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David-The Secret of Kappafield

David Cooperfield-Live MGM Grand Hotel Las Vegas! I will be fascinated by the other side of the curtain that I have seen from there. I was lucky enough to support him in one segment of his show. Of course, I was sworn in with the secret and can not reveal the magic behind that trick.

It's tough. :

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David Cooperfield-Live MGM Grand Hotel Las Vegas! I will be fascinated by the other side of the curtain that I have seen from there. I was lucky enough to support him in one segment of his show. Of course, I was sworn in with the secret and can not reveal the magic behind that trick.

As I think it is no good just to have started watching games, I will learn to observe the watch. I can reveal to you the secrets of David Copperfield that you can apply to your business.

There is no magic
First rule. It's a reality You are not successful in any area because of magic. Copperfield does not claim magic power. It is called Chiru. Stunning illusion. The secret is in learning.

Illusion is more powerful than reality
So it is a discussion of the origin of the name and the incarnation of what might be thought as "what kind of person." why? Because you see what he wants to see. How can you use these powers for the illusion of our customers?
You can create the right illusion when you understand and apply the power of communication.

People believe what they want
I think that I can not control what is going to be shown. But they can influence what they believe and feel. If people want to believe in magic-they will. If your customers want to believe in you, they believe. It is up to you to influence them as you want to believe in you.

The audience is always right
Your customers are always right. Never dispute with them. Understand your position and demonstrate respect for your feelings. And guide them in the direction you want them to take. Occasionally the audience did not react the way he expected or volunteers were late to follow the instructions. Copperfield did not get angry; instead, he acknowledged the misunderstanding and adapted.

Preparation is everything
Imagine the tremendous amount of rehearsal coming into production of David Copperfield. Scripting, movement, positioning, lighting, team coordination, keywords, and timing support. When Kappafield Stops Rehearsals People Now Rehearsal Marketing-What is the sales message? I will rehearse after the performance is improved.

Peppare for unexpected
Even with good preparation things will happen. First-smile. Then keep moving the illusion in the direction you want. Do not show either stress or negative emotions (anger, anger, aversion). Your customers react to any negative emotions they sense at you.

Believe in people
The Kappafield team moved to the right place at the right time for the stage and audience. They were personally effective and efficient. The team members who volunteered for me established an intimate relationship, qualified and instructed me. When it was my turn-it all happened the way he predicted.

Surround yourself with a good team. Then make them an excellent team with the right training, guidance and encouragement. And trust their intentions and respect their abilities. All models of the word prepared the message a letter.

Give them hope
Copperfield's fantasy is because the audience wants to believe in the possibilities of magic. Your customers buy from you for their wishes. Your staff work with you for hope. Move your business out of hope. Understand how fundamental the power of hope is. Possibility of offering. Offer opportunity. Give hope

Make it fun
Copperfield showed that he enjoyed his job and his customers. At some point, he also spoofs his illusion by redoing it in slow motion-all we may have missed in real time

The model's staff and your customer's. Show that you are enjoying. You need to be serious if you really need it. But from time to time the children can see through you. You Flash that passion sparks. Laughter-yourself, with your staff with your customers. I will never laugh at them. If you have fun with the staff-you will have fun with you. They will want to believe in your fantasy.

Be vulnerable
Kappafield's parents were in the audience. He acknowledged them. Then he told us how his father wanted to be in the show business, but for the sake of his father's (David's grandfather) a pain in the showmaking career versus David. why? It is like human beings that showed that.

Reveal a little of your inner secret-a failure, an incomplete, unfulfilled dream. Don't pretend to be perfect. If it's-we hate it. People around you can see and believe that you are a human being like them.

Don't be tempted by the magic of technology
I was surprised to see that the stage was empty before the show started. There are no props or equipment to mess up the message and distract us from Copperfield. Yes, technology was used as a tool to support and enhance the illusion. The technology was never allowed to be a show. Clearly, Copperfield was the creator of fantasy.
Who sent you a message? Does your customer mistake technology as a core stage? Does technology harm your customer relationship? Tool support message used when using. And guarantee.

You do not need a bribe
Do you remember Mandlake's sorcerer? I will be David Copperfield. In fact, he got dressed rather casually. Curious, I thought. Then I realized that I don't need to create an illusion, a top hat or a magic wand. And this was the most important message for his audience. We can all create the illusion we want. Once we learn the basics, concentrate our efforts and invest in ourselves and our people.

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It's tough. :

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