking about bungee jumping equipment, the bungee code is one of the most important items. Bungee Jump There are several variations on the type of code used in today. There are braided cords, unbraided cords, pre-stretched and unstretched, natural rubber, mill spec and European cords. These are the major variations of bungee codes used in today's bungee jumping sport events. Bungee Jumpers: Let's take a look at the characteristics of each of these cords, and their impact on the end user.
First, there is a military standard code (or mil standard) that has been manufactured to meet the requirements of the US military. Of course, under the alliance in military use is the equipment, jumps to bridges, and other high objects! However, because of the strict and standardized testing of the mill spec, these codes work well for bungee jumping. When using mill spec cords in bungee jumps, they usually have to wear ground cords to the cords so that one cord can typically hold about 200 pounds of weight. There is a protective exterior of it that prevents foreign objects. The disadvantage to this is that it is not possible to check the end of the cord for signs of fraying and / or failure.
Some bungee cords are stretched in advance. This stretches as much during the actual jump as the jumpers reach the end of the cord length, and the cords provide "jumping" action and shocks as much as these are mainly used in the northern hemisphere You In the Southern Hemisphere, commercial proponents of Bungee Jump tend to use natural rubber. It provides a more slick experience, with more "bounce" and a lower part of the jump. While these natural codes do not last as long as the mill spec code, they provide a much more comfortable jump for the general user.
The next part of Bungee's Jump Device is known as a harness that you should ask about. Leg Harnesses and Body Harnesses-There are two main types of harnesses. The leg harness usually consists of a webbing tied around this with a special knot and a towel wrapped around the ankle. The towel provides padding to help prevent injury to the ankle. The webbing is then attached to the bungee cord. The body harness is very similar to the climber's harness and, in fact, is the same thing over and over again. The most important aspect of the harness is how it is attached. Some accident deaths occurred when Bungee Code attached using rising carabineers instead of specialized equipment. It can definitely be said that the bungee jumping equipment has come a long way since the vines of Pentecosto!
Bungee jumping culture
There is something about the willing individuals jumping from a high place attached to a rubber band. This modern extreme sport known as bungee jumping seems to have its own culture attached to it. It's hard to put your finger on, but it's there. Perhaps it is morphing from a past, or new mental experience, but you can feel looking at the bungee jumping culture.
So what is the culture of bungee jumping? Where did it come from? Where do you go? The origin of the sport itself gives us a clue as to where the bungee jumping culture came from. Originally it was a religious ritual used to heal Mother Earth on Pentecost Island in the South Pacific, and it should have been proven for a good foothill crop that will also make young boys known as men Because of the border, it was also a passing ceremony. As long as everyone can tell, these natives have done this ritual every spring for literally thousands of years. The dominant culture of the original land diver was definitely spiritual.
Rediscovered in the 1950s, greatly promoted in the modern world in the 1980s, bungee jumping has grown exponentially. The modern bungee jumping culture is not made up of primitive natives who are trying to soothe Mother Earth. But there is a back-to-ground element to this extreme death that challenges outdoor sports. There is nothing more than a decent opening adrenaline rush to come. It seems that space travel is not a rival, but this effect is important. Bungee Jump appeals to something more primitive and more basic, beyond today's limited religious and cultural conflict. The modern bungee jumping culture is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, multi-society group, all looking for the thrill of their lives.
So what does the modern bungee jumping culture look like? That is against logic. A young, old similar flock to a bungee jumping event. Penetrates this sporting event like others and is simply mysterious. Returning to Mother Earth, challenging death and telling a story-all these are the proud rights of a successful bungee jumper. They all share in common this aspect of sport survival. The jumper overcomes its fear to complete the jump, and faces the ultimate loss death, abhorrence fear. There is a sense of accomplishment and victory beyond mountaineering and other extreme sports.
On the theme of taking nature, bungee jumping in the new movement "nude bungee jumping. It appeals to the movement of the earth to the green, as well as the plain bungee jumpers. Someone is going to go full monty For example, a commercial bungee jumping accessory will usually offer a discount, or a free jump This type of jumping is usually done with a partner, for a spiritual bond that goes beyond the kingdom daily. It is yet another proof that the Bungee Jump culture has evolved beyond the normal boundaries, and we really need to see what it will be
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