What should we do?
One always keeps the baby neat and clean.
Two cut the nails properly, with the greatest concern.
3, The wet diaper should be removed and the parts should be cleaned with soap.
4. Take care of the genitals, because fungal infections are common in the area. Parts should be kept dry.
5, scalp care is very important. Fungal infections, dermatitis ect can be prevented by proper cleaning.
The tight dress has the potential to cause irritation and the dress is airy so that you can relax.
7, the room should have enough light and ventilation. It should be free from dust and insects.
Water proof in 8 separate beds is possible for children. Should be placed near the mother's bed.
It is a baby close to "making toys using music so that it can be used anytime on the 9th."
10 while holding the baby, support the head with the hand. A sudden fall of the head can be dangerous because the neck muscles are weak.
11, mother's milk is the best nutrition for the baby, it also gives attachment. Breast milk should be given by the baby preferably at the mother model location. Proper cleaning of the nipples is also necessary. Mothers should take a well-nourished diet during lactation.
If you have contradication for breastfeeding cow milk, 12 can be given. Supply bottles should be cleaned with warm water and allowed to dry until the next use.
13, the cow's milk needs to be boiled and cooled. Some diseases like the spread of bovine tuberculosis, brucellosis ect, through raw milk.
14 is allergic to some substances such as children's food, milk, clothes, cosmetics ect. Allergy
Fifteen mosquito nets should be used regularly. Diseases like the spread of malaria, dengue fever, filariasis, yellow fever and ect through mosquito bites. Mosquito bites can also produce some allergic reactions and skin eruptions. It also interferes with healthy sleep.
16, a calm atmosphere should be maintained for a good sleep. It requires more sleep than adult infants. Growth hormone secretion is said to be activated during sleep.
The 17 growth development, behavioral development, motor development, personal social development, language development ect should be noted in relation to age. However, parents do not need to be anxious because they see slight changes from individual to individual.
18. Evaluate growth by measuring height and weight.
19 can defecate after every feed, in the early months of life infants. Proper toilet training should be given when the infant grows. Infants can be placed on toilets by the age of a dozen months.
20 should be cleaned with antiseptic liquid and toilet seat (potty seat) before and after use. It should not be shared with other children.
21. If the baby shows some signs of distress like excessive crying, convulsions, severeness and fever, neck stiffness, frequent vomiting and diarrhea, body blueness
22, the first aid box should contain sterile cotton, dressing material, antiseptic lotion, ointment and forceps and should be stored in the room. Another book should be maintained to note under the doctor, ambulance, police ect phone number.
23, children's medicine should be stored in separate boxes. Information on dosage and mode of administration should be written on paper and affixed to the box.
The 24 keeps the baby on another seat belt while driving.
25, Store your id card with your phone number and address in his little pocket when you are out with your baby.
When the toddler starts to walk, 26 always accompany him to thereby prevent falling or injury.
27 take first aid in an emergency and take the victim to a nearby hospital.
Asphyxiation:-The baby swallows some solid objects and may cause interference. Immediately lay on the abdomen with the baby in a low position on the head and push the abdomen towards the chest. It is also convenient to brush your upper back. If the result is not calling a trained person to take the material with the help of a dumpling.
Accidental poisoning: --- Take out harmful subatance to takeout, cause vomiting (except for kerosine & acid). Wash the body with water to reduce absorption through the skin. Identify a pioson and take the victim to a hospital.
Burns: First remove the heat source and put in clean cold water. The burned corridors will not be removed immediately. Cover the wound with sterile cotton and take it to a nearby hospital.
Wounds:-Clean the wound with clean water, stop bleeding by compression, raise the wound above the level of the heart, or use a trouser to compress blood vessels and then bandages with sterile cotton Dress the wound with and consult your doctor.
Bathing in the tub:-take the baby immediately and keep it in a low position, gently pressing the abdomen, or giving mouth suction to the mouth until the air method is clear Mouth for lower mouth breathing and heart massage Give mouth and take the victim to the hospital.
Electric shock:-please stop the source of the flow. Then, observe the victim and give mouth to mouth breathing with heart massage if not breathing and take to hospital.
28. And last but not least, your child's maximum care, love and support for him to be healthy and happy forever.
What should not be done?
1, shake baby, so it can cause damage in the brain.
Two do not keep small articles near the baby.
Sharp pointed articles like three pens, pencils, ect should not be given to children.
Four avoid water entry while giving the bathroom, to the ear.
Five foods are forced to give when the baby is constantly screaming or coughing
6. You should not supercharge your baby.
Seven articles like mosquito repellents, moth balls, inks, gums, medicines, ect should be kept away.
Eight avoid hard cloathings.
9 should not be placed near the end of the bed.
10, don't give the baby to strangers and avoid close contact with others.
11, All electrical instruments should be kept away from electrical sockets and wires away from the bed.
12, the kitchen is a dangerous place for children. Don't keep them alone in the kitchen.
Thirteen in cases where the baby is in the tub, the water level in the bathtub should be minimal for any other work and will not go to the (atten call or call bell ect).
14 avoid smoking in the house.
15 should not allow pet animals to be in very close contact with children. (An anti-rabies injection should be given to pets and their nails should be cut properly)
When a child starts to walk 16 should not be kept only on the second floor and should not allow them to climb the steps.
17 should avoid strong lights in the room.
18 you are traveling do not give food articles given by co passengers.
19, baby can not crawl in the soil.
20 are away from children if you are ill or someone else is ill.
Don't take the baby to 21 hospital wards, crowded market sites and dirty dusty areas.
Twenty-two table stands should not be kept near children This will attract insects at night and cause problems.
23, other drugs should not be given to children.
24, drugs that crossed the date of expiery should not be used.
Teach your child to walk.
Practice is of essential importance to the health of the infant. The first practice is, of course, in the arms of a nurse. Therefore, you can use your hands and feet freely, and doing this outdoors will do all the exercise needed for this period. However, the child makes the first attempt to walk. Now it is important that any of the many plans devised to teach children to walk should adopt go-karts, lead strings, etc. Their tendency is prank, chest flatness, trapped lungs, distorted spines, and deformed legs often cause so many evils from such habits that this is an infancy bone Explained by the fact that it is relatively soft and pliable, these devises receive prematurely to carry the body's weight
It is very necessary that young and experienced mothers should remember this fact, it is natural to walk for the small one's initial effort
It may also say here. , If such distortion is noticed timely, it can be corrected. It should be treated by the use of those means that strengthens the frame, promoting the general health of the child (daily rush to a cold bath or the intention of the cold latter) The only way to achieve is to put both feet in a large stocking; this effectively answers this purpose, but at the same time does not interfere with the freedom and complete movement of the leg muscles. After a month in pursuit of the limbs are no longer deformed, and bones with acquired firmness and muscle strength can not be found; and the child perpetuates evil, or
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