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Flower gardening

Flower gardening has become more popular than everyday. Flowers can brighten the days of everyone, they are a nice scent, a wonderful hobby. Flower gardening is a simple, cheap and fun load. Flower gardening can be done simply as a hobby or professionally for garden decoration.
There are some decisions you need to do before you can start flower gardening. If you want an annual life to live for one season, you have to decide and you must transplant every year, or buy and purchase perennial plants, what flowers are in your climate Please be aware that prosperity is prosperous.
Flower gardening, you need to decide the type of appearance before planting. For example, mixing the different heights, colors, and changes of "flowers in the wild plant style" together will give you a grassy look in your garden, even if short flowers are very charming in your garden Planted at the front, if you work up to the tallest flower on the back, you will have a "kite style".
It is a nursery school since I bought gardening or catalog of the flowers of this species. Most people go to nursery schools, purchase real flowers, and transplant them. After preparing your garden area and buying a flower, it is a good idea to put flowers on the bed to make sure they prefer arrangement and be spaced neatly
It will be a bed of flowers sprinkling with seeds alone at the planting at the flower garden of one of the simplest processes. To plant a transplant, pulling off a container that digs a hole just bigger than a flower, set the flower on the right side of the hole. Cover with loose soil, press firmly and apply water.
Maintaining a flower garden is easier than planting. They may make by themselves, but the bag of fertilizer applied in early spring is a good idea. It has become a pinch and flowers are supposed to be preserved lightly and water is done. In order to save yourself work during the next season of flower gardening, excluding your garden of all the debris, widely admix organic fats such as peat moss or compound into the fertilizer and finish Remember to turn the soil over in a smooth rake sometimes. The roots of attention so as not to annoy the planting is this process.
Flower gardening is as simple as 1, 2, and 3: just decide what to plant. Even though there is no doubt that it is a flower garden, some of the outdoor examinations that greet everyone's good reasons will be green.
Fall gardening

Many gardeners do not consider autumn gardening due to winter frost that may make an initial appearance. On the contrary, autumn gardening will be excellent vegetables and after spring planting plants have finished they will extend long crops. Vegetables produced from autumn gardening grow up in the summer, sometimes sweet and calm, rather than offering a whole new taste to the same old vegetables.

If you choose to grow inside you, gardening falls depending on the available space and what you want to eat like spring plants. Even crops that enjoy heat such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, okra, peppers, etc. will be produced until frost falls. However, there are some plants that will end toward the end of the summer like snap-beans, summer squash, cucumber. If these vegetables are planted around the middle of the summer, they can also harvest until the first frost. Durable and durable vegetables grow until the temperature drops to 20 degrees, but those that are not strong can only grow with light frost. Remember that you can save the edible part if you have roots and tubers plants and a large amount of roots can be used if the top is killed by freezing.

When you choose the shortest growing season and vegetables, check the gardening autumn and they can fully harvest and harvest before frost arrives. Packages of most species can be classified as "early season", or you can find species that boasts a few days to maturity. You may want to go after your seed for gardening autumn in spring and early summer. Keep till they are ready to plant and plant if they are stored in a cool, dry position.

To know exactly when autumn gardening starts to know the best time, you need to know about the time when the first hard frost hits your area One of the best ways to tell this is, It depends on the farmer's calendar. They give you the exact date and are rarely wrong. Because it becomes necessary, knowing exactly also brings out the maturity of the plant by further emphasizing the presence of the image.

So we can do autumn gardening for preparation of soil Remaining remaining spring and summer crops and weeds. The remaining crops from the last season will spread bacteria and diseases if they remain in the garden. If you spread a couple of inches of compost, or if the spring plant heavily fertilizes, but if it is, it may not need much, wet it up to the top layer of the garden soil to increase nutrition, and it Keep it for about 12-24 hours. When this is done, you are ready to start planting.

Many gardeners will run out of gardening fall as they do not have to deal with frost, but if they are planted with tough, sturdy vegetables, they are some autumn gardening, at least a little more Give your chance to enjoy your vegetable garden for time.

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