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Come out a catchy advertising slogan

I want to start with this with my right foot, so I do not feel confused or hurt. I am a big fan of creativity.

Small tits. :
Come out a catchy advertising slogan

Article body:
I want to start with this with my right foot, so I do not feel confused or hurt. I am a big fan of creativity. I think it is very ... unique. If you have that creative energy and if you are using it, I will tilt my hat to you, shuffle around in the world Let's go when the disclaimer clause ends.

Did you go to college? Did you major in advertising? Ha ha ha .... Did you party a lot? Did you enter school with the intention of majoring in advertising? I bet you did not. Oh, I bet you made a lot of parties at high school.

My point is that I think that it can only be done by people who choose serious carriers that are not so advertisements. But that is a problem, only a few selected people can do it well. So, advertising is one of the major in the field of most universities, and many of these graduates from here are here to popularize almost all aspects of our daily life, the general field of advertising It was adopted. Advertising is interesting to me, as it seems to be the major that anyone can pass at least. However, a letter qualified if they have. Or are they?

This automatic slogan advertisement machine is online. It generates an ad slogan for the word you entered in the text box. I must say that I think it did a pretty good job. However, it can be as good as an expert actually studied in the field of advertising. In order to compare I found a few slogans ranked as part of the best slogan of 2000 - 2003. Take a look and see what slogan you can tell him / her razor sharp wit off educated advertiser to live an excellent life

• Lipsmackin 'Thirst quenchin' Acetastin 'Motivatin' Goodbuzzin 'Cooltalkin' Highwalkin 'Fastlivin' Evergivin 'Coolfizzin' Vertical.

• Touch someone to reach out

• I wish I was Fuscia 's Weiner.

* There must be no ambiguity.
Ask for Haig

* I saw the strategy, I thought about you.

• We will try harder

• It's only for me and my range.

• You will be wondering where yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent

* Pick up American pickles

To be fair, I once again announced that real company funding and okay'd slogan were chosen from the recognition group as the highest in each year Again, I am a professional or expert I have not condoned severely but somehow I feel confident Most of the advertisers there are their most ambitious and most creative

Approach effective advertisement

Using tons for advertising, I have not just got the results you expected.
Customer is not calling. No one knows who you are or worse yet, yet they are confused with your competition. Is it writing? design? Position? Here is an unusual approach to closing why your ads are not working.

Small tits. :
Copywriting, copywriter, writing, advertisement copy, advertisement, brochure, postal matter, web contents

Article body:
Get out of all the ads you ran last year. Please tell me. Tear them out of your magazines or newspapers (if you are lucky enough to have a proof sheet, so much better). You can get your hand and tear up your competitors ads too - many. Next, fold the company name, address, logo outside the view. If company name is in the headline, hinder them with paper and tape. Right now, put you on the top of your competitors, tape up them on the wall. At least five feet We will gradually close the most effective advertisement in the group (hopefully, one of you).

<b> "Eye Test" View </ b>

First of all, this is very important, I have not read one of them. Instead, please quickly and visually show what I call "visual acuity test". "Do your ads stand out or are they disintegrating into porridge of identity? Remember, your audience is competitive in the same or similar magazines and newspapers rather than in your advertisement, not in vacuum Dozens of ads are displayed.If ads stand out, specify the length and display ads.

<b> Feel the step image </ b>

Now move with a little bit closer to your ads. As a new salesperson walking through the door, enough end to get the image or feeling to project projects the full image which is to the people of the first thing. It is the same as advertising. Colors, designs, fonts must match the image of your company. Tennis shoes sales staff can wear the referee shirt and you can not whistle around his / her neck, medical sales rep. If your ad is synchronized with the image of your company, you are a step closer to your audience - and selling.

<b> Do you project a consistent appearance? </ b>

The next will come in the same way important: consistency. All ads must project the same image. No, they need not have the same vision or the same heading. But they all seem to come from the same company. After all, this image is your "familiar face" in the crowd. It is also something you worked very hard to create. And uniquely yours, no one else. Just like a good salesperson finally got through the door to make that first sale. I do not see the dream of converting salespeople after that. If an ad appears to be delivered from several different companies, the target user may assume the product. If your ad passes this test, a valid ad is within your scope Is the necessary place for the next step.

<b> Arm length for positioning </ b>

Apart from arm's length away from advertising favorite campaign. The purpose of this test is to see how well you placed yourself. Yes, you can now read the advertisement, not the details. It should be quite obvious before you finish the first paragraph on how you put yourself. Positioning is basically how to recognize products, service companies. For example, businessmen are all computers necessary for technicians and students, computers for different each. Advertising Computer Businessman is positioned and how it is a management accounting tool. Students will help learning as an advertising computer that is displayed with more quick response. And engineers should be persuaded to buy a computer if you put it as a design or research tool. In both cases, the product is the same, but positioning produces a unique appeal for any market. And bigger appeal, bigger sales. If you do your research, your position will be your advertisement and you

<b> Go to one ad </ b>

I will concentrate on one advertisement. So it is safe because you like something you like and the direction you like. Headlines and visual materials read what you are asking for it for me that you should "answer" to questions, but read quickly and effectively even if the audience does not end. Begin the pitch of direct customer advantages directly even before introducing some of the best salesmen in the world. They learned that customers want to know what products can do for them. If your product's benefits are filled with the body and your main visual material floats in space If your product blow or Earth pictures, your and sale will go to your competitor.

<b> Close-up of exposure </ b>

Ok, time for close-up: Body copy. Essentially, you back up "payroll" or a request you made with a headline telling you the main advantage of your product convincingly and effectively Essentially, I still have to answer the question "What is in there for me", but now I have room to do it. I can do it because it is humorous that I can make flowers. But we must convince the reader that there are strong advantages to be gained in the choice of your product over the rest. If you do a good job, your advertisements go intervals. Remove anything left off before becoming all good salesmen.

Please close with <b> and place an order! </ b>

For this we need to approach the bottom of the advertisement. Enough to read your calls to actions that must be short and direct, leaving suspicion in the reader's mind what to do after reading the advertisement call, as well as what you can expect the reader to receive It should be clear - For more information, organize the demo, do not have a salesperson call Reader should not need to get too close to read this (good to print this or your phone Do not leave a number). Remember that it is always noisy, confident, never whisper when a salesperson asks for an order or gives his / her phone number.

Obviously we have many market, demographic and personal factors that we do not consider. However, if you achieve the main goals you have introduced, users will not be able to close ads on ads or products. And that is what valid ads are all about.

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