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Earn the Right to Sell on Stats—10 Steps to Greatness

Baseball players use stats to tell the story of their season and their careers. Where US companies learn, from there they size up stats regarding the use of baseball players in our career and experience.

It's tough. :
Your own sales, marketing results, experience, credibility

Article body:
I could learn one or two from professional sports.

Baseball players use stats to tell the story of their season and their careers. Scorekeepers keep track of bats, hits, strikes, conditions and points at each location.

These statistics are cited by commentators during the game, and with post-match sports reporters, they use baseball cards to tell the story of the players career

Where US companies learn, from there they size up stats regarding the use of baseball players in our career and experience.

Give your prospects a reason to hear what they have to say.

I attended a meeting last month, but in the prospects the topic of using business statistics to "get the right" was raised. "Getting the Right" was explained to give your audience a reason to hear what they have to say.

You have to establish credibility before you can sell anything.

Anything that can be pre-sold is the first connection to products, services and value that persuade. And one way to do that is statistics.

At the conference, we gather a list of our statistics (what we have achieved in our business or career or what we are doing)

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Clearly it was easy to come up with-I have been successfully helping the customer market for 20 years.

And I can also recall two recent marketing successes: get free exposure for my business to 100,000+ of my ideal customers, and my web

But beyond that I was puzzled. My 20 years of marketing experience and 7 years of entrepreneurial experience blew to three stats that did not do very good work of my career or my expertise representative.

I came back from the meeting and decided to edit my statistics list and start using it. And to urge you, my readers and customers to do the same.

Use my 10 questions to create your own list of "Statistics"

To facilitate that, I put together a list of 10 questions that you can ask yourself to come up with your own list of statistics. This list is the only point to jump off.

Your own list of compelling stats that will help you get the "right" to be seen as an expert in your field by your prospects

I call this list "the 10 steps to greatness"
why? When you can list stats in 10 different areas, you can be confident of your prospects, so what you do is big, and your product or service

I have included my own stats as an example, but for several reasons not to boast about them: First, I came home from that conference and my own).

Not all of my statistics are amazing. However, by having a complete list to choose from, make sure that you have a handful of attractive statistics available at any time

10 steps to greatness

(1) Do you have many years in your current business line (or related field)?

For example, I have been in the field of marketing for over 20 years.

(2) How many clients or students or customers (in your current business or your total year in this industry) are serving you?

For example, I taught 600 small business owners how to create and execute their own marketing plans using the 10stepmarketing system.

(3) What results have occurred with your business, product or service?

For example, I increased my subscriber base by 590% and I tripled traffic on my website for three months.

(4) Have customers or customers who have the results, products or services?

For example, when I used the American Congress of Practice, I helped them generate an impression of 340.8 million media, through pr activities and public works ads. I also guaranteed nearly $ 1 million of free media exposure for my customers.

(5) We have used many awards and recognitions, what are business, products and services?

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(6) Have you ever spoken?

For example, I talked across the US in marketing at a conference and in Canada and taught hundreds of small business owners by teleseminar.

(7) Media for interviews and writings that have been quoted now?

For example, my marketing tips feature "How to Start a Personal Training Business in the Launch Series Publications of an Entrepreneur's Magazine." In addition, I am the author of a top expert at and I The marketing article is featured on numerous websites.

(8) How can you quantify the business (eg how many companies do you deal with, how many articles do you write)?

For example, I wrote and published 40 articles for half a year.

(9) How many products did you sell?

For example, I made 20 sales of my first two weeks of business.

(10) What professionals in your industry do research or learn from?

For example, as a specialist in marketing and business such as courses, Harv Eker are Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy, Robert-Allen-Mark Victor Hansen.

I will challenge you. Start with these 10 questions and see what you can get up with. Bring out your personal or professional experience.

What do you make big by doing? What experience and knowledge do you offer to you? What are you passionate about, and how can you translate that passion into credibility? Why should I be careful if I have many other things to pay attention to? Be creative. Brain storm

Then pick a few of the strongest, most compelling stats start to use in your marketing.

Remember, you don't use these statistics to brag about your achievements. Pay attention to you and use them to gain your prospects to establish credibility.

(C) Copyright 2005 Debbie LaChusa

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