Some people are not ready to have children. Perhaps they are still in high school and just want to have sex, so others are more career-oriented and want to focus first before starting a family. Whatever the reason, you need to know that there are potential side effects depending on the type used.
The easiest way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is to not do it at all. This is known as abstention. But if you want the two lovers to be physical, you have to find another way to express your love.
Another very popular way is condoms. There are different types in the market that cater to both men and women. After sexual intercourse, this should be removed and discarded. There is no side effect to using condoms. It should be opened before sexual intercourse and properly positioned to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Spermicides are often used with other contraceptives. For example, the diaphragm of the vaginal ring. They come in creams, films, gels, suppositories and tablets. The risks or side effects of using them improperly include burning or itching and TSS or toxic shock syndrome. The user is also obsessed
Oral contraceptives have most of the side effects. These are: chest flexibility, headaches, mood changes, nausea, reconnaissance and weight gain. Some women claim that their migraines have increased in severity as a result of their taking. Apart from those mentioned, you may also experience clotting, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, breast and liver cancer.
But there are newer oral contraceptives. The latest one is called Seasonale, which was released in 2003. Studies have shown that a few incidents of foot clotting on this have taken place in the lungs, arrests or ruptures of the blood vessels in the heart or blood vessels and other organs, liver tumors and hypertension and also contacts like conventional oral contraceptive Similar symptoms like breast flexibility, weight gain, vomiting and difficulty wearing the lens just
Contraceptive patches are another option for women and apply this to your skin. Choose whether to paste this on your abdomen, buttocks, upper arms or torso. In the fourth week, women are patch free.
Side effects of using a contraceptive patch include abdominal pain, chest flexibility, fluid retention or elevated blood pressure, irregular bleeding, headache, menstrual cramps and nausea
Some people also use injections and you can go to a doctor every month for this or all three months. The side effects of using injections are irregular periods, weight gain and vomiting. The same side effects may also be experienced if you choose to use an implant.
Contraception is the answer for those who do not want to take the responsibility of raising the baby. Just be prepared for the side effects that those who try it often experience, as you just know.
Natural contraception
Natural contraception is among the most popular choices of couples in family planning. This is because natural contraception only guarantees women's health, but also does not buy contraception or save money for going through a contraception procedure
Although natural contraception is among the safest in terms of health, there are no procedures and chemicals to back up the process and this plans to have natural contraception as a 100% family planning tool For those who are, they have this contraceptive option especially busy and unstable schedule
Although nature must have no side effects of life management if we must understand that it is a couple, I think it is necessary to keep in mind the utmost.
Natural contraception options
After deciding to enter the natural means of family planning, you are always educated about the options to be the best couple.
Being educated, couples have a good knowledge of the pros and cons of the options, and really decide which one works for them:
Here are some of the couple of natural birth options that you would like to get into the family plan you can choose from:
1. Standard day method. This is considered as the latest type of natural contraception option there.
It is a birth rate plan whether it will be a couple that can do standard law or SDM. SDM can also help men and women to be protected from various sex related diseases during and after physical relations. SDM can be used by tracking the length of the menstrual cycle, knowing that days 8 and 19—the day women are fertile—can happen and these days are determined Then, you should practice total abstinence to ensure that pregnancy does not occur.
CycleBeads method. This method is closely associated with the use of standard methods, if so, the tool marks fertility and menstruation. The tool used in this way is called "CycleBeads" and is a color-coded 32 necklaces. The included woman is a rubber ring placed around the bead to mark the day when it has a menstrual cycle. There is no natural birth management option.
You can use this method as only women with regular menses have longer days with levels of infertility and fertility.
3. Ovulation method. Also referred to as "cervical mucus method," this natural contraceptive option is effective enough to ensure that all women regularly check their cervical mucus
Here, there is no room for ovulation, so pregnancy will not occur if cervical mucus is not present. Women use their fingers to wipe tissue at the vaginal opening to check for some mucus, or put a liner on underwear to check for the presence of mucus
The presence of sticky and elastic mucus indicates that there is ovulation within a few days so intercourse should be prohibited.
Other natural contraceptive options available include "Rhythm or Calendar Method", "Sympto Fever Method," and "Basolateral Body Temperature Method."
Just as with the use of other contraceptive methods, it is always best to get the opinion of a medical professional to ensure not only the health of the woman but also the child.
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