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End of US dependence on oil; turning B.S. on fuel

America is experiencing shortage of gasoline, but dependence on foreign oil is about to end.

Researchers at the Department of Energy who periodically emit ground-breaking ideas suggest that Americans, along with most people who have lived so far,

This hypothesis proved that his work is promising enough to produce staggering results in a short period of time. .

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Humor, laugh, laugh, laugh, news, newslaugh, comedy, fun, funny, spoofing, spoofing, satire, joke, joke

Article body:
America is experiencing shortage of gasoline, but dependence on foreign oil is about to end.

Researchers at the Department of Energy who periodically emit ground-breaking ideas suggest that Americans, along with most people who have lived so far,

His work is a wonderful, new potion bio super, in a short time as it took to record some B.S. from a wonderfully fertile colleague and wire it to a refinery.

"It is the most concentrated fuel in history," he teaches with octane 's rating of 99.9. I think there is enough supply to meet the energy demand in the near future All we have to do is BS-ing we, and we all have Bio-Super us and our children You should keep some way you need. "

The product is ready for mass production. Technology calls for the B.S. collection from across the country by talking to the microphone the most unruly index of it. After that, B. S. Will be broadcast to the nearest refinery.

Bio super is also advantageous over other fuels in terms of contamination, as the process actually takes a lot of it outside the air.

Since B. S. is very concentrated, production of bio-super is far more efficient than biofuel production from corn and wood chips. Just a hundred words of a good old American B.S. from those who especially spend the time with sticks after work and prefer to speak their heads, Hammer gas tank

The only negative aspect is the exceptional volatility of the product. Once with the pump to evaporate the gas cap of the tank, slum to close it. The driver also recommends that you remove the cap and stand aside when the gauge is almost empty.

The United States can participate in Opec. 1/4 of the undeveloped oil reserves of the world of Artic.

Recently, by exploration of sediments deep in the Arctic Ocean, geologists have estimated that about a quarter of the world's undeveloped oil-gas reserves are there. After evaluating the impact of the news, the United States can ask for OPEC membership.

President Bush, at a press conference at nome, said with a smile and a joke with King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia, Alaska said, "We are Alaska off as our good friend ..

Small tits. :
Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laugh, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, spoo

Article body:
Recently, by exploration of sediments deep in the Arctic Ocean, geologists have estimated that about a quarter of the world's undeveloped oil-gas reserves are there. After evaluating the impact of the news, the United States can ask for OPEC membership.

President Bush, who is laughing with King King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a press conference in Alaska State Nome, said, "The king here is the best we can have with our good friend in the Saudi desert probably we have There is more impact of price on pumps. "

King Abdullah, who flew to visit President Bush and Vice President Cheney and a new oil - rich area, said, "Until now I have a lot of sand with the country oil, now I know it is also snowing a lot Hope OPEC It is very pleasing to go to I will consider applying, but of course, we have only one vote.

Although there was a reaction in the whole Middle East, it was not mixed in Saudi Arabia. "The eternal wisdom of Allah provides that no part of the world can have more oil than Saudi Arabia but our king is in his pasture in Crawford or where he is I prefer to visit George Bush everywhere, so we have enough gushers Artic sea "

Iran's representative was certainly evasive. "If the US wishes to participate in OPEC, you may say no or yes, never or maybe, later or now. Of course, our pride and progressive Islamic nation will bring nuclear weapons for peaceful purposes If the United States agrees to have the right to develop, sooner, there is "

President Bush did not make maybes about his intentions, first to the king when he asked about OPEC 's membership in the United States' membership first, he turned to the reporters, then we backed up I have a plan. If other countries that control OPEC vote for members of the United States, we are trying to form a Canadian oil cartel. Greenland shows interest in the cartel By the way we gave APEC named "Artic" where "A" stands up "I also said, as you know, Arctic We are planning to consider Russia bordering on the other side of the ocean, considering the benefits of APEC membership.

Vice president Cheney, flashing his usual fleeting acidic smile with the king, took his turn with skillful acts of international relations, added, "That is same as we are to the north so I will all cause to the king Let's say that the respect of the respect and the choice for OPEC is obvious: their cartel or our cartel "

Environmentalists worried widely. A leading researcher of a multinational team that extracted a deep core that showed vast reserves says "To discover how much oil and gas it has under Artic, Let's think about accepting the wisdom of leaving it There now I can tremble considering how much the combustion of reserves contributes to global warming but unfortunately it is not easy to pump oil It will be much easier.

Eskimos praised the news, many of whom use enthusiasm to replace in traditional clothes for Arabic clothing in general. "If you want to know the truth, I like global warming, it's getting colder"

Daily Americans at pumps were ecstatic about the prospects for domestic oversupply of oil. "Wow, just think," the American SUV driver was at his gas station on pumping his wallet, said, "forming part of US OPEC or a unique cartel"

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