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Comedy & laughter to emphasize Middle East & Arab problems everyday!

By more than just having an average visitor in mind, will try to put the harsh reality of the Arab world into a clear perspective. Through simple but authentic humor: "Ironic insight into the Arab world" did its mission to ignite the sense of consciousness and understanding. It just laughs and requests that user not smile at that picture, video, jokes or games. ... I will make it in inside.

Small tits. :
Comedy & Laugh Highlights Everyday Middle East Arab Issues Ironic media concentrates on built-in illusions Concentrated average dull heart - the story of entertaining paralysis problems Expertism negative West influence overlooking the purely traditional tradition Women Minority rude Inappropriate public actions Animal abuse No labor force Excessive overpricing Moral health intel

Article body:
Comedy & laugh emphasizes Middle East & Arab problems everyday

By more than just having an average visitor in mind, will try to put the harsh reality of the Arab world into a clear perspective. Through simple but authentic humor: "Ironic insight into the Arab world"
Contemporary Middle East & Arab media concentrates on depiction of society with illusion and manufacturing, yet a boring way. They mimick each other, based almost on typical plots like their so far on the problem of dull heart paralysis, which is almost unrelated to the majority of society and our strong slope and mixed sky of stereotypes Indifferent Story Plot Various social classes, today's Arabic movies, TV series, and TV programs
How often are you being filled with problems with plotting and inter-family feuds, struggle to achieve social mobility, workplace problems, spouse These plots are very common and typical, You can guess what happens without looking at it. These themes deal with some contemporary problems and there are conspiracy to some audiences.
But these common themes overlook overwhelming of his / her country, but simple civilians struggling to meet unnecessary burden. Common citizens lived with these burdens for so long that they are getting transplanted in their daily lives. They blindly overlooked them, and they are almost desensitized. The average civilians know that they are constantly on a daily basis, but he is too helpless to even think about finding the way around them
It is a burden that can remember Mai. Do you remember excessive population, pollution, poverty, illiteracy, corruption, ineffective education system, nonproductive public service, lack of family planning, lack of free thinking, lack of proper housing, ignorance, poor?
The most traditional Arabic media actually represents these simple simple yet daily struggles and the problems the average intermediate Asians face, but staff say that common citizens Aim to awake and understand how each burden is eating our moral, health, intellect, and life Think about the best ways to portray these troubles and at the same time get their "point beyond" through simple humor. Common involuntary inaccuracy of the Arab society and points back to the accident irony insight. did its mission to ignite the sense of consciousness and understanding. It just laughs and requests that user not smile at that picture, video, jokes or games. ... I will make it in inside.

I will open up your checkbook and come out

Jimmy - Cagney, Joey, being a buff of many smiles of debt and movies than usual, I found myself in a familiar role. "Joey, are you listening to me?" The customer service representative called through the bullring. "This is Verizon."
"Do you want Whaddaya?" Joey is called back. "This is the final disconnection notification", the voice came back.

Small tits. :
Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laughter, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, skit, skit

Article body:
Joey who dared to spotlight he was scanning the warehouse took a quick look at the crowd under the window and cried out, "Never a dirty, rotten building" then he is under the threshold Returned to shelter and ducked.

He recently got more to debt than usual - in fact, he discovered himself surrounded by it - and he was plaguing his mind with many of the collectors of bills Jimmy * Cagney's Because of memories of smile and buff of old movies, his brain somehow feels the attachment similar to Legacy Cagney his black suit, with him in a familiar role in a familiar role, dust in his white shirt Because he occasionally took reinforcement, he had a bottle of whiskey beside him.

"Joey, are you listening to me?" Verizon's customer service representative is invoked through the bullring. "This is Verizon."

"Do you want Whaddaya?" Joey is called back.

"This is the final disconnection notification."

"Already?" Joe replied, and overlooking the mountain of scattered banknotes on the floor. He began to leaf nervously through them and found Verizon's invoice. "I have your bill here," he exclaimed the window. "It is only 15 days past. Arrival before you disconnect my service"

"Child," Verizon's personnel cried back. "You got a poor payment record."

"Yes, so what do you want me to do about it?" Joey knew, he knew he had not had the funds to pay the bill at the moment. He eked his life as a freelance journalist, he had come through a very recent period and he did not arrange his normal number of articles. Thankfully, he finally sold his work to travel & leisure.

Just then, one of the crowd policemen picked up his own plain and said, "Joey, this is O'Hara, come out with your checkbook open - or else!

"Or else what are you dirty, stinkin 'copper?" Joey cried back.

Mr. Verizon intervened "I will teach children, what shops." "We suspend your outgoing service. Then it includes your DSL Internet service."

"No, no, something other than my DSL!" Joey got a call "I am a free magazine writer.If I can not send my articles by e-mail I will be finished." A little mercy Deleted review for "

"Sorry, Joey," Verizon rep answered, "We have to go by the rules.

At that moment, the scammer staff informed the staff from verizon, "It was my turn, I had your blow." Then he knows who this is, Joey Do you? Con - ed "

"What are you doin 'here?" "Joey asked.

"You know the same way as I. Your electricity bill is overdue."

"Arrival?" Joey replied. "I will give you arrears!" And so he lamented the crowd.

Be careful, Kid "There was a call from O'Hara patrol" It is a vulgar exposure. You may end up with a pen. "

"You, I care?" Joey cried back. "At least, there I do not have to pay for my room and board."

In response to that comment, a lawyer who was so unfamiliar as ever has reached a liar. "Talking about rooms and boards, Joey, I am a lawyer with messages from your landlord."

"No, no, it is not!" Joey suffered and in Cagneyesque style, he made two fists and rubbed them with his temple.

"You are behind more than a month!" The lawyer reminded him and held an ominous, legal size document. "I have evicted eviction here.

"Evacuation notice?" Joey cried.

"Yes," said the lawyer. "You have to give up the site!"

Later, Con Ed personnel said, "I did not end with him." He turned to the warehouse where Joey was pierced. "This is your final notice, your child.If you have not received the full payment by today's date, your service will be canceled, that is, light out!

"Yes, yeah, I heard ya, I told a lie that it was called Joey. "I checked the mail.

"When did you mail?"


"That is what you said last week, Joey," the representative kept his account record and shot back. "I have proof here."

"But it is the moon! Without electricity, I could freeze to death."

"We regret inconvenience."

The lawyer has reached the bullring place again. "About your electricity bill, Joey - do not worry.


He now ties a legal document around the rock and lifted it. "Three days from this notification service as you need to vacate the site at the latest." Then he threw the document bound to the stone toward the window. "Read it, cry!"

It broke above the window and crashed to the floor. Joey rocked the glass piece away from himself, sneaked into the recently arrived document and put it away from the stone. He looked at it and muttered to himself, "Pressure, how can I take all of this pressure?" And, with renewed resolve, he said, "You never bring me back to life! definitely!"

The policeman lifted his plain. "Listen to Joey Here is the Ohara patrol rationally, no phone, no DL, no lights and no fever What kind of life is it? Doing the right thing and getting out of your check book.

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