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Common strategy of animated comedy

Review by "

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Making Movie Suitable for Comedy Movies Joe - Yang Stop Motion Digital

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As an independent film director who specializes in animated comedy, I think about (in a good sense) how to make a project to laugh at people Recent popular shows and movies (ie Simpsons, family people, Shrek, etc.) By vetting I am not only intended as a guide for comedy filmmakers this animated present day as well as the advantages / disadvantages of their execution.

The next compilation is the result of my own observation and I will tell you what I mean later if you look at the details of this Sunday night when a family man comes in Later I will be in the mainstream audience In order to share some of my own thoughts on creating effective humor.

1. Parody: This is a well-known genre and plot expression (action, horror, pornography, etc.) poking fun and well-known movies, television programs, celebrities, very frequently these Genres, movies, and TV shows are camouflaged. You highlighted a reference to a Kubrick movie during the Simpsons episode to highlight a joke, or a look at the Star Wars reference of Family Guy

Benefits: First, it is easy and often brings up laughter. The basic structure of the joke is based on a well-known source and the audience may get it soon.

Cons: Dull, it is lazy movie production. Too many parodies are often interpreted as lack of creativity / creativity and can ultimately limit the depth of the project. Jokes / gags of this sort only last as long as the disguised or referenced theme is popular or prevalent.

2. Animation is deliberately bad / crappy: insufficient drawing as an important element of humor / use of animated characters and backgrounds is included.

Advantages: Sometimes, more efficient and cost-effective than using more detailed animation techniques. Well, call it a new joke or gossit gags that can produce some bad anime. Consider a show like Aquatine hunger and Sirab 2021.

Disadvantages: Like a parody, this can quickly turn into a lazy film production. By laughing animation with bad animation can keep the project.

3. Gross Out Humor / Explicit Language: Includes some humor but is not limited to being scat, sexual, bloody etc. Also includes use of dirty words. Since the Simpsons and South Park, the audience has expected this kind of joke.

Advantages: If you are small at doses and sensitive, the humor and use of the whole body of explicit language combined with visual vision gags can be hilarious.

Disadvantages: Easy to use too easily. Dialogue including too much Four-letter words for being uncomfortable off most viewers. Total sales appearance, only in case the shock value for use is shallow as in case of shallow do not do anything contribute to the whole story.

4. Nonsequence (Random humor): Jokes, sentences, events, etc. happen from nowhere.

Benefits: Absurd humor that arises in random works at some level, its unpredictability, including the oddities of the act itself, its apparent focus on the scene and that it took the audience by surprise, originality of the project Can be added.

Disadvantages: If absurd and random actions suddenly change the focus of the story, there is a possibility to disappoint viewers engaged in the story otherwise. Also, many people can not "get it" with the potential to restrict viewing demographics. If a nonsequencer serves as the conclusion of the story, it is usually evidence that it can not produce an effective outcome.

Create more effective humor:

Characters with unique qualities: It is not easy to try to be original, but it is a lot of fun. When creating characters, please do not worry too much about whatever "hip" or "is" at the moment. Begin with characteristics with very specific personality traits, habits, etc. Please make people you know, your experience, or your imagination be wild. Give your character a particular hobby, an unusual interest (a protagonist who can not resist water spewing objects), and / or specific likes and dislikes. These specific qualities often provide opportunities for development characters, occasional humorous events.

A solid conclusion story: Many creative people I talked to notice the difficulties that I come up with a good end. In any genre, all kinds of filmmakers can learn valuable lessons from mysterious novel writers. Let's start by knowing how it will end if you come up with a movie idea. I will logically play all the events to make this focus easier. Another important hint to remember - The audience almost always tolerates the movie with a bad beginning, but does not allow the movie with a bad ending.

This is the same as this interesting thing: So, what does this mean? Here is an example: Being on the Internet of a careless skateboarder falling down numerous times on his face after trying off the coast off the roof of his parent's house It was not funny to the skate border, It was funny to most of the people who saw it happen. why? At the psychological level, screw-up does not result in death or dismemberment as long as it is in our nature to laugh or take some kind of unhappy / failure satisfaction of someone else (practical At a very low level, most online viewers laughed at a sheer idiot of action, after all, an inadvertent skateboarder jumping off the roof actually expects positive results from his stunt So how we apply this to the creation of a comedy, not creating an interesting situation for your letter, not for the audience, it's going to be a purpose and not a letter Expect a serious result It is obviously dangerous, so you may see it.

These help to understand today some of just a few pointers or successful comedy that will help you start with the creation of your own comedy and I hope you enjoyed the article. Have a good laugh!

Classic movies - Why is it important for viewers today

Because we have found a hamburger, classic movies are really one of the great inventions. The classic movie also shows that we had the advantage of seeing when we were children.

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Classical movies, classical movies, classic movies, black and white movies

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So, is it really thought of as a classic movie? I can do so because of black and white film as an assistant - Noir It probably did such a thing. Including some of these cheesy classical music? How about a big powder wig? Do you consider the official nature of both character acquisition as well as period acquisition and apparel? Is it a classic movie that won the 10 Academy Awards? Or do you think that classical movies are down to perception of just one viewer or individual?

Because we have found a hamburger, classic movies are really one of the great inventions. The classic movie also shows that we had the advantage of seeing when we were children. It was during those old Saturday afternoons and Sundays when my dear father was not consumed by the show's sports program,

Clearly, there is a distinct difference between classic and classical movies with only classical elements (music, costumes, story lines, etc.). ), I do not want to deal with the pleasure of yesterday and today's classic movie accompanied by the only specific period of history, then only equipped with elements of a classical period

I tend to associate beauty and views with black and white flicks, curmudgeons and comedies, people have insights into those who were then at the time, like us,

For example, say my favorite classic movie of improvisation all the time. This film is basically bent in partnership with Chopin, like Charlie George * Sand, Franz * List, Friederich * Chopin, and they were a wonderful company and fine entertainment film, his weak point, I concentrate on being equal to the magnitude of her attack. Costumes, soundtracks, dialogue, and settings seem breathtaking like delivery in all directions, techniques, and words and emotions. Human beings are identified from the beginning of the theme and the time until today, not only love and hatred, good and evil, but as long as admiration and a motif that transcends time as much as the movie itself

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