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Bungee jumping sport

Bungee Jump, well-known broadcast Sir * David * Attenborough invented the Chris-Baker England and elastic ropes right after them, three decades ago when it began to draw public attention as a new sport The same goes for trying. In 1979, members of the dangerous sports club in Oxford-England jumped off a 250-foot clift suspension bridge, and as it is known today the Bungyja Bungy jumped slowly but surely to get the potential sport for the public good to gain is.

In 1986, A. J. Hackett of New Zealand did his own first jump. The bungee jumping company which jumped out of many buildings including the Eiffel Tower in France set up the world's largest bungee jumping company. A.J.H Kett Bungee Company is an original locationier in New Zealand, in addition to Macao, Mexico, Indonesia, Germany, America, Australia, France

As well as AJ Hackett succeeded in spreading the word about Bungee Jump, in creating his company, to those who would like to try it Macau's location is the world's tallest commercial bungee jumping Although proud, all the other branches were of everyone who chose to participate in this sport

The basic bungy jumping device consists of a latex fiber made to a shock cord. Some companies and customers prefer to use plain ankle accessories, but are often also used for jumper safety body harnesses. Although the location changes by means of searching, the common method is with the use of a mobile crane that can quickly and accurately lower the jumper to the ground. The variation of the search method generally depends on the type of jumping platform used.

The other basic forms of bungy jumping have some variation in this sport. The Macau Tower Site offers this style of bungee jumping and is the world's best facility of this style.

The catapult version is actually a bungee jump, as jumpers start on the ground and shoot into the air with the help of a crane. Although the variation of the twin tower is similar, it is a cord using jumpers.

The other two most popular variations are quite different types of bungy jumping. Martin-Duffy is the participation code by pulling back before perforating the track along the Bungy driving race. On a much more domesticated scale than a normal bungee jump, wear a bungee cord while using a trampoline and use a normal trampoline

The popularity of bungee jumping is increasing. Whatever form of this sport you are interested in, you can find exactly what you are looking for.

Risk of bungee jumping

Thus, there were nearly as many serious injuries as a result of half a dozen deaths and bungee jumping. As bungee jumping is a relatively new sport, this is a considerable number, and considering bungee jumping it is indeed very dangerous, no matter how well the bunjy jumping device is for safety factor How much it is associated with the sport itself while playing a major role in preventing and overseen death

Deaths and serious injuries generally result from miscalculation of improperly maintained equipment or code lengths. Massive cranial trauma deaths occurred, for example, in 1997 from improperly handled code. The victim was a female member of a professional bungee jumping team

However, even with the strictest safety precautions, it does not eliminate the risk of injury, particularly the risk actually associated with bungee jumping sports. One of the most important risks specific to women is: It is about uterine prolapse. The speed and pressure of the bungee jump can cause the uterus to slip not only from the tip but also from the normal position in some cases, and even from the body itself and this is of course very dangerous and potentially life threatening Thing.

Eye trauma is another very serious health risk from bungee jumping. One of the most dangerous types of eye trauma associated with this sport is retinal hemorrhage; this is a very realistic possibility of losing one's eyesight bungee jumping is also permanent eyesight Presents the possibility of orbital emphysema that can lead to loss. On a slightly smaller scale, but still worth noting, is a basic injury to the eye and surrounding tissue.

Other health risks vary in their severity. Injuries such as wounds and burns on ropes are considered to be rather minor, but dislocations and back injuries can be reversed from moderate to moderate. It is necessary to determine if all of these potential risks are worth engaging in bungee jumping sports. There is no guarantee that the bungee jumping action does not lead to any or all of these consequences.

If you decide to assess your own personal health concerns and try jumping jumpy anyway, then the equipment will be checked and maintained frequently for optimal degree of safety and then before and during the bungee jump You need to make sure that you are properly trained. In addition, some bungee jumping groups need to consider factors that allow sports beginners to participate in bungee jumping only.

As with any adventurous sport, bungy jumping comes with many dangers. It is impossible to eliminate all of these risks, regardless of how professional a person in charge is likely to be in the pros and how to be concerned if it is a bungy jump is essential You will be aware of these risks.

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