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Drawing a Life Map: A Vision of Success

Success is more than economic benefits, titles, and degrees. The plan for success is about mapping all aspects of your life. As with the map, you need to define the departure, destination, vehicle, backpack, landmark, and route details.

Origin: who

There is a starting point on the map. Your origin is who you are now. Most of the people say when they are asked to introduce themselves, "Hello, I am the Gene, I'm 17 years old, a high school student of the elder." It is stated whether Jean is Who It only tells her her current immersiveness. To gain insights about yourself, your financial, professional, cultural, and citizenship aside from your convictions, values, and principles closely, also, your good and so much You can reflect your experience to give insight into bad traits, skills, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses. At the time of introspection, Jean noticed that her generous, service-oriented motivation was impatient. Her inclination was in the biomedical field. Furthermore, she believed that life had to fulfill its purpose and that war was destroying human dignity.

Destination: the vision of the person you want to be

"Who wants to be?" This is your vision. Now it is important to know yourself, as you have a clear idea of ​​who you want to be. Unless you know yourself very much, your vision and targets in the future are also not obvious. Your destination should cover all aspects of your being: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Continued Jean's story, after she defined her convictions, values, and principles of life, she wanted to have a life dedicated in serving her companions

Vehicles: Your Mission

A vehicle is a means by which you can reach your destination. It can be analogized to your mission and profession in life. Much, your mission depends on what you know about yourself. Based on Jean's self-assessment, she judged she was suitable to be a doctor and she wanted to be one. Her chosen job was a doctor. Her vision-to fully explain the mission: to live a life dedicated to serving her companion as a doctor in a conflict area.

Travel bag: your knowledge, skills, and attitude

Food, drinks, medicines and other travel essentials are included in the bag. Applying this concept to your life map also brings you specific knowledge, skills and attitudes. Our vision is the power to support these decision-making abilities. Given such things, you need to assess the knowledge, skills, attitudes you currently have, and what you need to get along the way. This critique will give you insights about landmarks and measures of success. Jean found that she needed to gain medicine expertise and skills so that she could be a doctor. She knew that this was something she wanted to change, so she was a bit impatient with the people.

Landmarks and Routes: S.M.A.R.T.

In the case of landmark confirmation, you can decide the route. Therefore, you also need landmarks and routes to plan your life. These landmarks are a measure of success. These means must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed. Therefore, you can not set two major landmarks to earn such a master's degree and a PhD degree Three-year period As an example back to Gene, she has her life map Identified the following landmarks: completing a bachelor's degree in biology by the age of 21; completing the medicine by the age of 27

Predict turns, detours and pits

The purpose of the map of your life is to minimize the determination of hasty and spurting moments you can lose your way. However, often our plans are fixed along the way due to some inconveniences, delays, and other situations beyond our control. Like any road, there are turns, turns and holes.
Stress management for a 7-day program on "Weekly, Relax"

They say there are multiple ways to peel a cat's skin. All the frustration, sadness, anxiety, and yes, the same thing happens as stress begins to tear your hair. It's a state of mind control that looks like taking that bitter pill down your throat and loses your sense of self and leads to worse your sanity. You can drive just by thinking, so everyone is off.

And they say positive things are already alive from the end.

As one emphasizes another, I know how it feels, and I believe there are many variants when it comes to stress. Dealing with life or carrying problems that may not belong to you is a little pleasure that you can carry once you come out that door You are to blame them for such things can not. They say that all stress is in their hearts.

There are several ways to manage stress and eventually get rid of your life. So I will try to divide it into the seventh day course for you and I am going to put in mind, as well as taxing on the body too

1. stress is good
Make your friends stressful! Based on the body's natural "fight or flight" response, that burst of energy boosts your performance at the right time. Now the top sports all over the front are a big competition. It is important when you use it cleverly to stress yourself a little harder.

2. Avoid stress sneezing
People who are stressed sneeze stress bacteria indiscriminately, and before you know it, you are infected too!

Recognize the stress of others and protect yourself by limiting contact with them. Or if you have a tilt, play pressure doctors will teach them how to manage themselves better.

3. Learn from the best
Who is calm when people around you are losing their head? What are they doing differently? What is their attitude? What language do they use? Are they trained and experienced?
Know it from afar or sit them for a chat. The best stress managers who learn from are taken up and copied.

4. Practice socially acceptable heavy breathing
This is something I learned from a gymnastics instructor: you can trick your body into relaxation by using heavy breathing. Breathe slowly for 7 counts and breathe for 11 counts. Repeat 7-11 Breathing Your sweaty palm will dry and things will begin to feel more normal until your heart rate slows down.

5. Give a red light to stress thinking
It is possible to entangle yourself with all stress knots yourself. "If this happens, it may happen, and we're all on the brook!" Why is it unnecessary to worry about waste energy that many of these things happen?

Give stress thinking-train the red light and stop them at that track. What's left of me doing is to prevent what I can do?

6. Known trigger points, hotspots
Announcements, interviews, meetings, difficult, tough delivery times. My heart rate is just turning on writing these!

You just make a list of stress trigger points or hotspots. Specifically. Is it just a presentation to a specific audience where you get a job? Is your project more stressful? Did you drink too much coffee?

Knowing the cause of stress is a powerful piece of information that you can take to reduce stress. Need to learn new skills? Do you need extra resources? Need to switch to decaffeination?

7. Burn a candle at one end
Lack of sleep, poor eating habits and lack of exercise cause havoc on our bodies and mind. Such obvious things are also stress management techniques as often neglected. Listen to your mother and don't burn candles at both ends!

So having stress can be a total drag, but it should prevent us to find the peace of mind that we have long wanted, anyway, always go to the Bahamas, summer You can sunbathe in the sun.

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