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Computer Consulting: The 90's Way of the Market

We aim to expand the computer consulting industry and hold a talk event "Major marketing as a world-viewing qualification. Eye-Building-Brand-identity computer consulting.

It's tough. :
Computer consulting

Article body:
The 90's were the proof of time for the computer consulting business. It is a big company that everyone and what is a formal partnership. "We hire us because we are a Novell Certified Store" or "We hire us because we are IBM's business partners."

Most consultants are not guiding anymore because they do not want to be perceived as an extension of the sales force of the company. Do computer consulting of own brand that is considered to be good.

About our partner program

Long ago, used to get large MDS and co-op adverts when in the partner program. Because those days are ending rapidly, there is really no financial reason to paste the logo anywhere else. Time represents not only your own branding but also other solutions.

Stick to the product you know

Naturally, you get new computer consulting prospects, are taking them through the qualification stages and calling for sales, you

If you are allowed to belong to the program, we recommend that particular solution. The main thing is not to create marketing messages that focus on specific products on each platform.

It does not become a product

If you do, you open yourself to the commodity price competition. If your prospects can get it cheaper through the web or via mail order, ask why they should buy a NetWare license from you Don't open yourself into a bid battle.

That way of marketing is the date. Passe It is a client who can do computer consulting work to market in how good condition!

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"Tsutsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" bonds

Marketing skills from veteran marketing companies

It's tough. :
Business, Marketing, Business,

Article body:
If this is the first marketing article you are reading, go write me and find other more basic articles coming back. This day

Overview of the steps to marketing:

1) Survey

2) get attention

3) Postage

Marketing surveys save you from flying blind to your business marketing strategy and what you should put in your direct mail marketing as you did not really do your research to find out what you should offer It is when you do not know

In order to get the response you prefer in your direct mail sales movement, one area you need to look at can not be answered immediately in finding what to tell your public. "But honestly, it is very possible and just don't realize it .. Read.

You already know your market pretty well because you sell to them. You are unknowingly surveying all the time. Take this example:

The optometrist has an optical boutique. He knows that the largest market for his eyewear is a woman from the age of 40-65. How do you know? The inventory of his women's frame is constantly double the stock of his man's frame or even more returned fives than children. And female frame types are the ones that are compatible with non-line bifocals. Interesting! Let's see what else this optometrist knows. He is from the more upscale designers these women are products he continues to sort, so that these women probably have more arbitrary income, which is what I mean by surveying unconsciously.

Next, let's look at an example of confirming that there is no data:

You are a mortgage broker and don't know what to tell people to get them to rebuild their finances, but this has attracted the best deal you specialize. You ask the people indirectly what kind of pros and cons would be for conducting marketing research, or for their attitudes and feelings about refinancing Most of you people would like to refinance, but it is very I think they are complex procedures, so they never try. From this information you determine what your advertising tone and message should be taken.

So what does your promotion say? How "we take the hassle from refinancing for you. Find a way." You will get a response. I am concerned about whether it is safe to fall apart to the prospects that Kihosen Ro motion works talk about and the minimum level. Their concern is that it is too complicated. How are you missed? The survey is the answer.

This is a smart business to design surveys (or have one designed) Keeps you with know-how your past customers

Now let's get into the next logical order of how to break the first barrier of getting attention so before you read it the "button" you found from your search

Discard the envelope!

The most common question asked when dealing with direct mail is "how do you get their attention?" This is because most envelopes look basically the same, no matter what you do with them Is a big problem. It is printed. The color, window release is now urgent-customers are all these. They are thrown away before they are also open. They can say from the outside that it is on sale and just get rid of it. This also causes you to lose sales for the assumption before trying to get your message, the customer is the easiest and easiest way for them to get around it, as they are going for it We do by use of postcard.

The full color aspect of the postcard only attracts more attention than all of the specific day stack envelopes of the mail, but what the recipient does to read

Let's use this example:

You are sitting in the subway, and the man next to you says, "There is something I want to sell you, it's under my trench coat." So, any sane person will do, you Will move to the seat farthest from him, so don't worry.

As you are now sitting at the farthest seat from the unreliable freak in the trench coat, you hold the cookie box and "You buy a cookie box Everyone loves thin mint!" Pull out your wallet and lower $ 3 for a delicious cholesterol and sugar box.

See the difference? I do not understand the trench coat on the back of the message such as. For all we know the "untrustworthy variant", I have shown him lovingly, so there may have been a box of thin mint underneath.

Therefore, if you're not ready now for the stop stuffing promotion branding envelopes only.

Now, make the last step easy and take the hassle of direct delivery.

So you have to be careful in getting postcard designs-printed. This is another, as fast and efficient as possible, to get them into the hands of the receiver cheaply, without too much hassle. There are people who are doing it by themselves.

The obvious advantage of doing it yourself is that you do not pay someone else what you charge to do it for you. The disadvantage of doing it yourself is that it will cost you more in the long run.


Usually your postage for 4.25x6 "is Postcard 23o. Direct mail company can lease the special software from USPS reading them address and bar code. The post office is bar coded post With this software update being monthly, the address is improving mailings, if the person is no longer at that address it is a waste of your money to mail to them.

Because we use high-tech equipment and software direct mail companies, we can sometimes save as much as possible. 04 cents per card. And you don't have all the hassle of getting shipments from yourself.

Mr. Kuroza, not a difficult story-I will send the long-term preservation money of the same series technique to someone by hand. If it's a tough way, switch to a direct mail marketing company. I will make sure that they are glad to help save money, time and trouble.

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