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Develop a loyal customer for a lifetime-Part 2 (11-20)

In today's highly competitive business world, it is more important than ever to aim at more interactions with existing customers. Step 11-20 to help turn your existing customers into a walking billboard for your business and keep them as customers for a lifetime

It's tough. :
Business, markety

Article body:
Traditional marketing strategies are by adding new customers constantly to business owners In today's competitive world of business, it is more with existing customers by using the power of customer follow-up and attention to good service Trang of

Walking from the signboard to existing customers using these twenty tips has led to business customers. While we are not in favor of doing all ten, it is good to pick your favorite five and make sure that they become a part of your sales

1. Conduct a survey once a month to find what your customers want and need. Your ability to provide solutions to current problems is for customers to be flexible to deliver what they most want and need, such as <A target = "_ blank" href = " Online survey tool "> Tsuzukitsu.> </a> A great tool for providing online surveys to your current customers and clients.

2. Attend the support customers and introduce them through the event and dispatch. Are your customers leading workshops or teleclasses? Do they hold a special "grand open" or announce new products or services? Are you a special event for the piano or a charity auction for people? Any special events you see will also heat up in the future client and participant events. You will be able to make a walking bulletin board for your customers, and also make it a walking bulletin board for your customers. Tell them other about their products or services and send them referrals regularly. Building strong relationships and strategic alliances starts with you, so your support is "display" and "to others" Known by speaking your client "If you can not take part in the event, contact the client on the day of the big event, wish them well and let them know the amount you want to attend"

3. Keep a block of 3 hours of time strictly every week to be a "call" for your customers. During this three-hour block of time, ask a question, get a quick dose of stimulation, or provide "coaching points" to customers who want to get support in the area of ​​problem solving All you want to talk to you Limit each call to 15 minutes so that people will have the opportunity to do so.

4. Host "Client Only" calls once a month. As you start coaching many and many of your ideal customers, you start to notice the "common issues" your customers share. Look carefully at these common issues and use your knowledge to build a "client only" call once every month. Clients only call information and how to increase the profit on value, more customers who serve clients around a particular topic in their mind, the customer's phone also has a network of people who extend the support customers Add great value.

5. Answer each question asked by your customer in a positive and helpful attitude. It seems to be a lot as a coach. .. Your help! Every time a client sends you a question by email or calls you on the phone to ask a question, considerately the support they are seeking Survey about 68% of all people based on your attitude Choose to keep doing business with you so honor to answer their questions)

6. Update your website daily and add new content, new quotes for the day, new articles, or cutting edge resources. Your customers will want to know that you frequently update your website and are familiar enough to stay ahead, and if you are old and have "old websites, "Your customers move to a coach that is both current and future focused. In the same note, your website has your clients your site for repair or reconstruction, and they are your site letter

7. Develop joint partnerships with your customers, those teams once in a joint venture each year. Collaborate with the customer's revealing partner, and team "Natural Feeling" Invite your customers to join in a fundraising event or co-host a workshop or teleclass, or an article or e-course Coauthor. Relationships with your customers shift during this process, developing strong and long lasting bonds.

8. Add new products, services, and features to your coaching business every month. It is important for you to keep adding interesting features to your business in order to keep customers coming back again and again. Write a new e-course, provide a new assessment, post a new audio section, list a new teleclass series, 1-800 for your business, every time you add a new feature, your client In the wake of their interest, they will continue working with you as their coach

9. AOL is happy to be able to provide MSN instant messaging service for AOL for the value of the amount. Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsu. This can be a great time to communicate with your customers through the power of written words.

10. At the end of each month, send a card to each client, thank you for being his or her your client. Make this memo special to each person, and how much relationship you enjoy working with them Remember how much you care. .. Remember .. Your guidance business, thank you, we have prepared a lot of pleasure.

Copyright 2004 by Alicia * Smith

Allows authorized duplication if all attribution and contact information is included.

Develop a loyal customer for a lifetime-Part 1 (1-10)

In today's highly competitive business world, it is more important than ever to aim at more interactions with existing customers. The first 10 games that help turn your existing customers into a walking billboard for your business and help keep them as customers for a lifetime

It's tough. :
Business, markety

Article body:
Traditional marketing strategies are by adding new customers constantly to business owners In today's competitive world of business, it is more with existing customers by using the power of customer follow-up and attention to good service Trang of

These first tips will help turn your existing customers into a walking billboard for your business or loyal customers. We have not advocated that you do all of them, but select your favorite five, they are one of your marketing activities

1. Call our customers every Monday morning just in a pleasant morning, "I hope Cathay Pacific will keep going. This extra ounce of attention keeps you at the forefront of your customer's mind and your extended worries And very appreciate the worry.

2. Keep a list of birthdays, special days of celebration, and upcoming special events in the life of your client and their families. I think you know these special days, let me give you a card or a small gift. Keep a detailed list of hobbies, interests, favorite food, favorite music, etc. in the same notebook. When you are traveling or going out, look for small tokens that your clients know to appreciate, buy items, and have fun! "The most desirable" client benefits "are tickets favorite sporting events and concerts. Many companies have long-term, personal relationships with partners to build with fun champion customers for the purpose of adhering to the sporting event ticket purchase package. You

3. Be the "Newsy" and trend setter. One of the best ways to develop a loyal client is to become your trend setter, continue your own education and training, and become a forward thinker. Attend training events and read leading-edge magazines such as Dwell, future magazines, high-speed companies, gourmets, architectural digests and even international magazines

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