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Direct Mail Advertising: How I Mailed 2,200 Letters for 30 Days with $ 47,325

Reveal the tip of the three direct mail adverts that made it possible to generate $ 47,000 for a sales charge of less than 30 days!

Advertising for Direct Delivery, Direct Delivery, Direct Delivery Campaign

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How do you create a direct mail ad campaign to get results?

The next tip of creating a direct-mail ad campaign has been street-tested and will bring huge returns within a short period of time.

In fact, these tips were able to be generated within 30 days with a $ 47,000 mortgage fee! Keep reading and share the 3 key elements of creating an effective direct mail ad campaign:

Key Element # 1: Outlook List-Mail to Outlook Targeted List

Here's a couple of ways to look for and prospects mailing list niches:

Look at your industry trade publications. I found a great listing provider for my direct mail ad campaign on the back of the mortgage founder magazine-Popular Mortgage Enterprise Press.

Or, search your industry + "mailing list". For example, because I am a mortgage lender, my search looks like this:

By the way, if you have purchased a list of prospects for your direct mail advertisement, follow your prospects for use in some of your campaigns

Here is an example of the personal information that I use in my direct mail ad campaign:

* Outlook current mortgage companies
* Expected original loan amount

Key Element # 2: Envelopes – How To Get Your Letters Open

When you open the envelope, you need to read the enclosed letter to seduce your prospects.

Open this envelope for an idea:

1. Insert a personalized "Date and Time:" line above your prospect's name on the window envelope.

Subsequent lender names also my campaign:

Re: ABC Mortgage
123 N main cent
City, State Zip

2. Use this text with the return address in the upper left corner of the envelope:

1234 South Broadway
City, State Zip

Confidential information

Personal and confidential

 Key Elements # 3: Direct Mail Ad Mail Works-Get Your Desired Results

The purpose of your direct mail ad mail section is to get your prospects to take the desired action. For me, that action is taking a phone call and calling me for a loan.

Here are some tips that will help you get your desired results from the ad-mail portion of your direct mail:

1. Customize your email work

Get attention if possible and present a small piece of personal information about your prospects to build a relationship.

Here are the details: Direct mail ad campaigns using partners and text:

"With ABC Mortgage in an amount of $ 250,000 based on your original loan, your new payment will be $ 924.05."

"Based on our calculations, this loan program may save $ 32,841 interest over the next 5 years and $ 197,046 on your mortgage life!"

2. Include a few "Biological Lines" under your signature. Please tell me a bit about who you are.

Here is the "bio lines" I use:

To your financial success,

My sign
Hartley-W-Pin Jr

Ten years of mortgage experience
Married 3 children

3. Provide a Unique Selling Proposal (USP) for Your Postal Parts

If you don't currently have unique selling suggestions for your direct mail ad campaigns – find ones. What is different from your competitor? What will be better? Why should prospects use over competitors? Answer these questions and you have your unique sales suggestions.

Here are some sample USP lines that work well in my direct mail ad campaign:

"Don't pay for the house until the moon 2006 !!! Fly to your own home as if you could imagine."

"In addition, we specialize in loan programs without points. We will pay you directly from the amount paid for the final cost of the loan."

4. Call to action

Ask to take your desired action:

"Please call us so it's easy for you to personal needs and goals."

"Please visit To view this free video:" How to get paid for refinancing ". How to use a mortgage as a tool to secure your financial future Discover This is the most informative site on the web !!

Well, that's it! I wish you all the best of your next direct mail ad campaign. The only thing you left to decide is how much money you want to make over the next 30 days? Mail more letters and generate more sales!
TV commercial type

Since the time the first commercial ever aired on TV at Bulova Watch Company in March, many categories of 1,1941 advertisements have been formed. Advertising has become part of everyday life, and in consumer decision-making Plays an important role. Such things have become the power of advertising that politicians can not guarantee his success in the campaign unless he advertises on television. Different categories of television advertising are political advertising, promotional advertising, infomercials, television commercial donuts, advertising, and sponsorship.

Political adverts only reach out to citizens in certain areas to win a voting bank. It is also very important because it affects the nation in the most impact advertising way, big way. Political campaigns for the promotion of the two main platforms are broadcast media such as television and radio. This also depends on the funds raised through the political movement. The faster you make money and the more money you make, the better your advertising will be. The candidate's party committee usually contributes money. Through the promotion of TV specialist consultants can contact the purchase slot area or domestic network. It was observed that the candidate for the location of the local office put a TV advertisement.

Yahoo! Promotional advertising and placement of product ads-cm by Tv The goods that accompany the product and sales-services. The optical element in Yahoo! Promotional Advertising is to play video games on TV, movies, music videos, books, websites. A good amount of money can be saved by consulting a sales executive and borrowing places, models and props.

The TV cm is promoting the popular automotive industry and James-Bond movie calculator. Promotion of movie cigarettes or any other tobacco products is disputed as most of the state government has set up limits for the promotion of such items Many products question the reliability of product-service advertising as the consumer dawns He said it was misleading to operate. To address this, many consumer groups are formed who seek them full disclosure of products from advertising companies. In the case of any refusal for any kind of cooperation, these groups will be liable to Batan for litigation against the product and its company. Product advertisements can be distinguished based on appearances like sponsorship, cost-oriented, brand consolidation and fee-based. Sponsorship is the company's contribution to soap and sport games. Brand consolidation is known as product consolidation in film and video songs.

Infomercials are distinguished from other television ads based on time. They are usually a long thirty minutes like a regular program. They are also known as teleshopping and pay shows. One can catch them at strange times of the day like early morning or late at night. It's a commerce that actually gives complete information about a particular product, such as how it should be used, and product expert advice, its cost they're a catchy phrase, a fame And similar to the talk show by the commercial as it conveys to the viewer with the help of a professional and expert

TV commercial donut is a template. Like its blueprint, it has all the elements needed to make a finished commerce, but the actual product is missing. Advertisers who usually find it difficult to produce commercial use. The local network returns a normal commercial donut for each channel of purchase free communication. It is a very cost-effective way, but has a lack of creativity that does not guarantee the appeal of its customers. With the advances in video editing technology, this choice is becoming more and more popular among advertisers.

Promotional advertisements include television advertisements. The amount of commercials hosted on local and national television went up by day, featuring almost everything one can imagine in the world.

Support programs and channels are the cause for promotional programs. Groups and individuals support financially promoting his products, services and organizations.


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