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Contraception Question: Get the Right Answer

When one decides to go to contraception, it does not just affect their lives, but wou7ld is born to an unwanted pregnancy because in life it is your plan to be a parent at the moment If not yet, or if you are not ready to be one, I have this and not this contraception Now there are a lot of contraceptive questions that keep popping out of your mind?

New people in this area of ​​contraception are often good to be ready to ask your doctor or reproductive health clinic. It seems that it is not appropriate for the shy ones. If you find it embarrassing to ask a question, you may be dealing with a more embarrassing situation in nine months. It would be better if you did not ask.

Most of the more common questions people ask about contraception are the following types of contraception, the most effective, possible side effects, and of course some myths and bushes

When choosing the right contraceptive method, it is recommended that you first check your body's general health and preferences. An important aspect of contraception that can be learned to take them frequently as it is required. For example, if you prefer taking oral contraceptives, but you know you will forget to take it in the morning, another way is you

Other issues include previous pregnancy experience, issues about embarrassing your partner or yourself regarding that, your par to methods when these are deciding how to use contraception There are some things that need to be considered.

Some questions are difficult to deal with, others do not, but to protect your health and prevent unwanted pregnancy, these are the last thing you can do

In general, contraception can be classified as barrier, mechanical, hormonal, and natural. There are also urgent and permanent categories. Regardless of the method, all types of contraceptives are intended to prevent sperm from reaching the egg for fertilization or moving into the uterus of the woman and growing.

However, despite the method, single contraception is not 100% effective. Any medical company or producer's claim to contraception is wrong and therefore unethical business practice. The same is true for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. It can not be correctly said that the contraception method can completely prevent the infection from Std.

And, of course, there is a myth that you need to go with your health officer for an explanation. These myths began as gossip and spread until they were accepted as truth, but the evidence to support these claims otherwise was that a fallacy such as oral contraceptives and weight gain.
Oral contraceptives, a cure for acne?

First, taking oral contraceptives to cure the problematic acne is a totally ludicrous idea. It turned out that the idea was not fetched as far as we first thought. Oral contraceptives, depending on the situation, teen girls can treat the awful acne problem.

It is embarrassing to be a source of acne problems for older women, even for girls. There are multiple treatments for acne. Doctors can, of course, help determine what medications are necessary and appropriate for each individual to solve their acne problem. The medicine can range from acne creams to antibiotics and occasional oral contraceptives.

Since the oral contraceptive contains synthetic hormones that help balance the hormones already in the body of the fluctuation brought about by adolescent teenagers see these as one of the causes of acne problems with these hormone fluctuations It is done. The doctor has prescribed the use of contraceptive pills to control the acne for years. Pills are not classified to be such use, but their effectiveness to some people is remarkable. Fortunately, the FDA has begun to approve the use of certain contraceptive pills as an alternative drug to treat acne.

Even though the FDA has already approved the use of oral contraceptives for acne treatment, physicians often tried several drugs and treatments, and have no effect that it is customary for oral contraceptives It is also common to be used alongside acne medications. This method has proven to be more effective than using it alone.

All these two are responsible for preventing ovulation of female ovary eggs. Oral contraceptives reduce the production of testosterone in women's body. As the production of testosterone decreases, the amount of oil produced by the skin also decreases. As a result, there is a lower chance to experience stoma blockage by reducing the oil produced in the skin.

The oral contraceptive that lies between them contains progesterone, which helped reduce the androgen hormone in the body. This will reduce acne breakout activity. .

However, some brands of oral contraceptives actually increase the levels of testosterone in the body and do not prevent acne, but rather into a major epidemic possible This is why before taking your own hands a problem It is important to consult your doctor. You can read from the label of the medicine and read it on the internet. Expert opinion is still important and should be asked each time this happens.

It is common for doctors to prescribe daily doses of oral contraceptives for a period of three weeks. You should then take placebo pills to induce a normal menstrual cycle. Too much and I start to get nervous. It is prescribed in the medicine. It is normal to see a noticeable effect after the third month, just when you start taking the drug.

The use of oral contraceptives as a treatment for acne is not without side effects. Common side effects include weight gain, nausea, mood swings, chest flexibility, and menstrual spotting. There are situations where the side effects are very serious.

Increases stroke, headache, gallstones, blood pressure, thrombosis and even depression, but these effects are very rare, but use oral contraceptives for acne control

Among the contraception questions, this is often asked: If I use contraceptives, do I gain weight? The answer is no.

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