If you are looking for a treatment for a hangover, you are going to find lots of strange advice. There is a sure way to avoid hangover, but all remaining suggestions you find will hit and miss. Work for some people, and others do not work at all. This is because everyone's body is different, what you work for your friends does not recommend you to experiment with things you do not even touch the pain you feel in your head Hmm.
The best treatment of hangover is not to drink. By doing so we do not get hung over if we do not drink, most people could work things in the answer. If you do not want to do that, there is one thing that seems to help a lot of people, this is to drink some glasses of water before you go to bed That's three times after you done it It may be a pain to stand up to use a bathroom, but it is better than a hangover. This treatment for a hangover tends to help a lot, as the alcohol depletes the body of water needed and drinks water and some of the side effects of dehydration disappears, some of the hangovers will be skipped completely.
Another cure for hangover I heard is to take a headache medicine before you sleep. Do no advice, it helps when you do not know. The problem with this treatment for hangover is that you should not mix alcohol with most medicines. You may end up in a way that is worse than a hangover. You can really skip it and save morning headache medicine. If you wake up with a headache, you can take it.
I seem to work but I heard another treatment for a hangover that I do not know whether to recommend it. Many people like to drink in the morning. Why, why this work, some people already. It is a treatment of hangover, but that may worsen your problem. It is because it is necessary to respond to the liver which took intoxication into the body. This may make you feel so moving. Essentially alcohol is poisonous to your body and you must work to get rid of it. There may be nothing you can do for limiting the amount of your drink or for a definite fire treatment for a hangover other than not drinking at all
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