June 11, 1963, President John F. Kennedy has a meaning in the speech he had pursued ... "a kind of treatment when we showed the equality of treatment we want for ourselves" and Despite his tragic allegations, its leadership has so far passed the US government to protect African American civil rights that law was the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
This bill is typified by the culmination of decades of years of hard work to realize the many years of African American American citizenship for various citizenship. President Kennedy gave this a chance to put real teeth into the law to give them the power to really change the way the country actually worked, played and lived together, and it started with the Civil Rights Act of 1875. A powerful continuation of a much more pragmatic work, combined with a language modernized in the age of the expanding citizenship movement
The bill has broadened the sphere of citizenship in the country to be affected by restrictions on discrimination. The "title" of this bill may need to include social change. ..
Title I-Prohibited discriminatory voter registration practices used to try to deny blacks the right to vote.
Title II-Discrimination in public places such as hotels based on restaurants, theaters and races became illegal.
Title III-Discrimination banned from public facilities such as government services and schools.
Title IV-Enforcement of racism elimination in public schools
Title V-It was created to discriminate at work including illegal race based employment practices.
A place of work from an American school that touched almost every aspect of the public life of the Civil Rights Act 1964, and also to public gatherings such as entertainment and dining. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination against African Americans in its setting, in every way Americans gathered as people.
However, there are other important steps for citizenship that were an important part of the development of this bill. Not only does this bill address African American citizenship, it does not actually address its population directly. Instead the bill protects the civil rights for all the minorities. The struggle for such equality, the African American community, has since been involved in the struggle of everyman for civil war equality, and all the American
Thus approaching the bill, parliament forged some strong allies for African Americans and actively women's rights too land again, although this made it through parliament It's not only to make sure that it has given "influence" to those charged with enforcement of this important law "
You have to be impressed with the courage of this country's leadership in order to stand for equal rights when making this bill come into effect. We especially honor President Kennedy and President Kennedy's work that did not undermine the possibility of the bill becoming a law. For President Johnson, putting the President's muscle behind this bill pushed the opposition of the past and gave the power to become a land law.
Many say Johnson's chance he was destroyed was re-elected due to the hostility it caused to the south towards him. The president should do full length such as Johnson. He sees the interests of the country and society as more important than his political ambitions, and the equal rights of African Americans and all Americans have become the law We need that kind of leadership today And in the generation of the leader of this nation so we always have the common good of the law we see our government passed
Board of Education vs Brown
In 1951 thirteen families in a small community in Topeka, Kansas, came together to do something about the unfair situation. The board of education in their community allowed racial segregation in the school system under the 1879 law. The leader of this group of concerned parents is Oliver J. Brown, who started as a few parents trying to make life better for their children
The practice of school separation, despite many movements in the history of citizenship to stop the separation of blacks from whites, is common and accepted in American society Segregation benefited education "independent Justified that providing the setting of "equal, the truth is that it is necessary that all people excel in the modern world
The case continued to gather momentum until it came before the Supreme Court in the month of 1954. The decision when it went back to 9-0 was great and decisive. The court's statement is concise and eloquent, saying "separate educational institutions are inherently unequal." "
Now that such a definitive statement from the Supreme Court has ended the practice of being deprived of quality education by separatists and African-American children, the Governor of Arkansas in his state in 1957 The only thing that could try to block school consolidation and stop him sent by President Eisenhower is a much better publicized event, but the governor George Wallace physically blocks black students from entering Alabama University As occurred in Alabama, as mandated by the Supreme Court, the Federal enforcement officer's intervention was physically removed to ensure that the land law was implemented. And since then, and forever, the law of the land was that separation was illegal in this country.
Since this groundbreaking decision, there have been other cunning attempts to revitalize the separation. However, for decades, attitudes have taken place where such views on how our social systems are set are considered outdated and uneducated.
The consolidation of schools continues the struggle to create a truly equal society and increase opportunities for black children to grow at the same opportunity as all other children in the country More African Americans As the children become well educated, the black population advances in knowledge in all areas of culture and learning. Furthermore, the growing educated black population is socially economic from an economic point of view. Brought an equalizing middle class of blacks. African Americans have corrected the racist blemishes and have been part of the culture as middle class prosperity began to take part in all of the economic opportunities they could
But perhaps the most important outcome of school consolidation is the opportunity for all racing children to learn, play and grow together. As young black and white students go to a football match attended class and hang out at a pep meeting together, they are friends. As they work together as a team and have the opportunity to interact in many situations, and as social norms, racism evaporates from the heart of young Americans
As a result, young people of the modern age do not step into the latest view of the world, but from a long time look racist as a strange and primitive perspective. This true acceptance of the true acceptance of whites to blacks and blacks to blacks is due to the riots and protests from the Supreme Court that have ever been to the thanks of Oliver Brown and parents from Kansas Topeka That's why it's great for children, and so on, with all the American children present and future generations.
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