Skateboarding is one of many sports including the display of skills and expertise. Real / Skateboarder that must be skateboarding that is important to know. All people developed by many pro-skater techniques at home and abroad are many pro-skaters at home and abroad. Here are just a few of the most popular tricks:
1. Aerials-Also known as airs, these common types of tricks are commonly performed in quarter tubes, pools or half tubes where vertical walls of the transition are available. Aerials are usually combined with other tricks like grabs and turns. Among the most popular subtypes of Aerial 540, 720, 900, Benihana, Body Jar, Caballerial, Christ Air, Finger Flip Air, Gay Twist, Gnar Jar, Judo
2. What I did was to show that I had done too many pro skater skills at home and abroad. Invented and presented after the Gelfand of Allan "Ollie", this trick is not grabbing the skateboard but instead stepping or popping the back end of the board Ollie variations the Nollie, switch Olly, Fakie Olly, Power Olly, Boney Olly, Olly North, accompanied by pressure.
3. Flip-As its name implies, flip is a skateboarding trick that involves flipping or rotating the board in the air. This trick was originally developed by Rodney Mullen, who called it a magic flip. The most popular variations of flips are heellip, kick flip, casper flip, anti casper flip, back side flip, big spy
4. As the fun of these techniques, as the name suggests, a volley skateboard is a regular antenna. The grab is quite useful in keeping the board skateboarder during mid flight. Examples of grabs are airwalk grabs, back grabs, cannonball grabs, crail grabs, christ air, early grabs, frontside grabs, gorilla grabs, Indy grabs,
5. Shatter-This is a kind of trick that a skateboarder hides on a skateboard truck hanger. You can track any smooth object that this trick can do. Some of the varieties of grinding are barley grinding, bent grinding, darkslide, fandangle, free grinding, Gurl grinding, hurricane, Losi grinding, Nosegrind, Novacaine, Overcrook grinding, stick jam, salad grinding, smith grinding ,
6. Slide – The slide is a bit like a large slide through the sliding in the flexibility, this is the sliding board itself. Some important slides are Bertlemann Slide, Bluntslide, Boardsslide, Booger Slide, Crail Slide, Ces Slide, Darkslide, Lipslide, Noselide, Powerslide and Tailslide.
7. Lip Trick-This skateboard trick is performed on mini ramps, quarterpipes, and half tubes. All you need is the balance lamp lip. Notable lip-tricks include Andrecht flip, Axle stall, Dull, Disaster, Egg factory, Fakie-bonoff, Forward flip, Good sidekick, Hoho, New Deal, Nose pick, Nose
There are many other skateboarding tricks out there, and many others are still being developed. It is decided as a skill such as skateboard detailed about the past, and is an expert of skateboard, magazines and many professional skaters in and outside the country.
Skateboarding and surfing – another world of cold activities
Skateboarding and surfy sports are very similar tools – boards. Skateboarding and surfing are very different from each other, but the similarity between the two play ends. If you are not convinced, you definitely need to read.
Skateboard and surfy
Skateboarding is basically the process of rolling or riding on a skateboard. On the other hand, in surfing, people also move on the board, but movement is caused by breaking waves. So, from the very definition of the two hobbies, you already find that they are quite different from the other. First of all, one is done on the land and the other on the surface of the water. Second, the mechanics of the two movements are very different because they use wheels and other waves.
Skateboarding can also be considered a means of transportation, apart from being a sport or a hobby. Many people, especially children, can travel especially using skateboards for short distances. Surfing, on the other hand, is generally considered a way of travel, as it is considered only as a hobby or sport. There is also a surfboard for a considerable distance to travel on the coast.
History of surfing and skateboarding
The origins of surfing have not yet been established, but the earliest record of surfing is when witnesses of Captain Cook in Hawaii are riding the waves in the 1770s, including skateboards, and on the other hand, quite new sports The origin is still remembered. Skateboarding was invented around the 1950s, when surfing was also becoming popular in the western world. Some say skateboarding has evolved from surfing.
Surfing and skateboarding in the form that people of today know, in parallel it has become popular. Therefore, their development can be considered simultaneous. However, the surfing tradition is more deeply rooted by the fact that it has been around for centuries. But you have to get rid of both sports.
Surf and skateboard equipment
Many pro skaters at home and abroad, which are used for board surfing like this, are very different. ● Surf the tree what is used for board surfing, so it is quite heavy. Finally, surfers searched for lightweight materials so that they could easily bring around their boards, which is more difficult given the lack of wheels. Most surfboards are made of very light polyurethane foam, which is very sturdy today.
Including skateboards, we also use skateboards. The wheel also has a concave surface that was not meant to be a surfboard to reminiscent of a skateboard. Like surfboards, old skateboards were wooden and finally plastic. Nowadays, most skateboards are made of synthetic fibers and the wheels are made of clay composites or polyurethanes.
It's a distinctly different sport for the first time surfing and skateboarding. However, apart from their history, the most important commonality between the two is that both can potentially bring in fun and excitement, and both keep popularity in the coming years
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