Employee's right to privacy is a fairly new concept in business, but it is high speed. Whether you are a manager or a worker, it makes sense to completely think into the right of employee privacy. Is there a court decision on different projects with many different approaches? In short, we are in the midst of social debate about the privacy of our employees. How will the discussion go? That is what we all decide together.
In my own business, I am a big fan of employee privacy. I feel it is all the problem as long as my employee gets a job. I do not care if they send out personal e-mails, inspect the web, use medicines in their spare time, or party overnight at weekends.
Giving privacy to my employees is a matter of respect for me. I feel that the office environment should be based on mutual respect as much as possible. If I acknowledge that my employees have the right to self-determination, pay them well, and they will work for me one after another to give them good benefits Employees who are productive He is a member and employees have stayed at the company for a long time. Therefore, all benefits are respected for employee privacy and other employee's rights.
But I know business people who have a very different opinion of employee's privacy. Many times, the argument is made that the employee's privacy will stop at the door. While you are at work, everything you do need to be relevant to work. Some people go further using random drug tests as a way to screen unwanted employees. There are many different arguments in this. Some people argue that it reduces medical expenses and others say that drug users are not responsible or reliable employees. Some people are also required for doing it by law, for the purpose of insurance.
For me, it seems to come down to all management style. I am very relaxed. I like to see responsible, diligent employees. As such, I will give them freedom and expect them to do the job in an effective way, timely. But other people see things much differently. If you are working in a large company, your employee may appear as a gear of the machine. Self-stimulation and independence, rather than asking for strict obedience to the office code, workplace privacy is probably taken for your business model
When I was a child I was raised to have fear of electric hot compress. My mother was watching the electric heating catch fire once. Electric blankets almost burned her house, in fact. Because she was so fast to react to it, she also got it out as the electric heating pad blown away the fuse that diffused a part of the heat But since then she has electric heaters anywhere in her house Do not allow pads.
I was actually married before I tried the electric heating pad on my own. My wife grew up with an electrothermal pad. Her father was arthritis and needed a heating pad to treat his arthritic pain. I was a little shocked when I first saw my wife using the electric heating pad. I quickly pulled out the electric heater pad and watched her watching. She asked what I was doing. She laughed at me.
She told me that since then the electric heating pad has come a long way. At this time, you can use electric hot compress of hot water with almost danger. They were made better and the material was more resistant to flames. In addition, the electronic equipment was carefully controlled to prevent the electric heating pad from getting too hot. If the electric heating pad gets anywhere near the critical temperature, it disappears.
Still, it took a long time to trust the electrical heating pad. I knew that my mother could not say anything more than anything. She will be scared! She will not allow children and grandchildren to live in the same house as the electric heating pad. She will not try to use them again by looking at the heating pad as an incarnation of the electric devil.
In a sense, I understand her reaction. After all, you can also use a hottie to treat arthritis and other muscle aches and pains. You can also use the electric heater's room temperature to relax the comfortable atmosphere, it is kept by the muscle. But, now I am completely safe with this electric heating pad. Because it was a safe and efficient way to provide heat to the injured or sore muscles so why not use it? It is completely logical to me.
In my own business, I am a big fan of employee privacy. I feel it is all the problem as long as my employee gets a job. I do not care if they send out personal e-mails, inspect the web, use medicines in their spare time, or party overnight at weekends.
Giving privacy to my employees is a matter of respect for me. I feel that the office environment should be based on mutual respect as much as possible. If I acknowledge that my employees have the right to self-determination, pay them well, and they will work for me one after another to give them good benefits Employees who are productive He is a member and employees have stayed at the company for a long time. Therefore, all benefits are respected for employee privacy and other employee's rights.
But I know business people who have a very different opinion of employee's privacy. Many times, the argument is made that the employee's privacy will stop at the door. While you are at work, everything you do need to be relevant to work. Some people go further using random drug tests as a way to screen unwanted employees. There are many different arguments in this. Some people argue that it reduces medical expenses and others say that drug users are not responsible or reliable employees. Some people are also required for doing it by law, for the purpose of insurance.
For me, it seems to come down to all management style. I am very relaxed. I like to see responsible, diligent employees. As such, I will give them freedom and expect them to do the job in an effective way, timely. But other people see things much differently. If you are working in a large company, your employee may appear as a gear of the machine. Self-stimulation and independence, rather than asking for strict obedience to the office code, workplace privacy is probably taken for your business model
When I was a child I was raised to have fear of electric hot compress. My mother was watching the electric heating catch fire once. Electric blankets almost burned her house, in fact. Because she was so fast to react to it, she also got it out as the electric heating pad blown away the fuse that diffused a part of the heat But since then she has electric heaters anywhere in her house Do not allow pads.
I was actually married before I tried the electric heating pad on my own. My wife grew up with an electrothermal pad. Her father was arthritis and needed a heating pad to treat his arthritic pain. I was a little shocked when I first saw my wife using the electric heating pad. I quickly pulled out the electric heater pad and watched her watching. She asked what I was doing. She laughed at me.
She told me that since then the electric heating pad has come a long way. At this time, you can use electric hot compress of hot water with almost danger. They were made better and the material was more resistant to flames. In addition, the electronic equipment was carefully controlled to prevent the electric heating pad from getting too hot. If the electric heating pad gets anywhere near the critical temperature, it disappears.
Still, it took a long time to trust the electrical heating pad. I knew that my mother could not say anything more than anything. She will be scared! She will not allow children and grandchildren to live in the same house as the electric heating pad. She will not try to use them again by looking at the heating pad as an incarnation of the electric devil.
In a sense, I understand her reaction. After all, you can also use a hottie to treat arthritis and other muscle aches and pains. You can also use the electric heater's room temperature to relax the comfortable atmosphere, it is kept by the muscle. But, now I am completely safe with this electric heating pad. Because it was a safe and efficient way to provide heat to the injured or sore muscles so why not use it? It is completely logical to me.
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