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Disadvantages of public schools

When we entrust our children to public schools, we are satisfied
They are receiving "high quality education". But we really
You get the value of our money? More importantly
Do you get something from this type of learning procedure?

Socialization is welcomed as one of the greatest benefits of
This is a school This is the place the child picks up the foundation
Of social skills that will help him to survive. However, in the truth,
Children who go to school can only talk with his colleagues. He is a bully
Younger children or older ones of fear. He does not know how
Act with adults. This is because in the school environment
He will only interact with his colleagues. Home schooling environment
It brings a more natural social environment.

Children going to ordinary school can not read literature. He can not
Keep silent, think deeply about anything. artificial
School was imposed on him 'busy' silently disallows
Pondering. Noisy and destructive behavior, as seen between
Peer is more prominent at school visitors.

There are knowledge of long years among regular school visitors
Because most studied for exams. There is none
Correlation between facts and life. Children may know a lot
I understand very little. This is where homeschoolers hit
Regular school visitors. Ultimately, homeschoolers appear more proficient
I am heading to the outside world

Advantages of Home Schooling

Why can not Tim and Lisa learn at home rather than send it to school?
Well, first of all, you do not have to wake them all in 7
Bundle them with school with so many figures in the morning
Please wait with the command, and worry till they return.
Home schooling gives you more control over its impact
Influence your child on your child's growth and development
It is deleted from unknown area. Only you and you
Let's be able to make decisions Learn the needs of children. Tailoring
Curriculum tailored to the needs and interests of children
One of the most obvious benefits of home schooling

Individual attention is another distinct advantage
Home schooling For example, if Lisa needs more time to learn
Mathematics is her English lesson to shorten that time.
There is no fixed learning time for each subject. this is
That children have the advantage of assigning more
Without adding any arbitrary time, the time to subject that seems to be tough
Pressure required time to learn each subject
It depends on children's abilities and interests.

Children 's school will be family activities.
Parents are involved in all steps of the learning procedure.
Excursions and experiments will be family activities. In this way,
Children receive higher quality time with their parents. this
The whole family shares games, housework, and projects. A family
The proximity will be the focus here. Children are free again
While choosing pressure and making decisions from any negative companion.

Competition is limited when it comes to homeschooling. this
Children do not need to prove his ability with respect to others
Children his confidence remains intact. Because the parent has
A deep understanding of their children, they can plan learning
Children's intriguing program. You can also do the following
Difficult tasks are scattered through fun activities. Tough time
In algebra, you can follow a trip to the nearest museum.
Learning is fun. You can also adjust the curriculum
Please match your child's learning style. Learn through some children
There is a need for others to write, yet while others need to see it, reading
Purpose of action.

Home schooling allows parents to take moral control
Children's religious learning. Parents have flexibility
Incorporate their beliefs and ideologies in the child's curriculum.
There is no confusion in the heart of a child because there is
There is no change between what is taught and what is being practiced.

Finally, more parents are disillusioned with
Public school system. They have children
Too hard to push is too little. Other worry problems related to
Discipline and ethics also welcome the school system too much. many
Denial of educational philosophy of grouping children only
Foundation of their age. Unfortunate memories with some parents
Motivating them to choose their own public school experience
Homeschooling when it comes to their children.

Home schooling is the best way to teach children, if you have time,
Capability and interest to follow through his education. after that
All over, thanking those who appreciate everyone understood.


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