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Employees as Customers: HR Needs to Learn from Marketing

During the early stages of my career I was fortunate to have worked for a large corporation that had a management development program for a promising manager. This program job training involves assigning assignments to different parts of the company. Enforcement has been enacted for two learning goals and these issues:

It's tough. :

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During the early stages of my career I was fortunate to have worked for a large corporation that had a management development program for a promising manager. This program job training involves assigning assignments to different parts of the company. Enforcement has been enacted for two learning goals and these issues:

1. Acquire knowledge in new disciplines
2. Learn about the different parts of the organization, experience the challenges, and understand how they contribute to overall success

My formal education was environmental science that specialized in ecology. One of the key principles of ecology is that ecosystems are composed of interdependent elements. When part of the ecosystem changes, other parts of the same system change. Sometimes without knowing it, my classmates and I became “system thinkers”. This function of looking at the system led my decision-making in my life of business and my private affairs. Naturally, I experienced different parts of the organization and were the first to see how each part relates to the whole company

I was appointed marketing program for my training program. My appointment was in line with strategic decisions made by the company to actively expand the market share of the energy market. I had 35 staff and a $ 30,000 budget for market research. I was learning at work. I learned from my staff and I learned from the consultants we hired to do a lot of market research. Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space Sts: It was a great time to learn, achieve personal growth and achieve tough goals.

Then my career continued to thrive. I moved the senior ranks of several companies until I reached the president. Nine years ago, I founded Entech Co., Ltd., a company that specializes in measuring employee engagement. Although I loved marketing, I returned to a working environment that created my first passion for employees to thrive and engage fully.

I have worked in many organizations and I have also been involved in many other HR practices over the last nine years. To my surprise, I found the lack of research discipline applied by the HR department when conducting employee surveys. After reading the work of Sudipta Dev from Aptech, I was prompted to write this article. In his article, "Is work happiness a myth?" He wrote about the importance of conducting employee satisfaction surveys as a way to understand employee emotions. There is a survey to get a good grasp of the focus group then how important it is. I conduct an employee survey of this process, then pass on for many years in the focus group companies. This included a famous company with 35,000 employees. But I thought these were isolated cases. I read and read the article and think and practice that it is confirmed to be advantageous. It came to be. Why money is the focus group after this on the conduct of employee awareness surveys? Is n’t this put the cart in front of the horse?

We conduct surveys for employee surveys. He taught me marketing training and experience, but one of the final stages of the survey is the research process. The purpose of the survey is to quantify and prioritize. Focus groups are used at the beginning of the research process to gain an understanding of potential issues. At our marketing job, now at Entec's time job, we use the information in the focus group to develop the first model. It is in developing the questions that fit into the model part it is continuing. It is a question in the framework of the question before model creation. As a result of survey analysis for the structure provided this framework, we will also clearly follow up the points of the presentation. Once the survey and analysis are complete, there is no question what the survey results mean. There is no question about priority. No questions about the person responsible for the follow-up action

Marketing and market research is a sophisticated, disciplined process that produces highly effective results. For example, automobiles are manufactured using a variety of "focus groups" techniques to clearly understand the reasons and motivations for purchasing decisions: it is external, how these are prioritized to different market segments A factor of Focus group information is used to develop market research questionnaires that quantify the information. Research results are used to create marketing programs for different products and market areas.

Employees are less important than customers. Understanding “root cause” is particularly important in today's employee behavior and motivation's knowledge-based economy. We are in the company's economy's success depends on the employee's mental performance In such an environment, the HR department adopts the refinement and discipline of research to understand the needs of employees, and if marketing & # 8217 is applied, the value to the organization is also great. We need a change in perception to be seen. It provides information to unlock the creative and innovative energy of the employee.

I will share my personal story. Nine years ago, when Entec Corporation was founded, we used the first year of conducting research. The purpose of the study was to clearly understand the key factors that contributed to the employee's experience at work. Also sponsored focus groups are different business areas from multiple organizations. For example, the general manager of electrical utilities personally participates with half a dozen staff from different parts of the job level different from his organization We promote many meetings over a period of three months to create The “employee experience model”. This model shows all the factors that contribute to an employee's work experience. At the end of this period, the group formulated questions for an employee survey designed to measure the employee's experience at work. The questions were clear and accurate, and they led them to follow actions directly. This process has been repeated in healthcare facilities and several other private sector companies. The survey was tested and verified.

When we used our employee survey, we pointed out that there was a direct link between the survey results and the company's financial performance. For example, we surveyed three electricity utilities . Although the number of employees was in the 150 to 400 range, the customer profiles for each utility were very similar. Revenue splits among large industrial customers, commercial customers, and residential customers were similar for each utility. In other words, we were able to compare apple and apple. The practicality of the highest employee survey score was also the most profitable. The practicality of the lowest employee survey score was the least profitable.

Since that time our employee models and studies have evolved and become more sophisticated. Today we will measure the story and engage employees who have no experience with the employees. When an employee's survey or analysis is complete, there are no questions about what they mean. There is no need for a post survey focus group. There is a direct link between the survey results and the company ’s financial results.

Gap Ltd. Canada has partnered with Entec since 1999 to perform customization, implementation, analysis, and actions. I have reviewed and used many employee satisfaction measures in the past, but are so comprehensive and accurate, or both performance and employee commitments

Gap Inc.

Interestingly, in 2004 the Canadian gap brand: Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic are the most profitable brands in the world. There are approximately 175,000 employees in the gap worldwide.

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