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Create alcoholic beverage blender

It's summer season, right for a refreshing alcoholic blender. Because there is no heat of cooling, there is that very popular blender drink. Here is an alcohol blender beverage recipe just looking for a home page that is in preparation for interesting ease.


This good and popular rum based cocktail will heat the summer more comfortably than just what you need. You can mix the blend in your blender 3/4 cup rum, 3/4 cup coconut milk, 1 1/2 pineapple juice ee This mixture is a topic quickly and even creamy up to the blender. Then serve with the mixture obtained in four glasses garnished with a pineapple wedge.


Frozen daquiri is another popular drink that lets you create your blender. Daquiri is essentially a cocktail consisting primarily of sugar-like rum, lime juice and sweeteners. To make this refreshing summer drink, mix the ingredients into a 3/4 cup of rum, 1/4 cup of lime juice, 1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar or honey, and a blender. Give a quick run of You can also top off with whipped cream swirl garnished with fresh strawberries and pour the resulting mixture into four glasses.

Frozen margarita

Frozen margaritas are basically made from crushed ice in a blender and cocktails with tequila as its main ingredients. To make a frozen margarita, you need to mix with 1/4 cup of tequila and 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice. Then you can add 1/4 cup of orange liqueur to 3 cups of sugar to 3 cups of sugar, how you want to be your summer frozen cocktail drink and add to 1 1/2 cup of crushed ice in a blender blend Remember, give it a quick topic.

You can provide frozen margaritas with salted glasses. Rub a lime wedge around the rim of the serving glass and soak them in a dish of kosher salt before pouring into the cocktail. If you prefer sweet frozen margarita, you can dip the glass with granular sugar instead.

Frozen espresso milkshake

You can make your own summer alcohol blender drinks with frozen sauce milkshakes and friends. Mix in a 3/4 espresso cup, 1 cup milk, 2 scoop vanilla ice cream, 1/2 cup vodka, and 1/2 cup carba. Add to a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream. Add to 1 1/2 cups of ice and spin the blender until the mixture is thick and creamy. You can pour it. If you want to shake the Mocca, you can add it with chocolate syrup.

For equipment except for alcohol mixer drinks can be unnecessary. You can try out these drink recipes at your home using your credible blender, and for your own summer heat
Points to consider when purchasing a blender

Blenders are popular appliances in most homes around the world. Trying it out is especially valuable if you have created your own thing that you can share with others.

It is this genius who can make a lot of things. If only the inventor is alive, he will surely be proud of his creation. It was invented in 1922 by Stephen Poplawski. You can enjoy a caizumi that can be made to be intended for him. He did this by placing the blade at the bottom of the tall container.

Nowadays, blenders can be used for pleasure, fun and medicinal and health related purposes. Do you have any more then what are you waiting for? This guide is intended to help you get the most out of this type of right instrument available for sightseeing.

1. You need to consider the power consumption. After taking a good amount of smoothies you can enjoy the fruit of your labor, you will see electricity bills too high. You need to choose the type of blender that runs at less than 750 watts. As such, there is no reason you should refrain from using it.

Check the parts often. If you look at it, even if something is wrong, there is too much damage and can be replaced in the following cases. This will only reduce your power consumption, also help maintain your appliance, avoid rust from growth, and jam for future use

2. Accessories should also be your concern. Ask for the accessories and parts that you can find with the mixer that you are taking into account. Make sure you have most of what you need to do with everything you want to do. So what are you keeping in mind other than smoothies? Choose equipment that can cut meat, vegetables and anything you like in different sizes. This is a feature if you want to be a crush ice with a blade if you think it is good to look into creating a puree.

3. Size is important with the blender. If you just use this at home, you can have medium size. Larger ones are useful for business purposes. If you need to consider the power of the giant Godzilla's head use it as it is.

4. The characteristics of speed must also be seen. For this reason, it is a blender how to use it in the store before going. Thus, the best possible way for a sales representative to recommend you a brand or type that suits your needs. Of course, you also need to take note of the price. You can think like you can not go beyond. This is an investment, yes. However, choose what you can pay for This way, you can take advantage of the best possible way appliance once you get it.

To choose the right mixer for you, you need to consider the above. Thus, depending on what you choose and what you think hard about the suggestions given in the process of choosing what you get

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