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Cultivation of intuition

Ralph Waldo Emerson said the American philosopher "Intuition which is primary wisdom." It is not just a theory, it is part of who we are. Without training we can occasionally happen to it when we follow our intuition and usually prefer the result. What happens if we learn to tap daily into our own innate intuition? why? As Karl-Jung said, "Intuition is not against reason, it represents something that is out of reason." ..

It's tough. :
Cultivation of intuition, self-sabotage, ego, endless loop, intelligent mind

Article body:
Ralph Waldo Emerson said the American philosopher "Intuition which is primary wisdom." It is not just a theory, it is part of who we are. Without training we can occasionally happen to it when we follow our intuition and usually prefer the result. What happens if we learn to tap daily into our own innate intuition? why? As Karl-Jung said, "Intuition is not against reason but represents something outside reason." It is true, not in our head. Our head can not control it.

There are many ways in which we interfere with our own natural intuition every time. How about not giving a chance?

We hurry so much that we don't take the time to hear our intuition.

-Need to be late and hear this and still understand our company.

We do not look for the symbolism of things or events, and we develop our symbolic abilities.

-We need to be open to possibilities.

We insist that our ego take control of us / control everything around us.

-The ego is threatened by the presence of your intuition.

We confuse intuition with fear and hopeful thinking.

-When we stay in our heads and let our emotions control us, we lose the gift of what our intuition can offer.

I want to continue to use the intuition and use of Associate.

-Intuition is contagious. But so is the lack of intuition.

It is a pedal bike or pump weight that you can think of as you can.

-Where and when intuition is invited, it is not required.

We consider our logical, intelligent, and analytical thinking as the only way to find a solution or make a decision or find a solution to a problem

-Using all our emotional intelligence tools and habits, we are at the center and intuition we intelligence many creative choices we could not imagine

We listen to our ego when it tells us that it can handle the problem or the situation itself.

-We allow ego to reject the insights that intuition provides.

We believe that we do not have to learn the tools, techniques and habits to master our intuition.

 It has become more intuitive to see what kind of infinite loop head you got, so how good it is.

One of the most brilliant and analytical minds of the twentieth century, Albert * Einstein said, "The real precious thing is intuition." If this famous and rational mind can believe intuition, maybe it You should try it. Who knows, with a little practice, a little coaching and some success, maybe we open to see the wisdom of using this "thing" too called intuition

crisis management

The internet is an open world enterprise and consumer, and also a public relationship nightmare company. The forum, opinion websites, blogs, and anything that is publishable can pollute the company's name at the time.

It's tough. :
Crisis management, crisis plan, reputation, company, business, plan

Article body:
The internet is an open world enterprise and consumer, and also a public relationship nightmare company. The forum, opinion websites, blogs, and anything that is publishable can pollute the company's name at the time.

Remember, "You are a very bad hotel" Explain the presentation hotel chain and the bad experience of one customer? The hotel is run by humans. Humans make mistakes. That's how you handle mistakes that can make a difference in customer service. The customer beats and bloggers blogged it because the hotel staff did not try to help the customer overcome the bad condition.

If the hotel is above the game, it demonstrates its crisis management (also known as reputation management) team to rescue its reputation while it can overcome the company bad PR and It is possible to come forward as in the case of PG & E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company of California).

About the Internet Monitor Monitor online articles using different strategies to prepare for corporate activity. Some more mo chat rooms, newsgroups, online discussions-forums.

It's like the gossip of a town that spreads false stories about its people. One day he felt awful and went to the pastor [rabbi, pastor, priest, or other & mdash take your choice] to seek forgiveness. "I forgive you, but you have to do something first."

"Have a pillow, open it and blow it down." The guy thought this was a weird request, but it was a simple enough task, and he was happy with it Did it. When he returned to tell the pastor he was doing it, the pastor said, "Now, go and collect the feathers. Your words go than you can remember the feathers It is not possible to compensate for the damage.

The same can happen to companies that do not have a crisis management plan in place. It is possible to survive the crisis and prosper like PG & E. Don't expect Worldcom to get out of that enronish mess. Fraud is not allowed. She hired a company of public relations strategists to do damage control. It is worthwhile to see what happens in her case and how a PR company is trying to save her reputation. Did you know that there is a recall on any of her products? Add fuel to the fire, no it?

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