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Celebrity branding is a method of advertising that uses celebrity services to advertisero

Celebrity branding is a method of advertising that uses celebrity services to advertisero pducts and services with the help of their prestige and social status. There are several approaches to this method; it involves celebrity that only appears in commercials, and celebrity can be signed to attend promotion events. Another way is to start the product line using the name as a brand. Perfumes and clothes are the largest product line including such promotions. All top actors, singers and models are known to name specific brands and licensed products. It is a design by wearing the clothes of the designer in front of own clothes which started Jennifer Lopez.
Customers' buying behavior is greatly influenced by celebrities. Marketing experts use the principles of associative learning to appeal celebrity lifestyles and a sense of honor, honor, and public image to properly assign them to a brand that has drawn them completely Assigned to the right is the charity work. Repeating, blocking, CS pre-exposure, extinction, overshadowing, attribution, and association set sizes, some of the famous Miss World Aishi Indians whose analysis has very beautiful eyes, their clear voice It is known by This concept led to a method of voice over advertising. The voice only attracts customers when used in commercials.
Today, nearly twenty percent of the advertising industry relies on celebrity approval. Celebrities are bound to favor many products and brands over time. Each time a different image of a celebrity is projected to the public. Let's play like ours. Projecting another person keeps the customer's interest all the time, but at the same time the two identities should not conflict with each other. The Captain of England football team David-Beckham has many products that are approved. During Gillette's ad, the taste of his hairstyle was taken into consideration and he was given a big-hearted look. In the case of fashion, a heavy jewel David-Beckham was painted on the table in case he was passionate about the police for the campaign.
Every time a fame can create a graphic image or logo of its own that can be used each time he or she advertises for a particular product, if there is a fashion awareness like Jennifer-Lopez, the font As the logo can be stylish, another advantage of this approach for each celebrity is that they do not require visual recognition and AIDS in long-term negotiations with celebrities or Losing her looks The celebrity logo itself carries style and attitude.
Millions of dollars are invested by marketers each year to gain super star promotional support. Davy Brown Entertainment has an agency devoted entirely to the purpose of selecting celebrities for the product. They not only affect the affinity of the brand and the taste of the consumer, but also determine the caliber of the celebrity, as well as advertising for the celebrities that feature it
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