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Emphasize Benefits,Not Features

You show him how the extra-large face will tell him the time at a glance. No sir! He won’t have to squint and look foolish to everyone around him trying to read this magnificent timepiece.


Article Body:
What are features? They are descriptions of what qualities a product possesses.

· The XYZ car delivers 55 miles per gallon in the city.
· Our ladder’s frame is made from a lightweight durable steel alloy.
· Our glue is protected by a patent.

And what are benefits? They are what those features mean to your prospects.

· You’ll save money on gas and cut down on environmental pollutants when you use our energy saving high-performance hybrid car. Plus, you’ll feel the extra oomph when you’re passing cars, courtesy of the efficient electric motor, which they don’t have!
· Lightweight durable steel-alloy frame means you’ll be able to take it with you with ease, and use it in places most other ladders can’t go, while still supporting up to 800 pounds. No more backaches lugging around that heavy ladder. And it’ll last for 150 years, so you’ll never need to buy another ladder again!
· Patent-protected glue ensures you can use it on wood, plastic, metal, ceramic, glass, and tile…without messy cleanup and without ever having to re-glue it again—guaranteed!

If you were selling an expensive watch, you wouldn’t tell your reader that the face is 2 inches in diameter and the band is made of leather.

You show him how the extra-large face will tell him the time at a glance. No sir! He won’t have to squint and look foolish to everyone around him trying to read this magnificent timepiece. And how about the way he’ll project success and charisma when he wears the beautiful gold watch with its handcrafted custom leather band? How his lover will find him irresistible when he’s all dressed up to go out, wearing the watch. Or how the watch’s status and beauty will attract the ladies.

The point is to address the benefits of the product, not its features. And when you do that, you’re focusing on your reader and his interests, his desires. The trick is to highlight those specific benefits (and word them correctly) that push your reader’s emotional hot buttons.

Electronics Directory - A Showcase of the Modern World

The one dominant characteristic of the modern consumer and industrial world is the prevalence of electronic products and solutions. Wherever you turn, you will find an electronic solution to an age-old problem.

Businessmagnet Directory Ltd , Business To Business Directory

Article Body:
The one dominant characteristic of the modern consumer and industrial world is the prevalence of electronic products and solutions. Wherever you turn, you will find an electronic solution to an age-old problem.

And an electronics directory can open a door into this world for you, whether you are a consumer, businessperson or solutions designer.

<b>Organization of an Electronics Directory</b>

While paper-based printed directories might still exist, online Web directories are the norm these days. The online directories enable finding what you want far more quickly. You click the mouse a few times instead of thumbing through the pages of the print directory, and phoning promising suppliers.

Online directories link directly to the websites of listed companies and other resources, and you can get detailed information (anonymously) before you select a promising source.

Electronics directories can come in different formats, from the staid Open Directory that simply lists links to a limited number of electronics resources to those that actively seek to promote the businesses of the thousands of electronics companies they list.

Electronics being a large field, it might be difficult to navigate to what you want. A careful scheme of organization and navigation is needed to make the electronics directory really useful to users with different objectives.

A good electronics directory would help you find what you want in different ways. For example, a directory might allow you to search in three ways:
<li>Using a search facility, often in different ways such as searching by product or location</li>
<li>By major popular product lines, say, Consumer Electronics, Computer Hardware and Electronic Components</li>
<li>By more detailed product lines such as Laptop Computers, Digital Cameras or Semi Conductors</li>

A sample, mainly consumer oriented, categorization might be as follows:

Audio electronics, Batteries & chargers, Cables & connectors, Cameras & optics, Car electronics, Computers & laptops, Electronic components, Lightings & lamps, Microelectronics, Office electronics, Optoelectronics, Portable electronics, Power supplies, Presentation equipment / projectors, RF & microwave electronics, Security electronics, TV & video, Telecommunications

<b>Electronics Directory Contents</b>

The contents of electronics directories can be varied, from just links to listed entities to informative content. The latter type of directories might provide useful information about each product line, say, Laptop Computers, explaining what they are and elaborating on other aspects of the product, in addition to listing companies that sell the product.

Some directories even provide general electronic information that can be used as tutorials.

<b>Regional and Niche Electronic Directories</b>

Many electronic directories are regional in that they list only suppliers in particular regions. This might be helpful to find a supplier near you. However, the main objective of regional directories is to promote the businesses in their regions.

Niche directories focus on specific areas under the broad field of electronics. For example, there might be Audio/Video directories listing suppliers under this popular category.


Electronics open you to the modern world, offering solutions to practically everything. This wide variety also means that the directory needs to be organized carefully to make it easy to find what users want.

Directories might also include helpful information (even tutorials) that explains different electronic applications and probably help to expand the market.

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