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Entrepreneur holiday guilt for creative professionals

Guilt guilty guilty guilt is a terrible feeling, often caused by creative entrepreneurs, especially during holidays. Overcome your holiday guilt and still find out how you have the business you want and the life you deserve.

It's tough. :
Holiday business entrepreneur marketing sales

Article body:
Guilt guilty guilty guilt is a terrible feeling, often caused by creative entrepreneurs, especially during holidays.

Most people who work for themselves "wanted to control so time to say that they chose to do so." People who value time over money, recognize, create, buy, that time Or valuable items that can not be borrowed. You need to use it wisely.

Control this luxury method and retire at the end of your time with no restrictions on people or places. So why do the overwhelming number of female entrepreneurs are also 5 am at the client when they are not working on their business, or for 9 hours

To be truly happy and successful as an entrepreneur, break the wall of time that the company created and your day between 9 am and 5 pm depending on your needs and your client's needs There is no law chaining you to the desk.

Here is my advice: stop guilty when you are working, and when you are not, and by rules set by other organizations that you benefit from the freedom of entrepreneurship Check and spend less time waiting on regular livelines such as grocery shopping at hours off like 10am on Tuesdays, less emphasis, actually your customers And more time dedicated to other activities and

Of course, be sure to take a full day or two during your holiday to go gift shopping, ice skating, or to decorate your home. Give yourself permission to enjoy your life and to do something for yourself. You deserve it.

a happy holiday!

Entrepreneurial failure-get used to it

You will have to learn to deal with mistakes to be a successful entrepreneur. There is no way around it. Thomas Edison tried out ten thousand different experiments before he finally demonstrated the first incandescent bulb in October 21, 1879. Bill-Gates' first company Traf-O-Data was a failure. Michael Jordan was once quoted as saying: "I missed more than 9,000 shots of my career. I lost nearly 300 games. I have been trusted to take the game winn 26 times ...

It's tough. :
Entrepreneur, failure, business

Article body:
You will have to learn to deal with mistakes to be a successful entrepreneur. There is no way around it. Thomas Edison tried out ten thousand different experiments before he finally demonstrated the first incandescent bulb in October 21, 1879. Bill-Gates' first company Traf-O-Data was a failure. Michael Jordan was once quoted as saying: "I missed more than 9,000 shots of my career. I lost nearly 300 games. I have been trusted to take winning shots of the game. 26 times; and missed .. I have failed many times in my life, that is why I succeed. "

As a short-term, entrepreneur, I can count more than failed times. I also had a share of success, but it is not close to equal. Failure far surpasses success, and I am convinced that I have many failures before. As soon as I stop failing, I know I'm no longer trying to innovate, so I am fine with that. It is the nature of being an entrepreneur and generally a successful business.

If it was easy, everyone would do it. A naive way of thinking is the wrong start-up venture company. I still seem to work I have heard of the entrepreneur's remarks "Going up with every single idea." "More likely, to hear something before this which failed in my first five business" I took it. "

Just think about it Five business. Sometimes the number is three, sometimes it is 20, but the important point is that most entrepreneurs don't hit their first company and home run. It really surprises me-how many people fail five times and still have a stone to start the sixth business? You must be extremely confident and treat the previous five as a sixth learning experience. The field number has become the same number as having to make six mistakes.

In my opinion, the most important thing is how you deal with failure. If you accept that it is inevitable, you can learn from your mistakes and move. It is not because you are pessimistic, but because it is difficult to see what your mind and soul pours in being ignored or rejected. As soon as your business is ignoring or refusing them, you should come to realize not. The sooner you can, objectively analyze why you failed and learn what you need to improve in the future.

Failure is not easy and very frustrating, but it is a necessary part of success. Don't you believe me? Please Thomas Edison, Bill-Gates is Michael-Jordan! It may be a bit difficult to ask Thomas-Edison :)

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