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Columnist Nan Russell shares the career insights he has learned in the corporate world for over2 0

Someone else


Columnist Nan Russell shares the career insights he has learned in the corporate world for over2 0 years, including the vice president of QVC
tough. :

Work, success, victory, attitude, career

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"Sorry, I have to vent. It was a horrible day at work," my friend began with our monthly catch-up call. "We were all there," I offered. "Yeah, but I don't like this." As an alternative educational aid, she is asked to help the teacher with a field trip for the fifth grade of 275 to celebrate the successful completion of the test week. The bus was finally unloaded and by the time she entered the ice rink, it was a mess.

The teachers were standing, arms crossed and griping that no one from the management was present to organize the event, telling them what they supposed to happen All legitimate concerns, angry But irritated, absorbed in their own scruffy, everyone pushed to get the soda, throw trash on the floor, lied open snacks

"I was totally horrible," my friend told me. After looking for a few minutes, she decided to recruit teachers, and two of them started organizing students and assigning tasks to teachers. She did what the winning people at work did. They act.

I've seen people waiting, look and hope that someone else steps up, take ownership and make things happen. Other people work and solve problems While doing, I've seen people stuck with the wheel of blame. And I saw those who are jealous while others are committing. When I thought it was the same as not to be surprising, its big increase, the task is more interesting.

You see who is winning in the work of becoming someone else who others are waiting for. I can not afford to do anything until that step. They know when to act and feel better about when to act. It is because actions feel better than non-response and responsibility feel better than non-responsibility. Both build your self esteem.

So it is possible that people will be waiting for you to come when my bottom line can not be won. The In my way of thinking, winning on a working average commits to offering the best that is out there. There is a sense of digging a bit deeper and pushing your courage outside the comfort zone. But it is also the lowest ranking person to cause handling 275 control. Such Shakespeare "does nothing from nothing."

(c) 2005 Nan S. Russell.

Sign up to receive Nan's free biweekly eColumn at Nan Russell has spent more than two decades in management, recently with QVC as Vice President. She is a leader in human resources development, communications, marketing and line management. Nan has B.A. from Stanford University and M.A. from Michigan State University. Currently working on her first book and winning by working: 10 lessons shared, Nan is a writer, columnist, and speaker. Visit or contact Nan at info @

Some tips on how to not lose work


Today, finding a job can be a very boring thing. However, some people claim that it is even more difficult to keep working to avoid the risk of losing it. This is because we try to use whatever means we can to avoid losing their work.

Unemployment is a devastating condition of society. It breaks the dream and ambition and the goal of having a happy and decent life. In fact, the unemployment rate had such an effect in the United States in 1990, which was only recorded4. ..

It's tough. :

Work, opportunity, employment

Article body:

Today, finding a job can be a very boring thing. However, some people claim that it is even more difficult to keep working to avoid the risk of losing it. This is because we try to use whatever means we can to avoid losing their work.

Unemployment is a devastating condition of society. It breaks the dream and ambition and the goal of having a happy and decent life. In fact, the unemployment rate only recorded 45% of its population working, and from here it had such an effect in the US in 1990, only 24% worked full time That's why it is very important for people to find a job and not lose it.

Today, the proportion of people being employed gradually increases, and the wages they earn escalate, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A family earning only $ 10,000 to $ 50,000 per year is already less common, as others have earned more.

For those of you who already have a job and wish not to be unemployed again, here are a few that they must follow to stay on track:

1. Employees will always do their best and improve

This involves a chain reaction within the company's workforce. Our staff will be more productive to improve your performance even if you have a hard time trying out work.

As productivity improves, the company's income increases, the funding for compensation increases, and the chances of employee development and motivation are increased.

2. Avoid the delay

If a person does not want to lose his or her job, he should avoid procrastination. Even with a bit of truth in it, making unnatural excuses will never justify undoing work.

3. It is better to find a job that people really like.

It will be difficult to continue work that people do not like. This is all about performance degradation. It is better to find a job that brings meaning to your life.

The main point here is that in order to focus on a common goal, you need to know how to turn failure into success.

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