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Comets-Visitors from beyond.

What we love most in the world of astronomy is a good mystery. And if there has been the mysterious and powerful power of nature we are witnessing in the night sky, it is the arrival of a huge comet.

The arrival of comets in the view of the Earth is an internationally important event. Haley and Hale-Bop had when they were coming into view where the sights of these amazing space objects are simultaneously horrible and divine

Above all, astronomers come out to all of us during the observation of these comets. But what is a comet? Where did it come from? What a magnificent tail?

Do not confuse a comet with an asteroid. Asteroids are rocks in a small space that comes from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. While still very nice to look at, they are pale compared to the arrival of the comet. Asteroids are also undergoing considerable research by the scientific community.

Little is known about comets. In principle, comets are much larger than asteroids. The composition of the comet is, vaguely, a mixture of gas, ice, dust and space debris. One scientist called the composition of the comet akin to "dirty snowballs" because the composition is so diverse and variable. The center or core of the comet is usually a quiet solid, but the material of the "snowman" can often be very large, behind the comet as it travels through space Its trailing plume is the comet Earth It is what makes the magnificent tail of a very exciting comet to see when it comes into view.

The origin of comets is likewise mysterious. There are several theories as to where they came from, but it is clear that they originate from outside the solar system somewhere in the deep universe and some get loose from what attraction they are The universe to get caught in the gravity of our sun and finally bring them to our solar system

Another theory is that they are coming from gaseous clouds called Olt clouds that are cooled there after the sun's organization. This space-as the debris cools, it solidifies enough to be attracted to the gravity of the solar system, which turns to a fast moving comet falling towards our sun but due to the strong gravity orbits of many planets of our solar system In addition, comets do not always collide with the sun immediately, but often take their own orbit.

The life span of comets is quite different. Scientists say long-range comets have an average lifespan of more than two hundred years, while burn-outs within two hundred years as short-range comets, or shadows on the sun, not as Earth dwellers, It may seem long to us in terms of stars and planets, but this is certainly very short as a space object

Some Very Impressive Probes to Learn More About Comets to Help Scientists Around the World Come Together Together to Help Understanding These Visitors In 1985, for example, the United States Has Comet About Comets Surveys were made on the comet's Giacobini-Zinner trail that passed through the comet's tail collecting no scientific knowledge. Then, in 1986, an international cross-check of scientists launched a probe that was able to pass near Earth and continue research and fly near Haley's comet

While science fiction writers and tabloids like to astonish us of the possibility of a comet affecting the Earth, understanding the orbit of the comet, what way some comets, their influence abolishes It is good because it reaches a size that is the same size as the planet to be. So far, we can enjoy the fun of watching the comets, make their rare visits to our night sky, beyond to marvel at spectacular shows
Bonding with the Universe.

As parents, we are often worried that our children are excited. We hope we can lead them to "join" with healthy things like the love of learning, of the family's healthy social activities. Even secure bonds are like mistakes Internet stalkers or wrong attraction is even more up. If we can use the tremendous energy and desire to latch in something, combine it, and help the universe and children "bond" through the love of astronomy

Kids love being excited about what you are excited about. So there are a lot of ways you can "splash" of those astronomical fun jumping on them to start a long and happy search of astronomical hobbies. Here are some to get your imagination.

* Work it in the backyard evening. If you know the night sky is particularly exciting for big family barbecue nights, plan to have a blanket there. Then just lay out the blanket, lay flat on your back, and stare at a distant place to grab the attention of those who start staring into the sky with binoculars, as everyone is doing the frisbee Like your old prank, what your kids are doing and what is happening as you let them take a peep, their curiosity is like a wild fire Take off and they will be crazy.

* Surprise visit to the country. Sometimes it is difficult to see the vast display of stars from the city. If you show them surprises overnight and they announce that they are going to bring the mountain to the car, their curiosity will make you leave the city You are a quiet park, field or lake When you find a spot on the side, all you have to do is an up point and say "just look",

* Special Christmas gifts. Affordable and durable The first telescope is used to hold a meeting with just a simple star book. In the case of imagination, you can also teach how to use this gift to know. You will see in them the gifts and gifts they wanted them to have in Santa and new astronomical gifts in the snow to show great things.

* Unleash the power of meteor showers on them. When done, please describe the sky scene specifically for the prediction of the event to be noticed. When the next big meteor shower is about to explode in your area, watch the sunny night's weather and get excited about what your children are trying to see The lights begin to go off over their heads And, as you create fun and interesting narration on this dramatic display, children are astronomy

* Plan a surprise event with something you are already doing. For example, while on vacation, you match your visit by contacting your route in advance to a cross country trip to bring you within one visit distance of a multi-million dollar telescope in this country You can confirm that you have a tour. They are bigger than their homes, and maybe they can look up at the telescope looking through the eyepiece as a sight of some great space

Astronomy is a wonderful activity to introduce family camping trips. As the family sits around the fire after a fun night out of the camp, all you have to do is just look and wow, look at it! When these little heads look up, They look back at children, children changed in love with the stars.

Astronomy is a healthy passion for your child and can grow throughout your life. And there is probably no better gift you can give them, than the love of the stars.

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