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Chinese astrology is considered by some scholars to be the oldest astrology system in the world.

Chinese elements

Chinese astrology is considered by some scholars to be the oldest astrology system in the world. However, if you trace Western astrology back to its Middle Eastern roots, both types, however, have a completely different beginning, as well as part of the tradition or the world

Twelve are further flavored by their specific year's penetration element (the element also rotates as another cycle). The Buddha is said to be responsible for the twelve animals as they were the only thing he came to say goodbye to the next life.

Chinese astrology is related to nature and its characteristics, while the western astrology cycle every month, the sign progresses year by year. The yin and yang considerations have a profound effect on the subject, yin is passive, female, yang is positive, male, and exploratory. The quest to achieve balance with nature, places, organizations, events, and humanity will work together harmoniously, not both of the various permutations of these two essential forces

There are 12 animal signs: rats, cows, tigers, rabbits (or cats), dragons, snakes, horses, goats (or sheep), monkeys, roosters, dogs and pigs. The governing year of the animals you were born has a great influence on your life.

As the Chinese say, this is an animal that hides in your mind.
There are five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water, each adding nuances of almost tactile letters to the animal's signature. Chinese0 Astrology is based on the Chinese0calendar year of your birth or the year of the event. There are also many more nuances, including the moon and the day.
Chinese astrology
According to Chinese legend, twelve animals contested one day who should lead the cycle of the year. Whoever was to reach the other side of the river will be first and the rest of the animals will receive that year depending on their finish.
All twelve animals gathered in the river bank and jumped in. Unknown to the cow, the rat jumped on his back. As the cow was about to jump to the shore, the rat jumped off the back of the cow and won the race. The very lazy pig was finally over. Therefore, rats are the first year of the animal cycle, the second year of the cow, and the last pig.
 Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating years. They represent the periodic notion of time, not the linear time concept of the West. In the Chinese calendar, the beginning of this year falls somewhere between the end of the month and the beginning of the month. China has adopted the western calendar since 1911, but the lunar calendar is still used for such Chinese lunar new year. Many Chinese calendars print both sun dates and Chinese month dates.
The cultural aspects of Chinese folklore animal signs are the horoscopes, just as Western monthly horoscopes were developed for different moon signs, Pisces, Aries etc. eg Chinese horoscopes may predict that people born in the horse year are cheerful, popular and love to give up on others. These horoscopes are interesting but not seriously regarded by the Chinese people.

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