Having taken the time to create a marketing plan, but now with your current customers you are having a hard time keeping track of your plans and setting plans aside for a while Is that okay?
It's tough. :
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You have taken the time to create a marketing plan, but now with your current customers you are having a hard time keeping track of your plans
Is it okay to set aside plans for a while? Have enough business to keep busy after all. It is an additional customer who can respond quickly.
While marketing may not seem like the necessary activities your business is doing, your lack of marketing is your business
Staying marketing plan is also a business pipeline prospect and customer business to keep busy.
You may be busy now, but if you stop marketing for the next three months, when it comes to clients, you are high and dry
As an independent expert myself, I can be totally related to being too busy in the market. On that day, everyone will do their own to-do list. But markety
What is a busy gal (or person) to do so? !?
Here are five suggestions. .. These are recommended to all my clients in my 10stepmarketing system.
(1) If you have not yet created a marketing calendar. Your markety
If you plan to do something every month, please enter it on the monthly calendar. Weekly? Enter it. All plans.
(2) Hang your marketing calendar on the bulletin board or on your desk at the wall. Make a habit of watching it every morning. This way, you do not have "problems out of the mind out of the site."
I can not tell the customer what the marketing plan was in the file holder of the drawer. Certainly not going to grow your business that way!
(3) Take in marketing activities weekly, daily to-do list. Just enter activities as you do tasks on your calendar or PDA like all appointments and other business activities.
All marketing activities are I use Microsoft Outlook and a Pocket PC, and that's the only way I know I'll keep myself on track. If something is in my calendar, I treat it like any other meeting or appointment and do it.
For example, every Wednesday, a little notification pops to remind me to write my weekly ezine. If that didn't happen, I would be writing it on Monday at midnight or would not end.
(4) Pick up one day, review monthly and look at the details of the marketing calendar months ahead. What is it that you need to prepare for now? What do you need to transfer to your to-do list or PDA to make sure you don't forget to do it?
I usually do this at the end of the month when I work at the end of the month. .. Running sales reports, billing, updating marketing tracking reports, etc.
As you do these tasks, make a habit of checking your marketing. After a few months, you don't even have to think about it anymore, it will be a habit.
(5) Consider hiring an assistant or support person to help. If they can take some of your plate-off tasks that don't really need your expertise, that's what I call "profit-making activity"
Such customers, product creation and services and marketing. What I did not believe was my adoption.
I didn't think I could afford it, but now I don't see it lasted for a long time without help!
Find a way to get back to your marketing and track, and do it regularly and it really becomes part of the way you do business
I sell it so that I don't feel comfortable. Run the customer's business. That is when it gets easier.
And, that's when you know that your business continues to be busy and profitable for long distance transport.
(C) Copyright 2005 Debbie LaChusa
Five Tips for Moms Entrepreneurs: How to Take Time for You
Tips from mom entrepreneurs on how to make time for you.
It's tough. :
Work At Home, Entrepreneurs, Home Based Business, Terilee Harrison, Business Mom Guidebook
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You are busy at both work and at home. The highlight of the day is also time. You may wonder how other busy mom entrepreneurs make time for themselves, but have no time to stop and ask. Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu .:
If it's too late, you are already stressed ...
1. Take a break.
It is just overwhelmed, and the fear that it will not stop will fall. When you are in a stressful situation, your thoughts are often confused and productivity is diminished. The integrated mother Michele Dortch suggests taking a break when you get stressed. Whether you choose a 15-minute natural walk or a day doing activities you love, stopping gives you really amazing clarity, and you may have time to look at this Well, that really works!
To avoid overloading, try the following tips regularly ...
2. Take time to interact weekly.
Mom's mastermind Alice Seba advises that taking time is very valuable to mom entrepreneurs. Alice will have several opportunities each week to have her girlfriend, her partner, or just some time alone. It revives her and makes her more focused when she comes back to being a mom or businessperson. Alice says, "Not only does every job and play make you a dull mama, it makes you feel stressed and ineffective!"
3. Take some "Mama's Minutes" as often as possible.
Ponn Sabra, the author of empowering women to power the network, puts herself in "time" and takes "Mommy Minutes" as often as possible. Ponn sits in the bathroom self-made sauna with hot shower running or enjoys a favorite goodie (sometimes her, sometimes her husband, finds them)
Ponn is also "Adults also need a nap!" Whether for enough or forty-five, it is only important to take a nap. The activation you receive from catnap is very powerful. If you can not take a nap in the middle of a chaotic day, it is important to take yourself out of the situation to regain focus. There is more energy if you meditate and clear your head.
4. Go "off duty" regularly.
Linda Goodman's Pillsbury's survival tips for working mothers, she recommends "select regular moments when away from duty." For example, after 8:30 every night, children "I Where do you need blue jeans? "You need cookies for tomorrow's school party" etc. (Of course you are there for emergencies. Let children ask you to learn soon Before going to bed, wait until the off duty morning, which works as a very toddler until the teenager-should make an exception for talking to the child when entering from the date!
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