A top Pentagon commander has ordered security controls, according to a recent article in NetworkWorld on January 16, 2006, General Charles Croom, "where the attack is coming from and they are getting better." His story is Clearwater, Florida, was the keynote address at the DoD Cybercrime Conference held on May 9-14, 2005. The event is sponsored by the Defense Cybercrime Center and a Joint Task Force. More than 500 computer crime experts from the FBI and the military attended the event.
The crackdown was related to the recent arrest of a "computer virus broker" named Jeanson James Ancheta. For further investigation, the Nov Ministry of Justice press release 3, 2005 provides the following information on this case from "Nob, familiar with the" botmaster basement ", with the first prosecution of its kind in the country"
20-year-old James-Ancheta in Downey, California, was arrested by Fbi agent this morning: Ancheta yesterday damaged the protected computer as well as the substantial crime of trying to damage the protected computer That the federal government used for defense
The press release goes to explain the details of this scheme that clearly shows why the Deparment of Defense is so concerned (for more information go to: http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/ cybercrime / anchetaArrest.htm)
"Anchieta is a multi-advertising service company that has become an affiliate because it is a facility based on the number of European Commissions that pays to everyone in the venue. Network manager, analyst security, by avoiding detection The enforcement of the law will also change Ancheta, so download time and fee is a facility Find the server of the company sponsor Ancheta and redirect to the malicious activity Ancheta Own botnet *** Objective *** Various life Picking control of the different servers of the phenomenon To generate the roughly $ 60,000 he received in the advertising affiliate's income, Ancheta pulls the adware secret installation of around 400,000 compromised computers His scheme to make on multiple servers, including payments earned by Ancheta's advertising affiliate.
Ancheta is a program strong enough to cause computer infections in the US Naval Air Warfare Center's weapons department in Lake China, and a component of the US Department of Defense Both networks are exclusive by the federal government to promote defense. It is used for After being arrested this morning at the FBI office in Los Angeles, Ancheta was transferred to the US District Court in Los Angeles. It is unclear if he will make his first court appearance this afternoon or tomorrow. Ancheta seeks confiscation for two counts of intrigue, two counts of attempted transmission of code to protected computer, two counts of transmission of code to government computer, confiscation of more than 17 counts of fraud charges $ 60,000 So, the prosecution claims that BMW's car and computer equipment is the progression of Ancheta's illegal acts and instruments. "
The latest news is that Ancheta provided from 4-6 years in jail, under the law, which convicted guilty of conspiracy to violate anti-spam and computer misuse, and fraud and judicial transactions
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