This is a well-known and widely accepted fact, its e-book. . . . Free e-books ... one of the best weapons in the arsenal of viral marketing campaigns. Here is one good reason why this is true today and remains true for the foreseeable future:
1. E-books are cheap to produce and do not take long to set up. If you have an article that you have already written about the subject you are promoting, you can simply combine these articles into an E-book. On the other hand, if your writing is not your strength, you can use rebrandable E-books produced by other people. Just use your favorite search engine and make the web search a "rebrandable E-book" for. You get a lot of hits and have a lot to choose from. One way to distribute these e-books to visitors to your website gives them your newsletter as a free gift for subscriptions Your e-books want people to share with their friends and family If you include ingredients that you think will deliver them to others ... others will deliver it and make money.
2. E-books can reach a large audience. The only limiting factor is the enthusiasm and the participants. Therefore, it brings laughter to the timely information that people, including those with e-books, who want to share is vital. People remember to know something that needs to know the rest of the world. They pass along something to make them look like they know.
3. E-books are a way to market other products than what you originally targeted. For example; if you sell garden products, your customers are also interested in E-books about lawns, tree beautification, etc.
4. E-books are effective in building your reputation. It is a suggested recommendation if it gives others a path of quality E-book and user decisions.
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"Folksonomies"-a new viral marketing tool
The new consumer phenomenon is called "tagging" or "folk sonomie" (short for people and taxonomy). It is an online content for organizational structure to create consumer because it is strongly tagged. Forxonomy allows people to file content under tags, as well as to create files under the global taxonomy created
Tag this one. Use a site such as Del. Ishio USA-Bookmark Sharing Site-and Flickr-Photo Sharing Site-Consumers are collaborating on classifying online content under specific keywords or tags
For example, individuals can post their iPod photos of Flickr and file them under the tag "iPod." These images are now generated by consumers, not just under the iPod tags of individual users The community, which displays all the images being submitted under the keyword Flickr now has more than 3,500 photos classified as "iPod". "
Tagging is stuck because it is a natural complement of search. If you type the word "blogs" into Google you can not say whether you are looking for information on how to launch blog, or just how to read blog. Big and small places are already getting to the folksonomy train as well. They fall in the context of content that makes the tag-like structure easier for the user.
Although the tags are far from perfect, marketers should nevertheless use them to keep the pulse finger of the American public. Information on the start of consumer monitoring information RSS feeds monitor related products, services, us or space. These life focus groups are prepared for free and are 24 hours x 7 days. Please be aware that it will be a virus marketing campaign that releases carefully on the Folksonomy site. Marketers are a service for avoiding transparency, link postings and why it is desirable.
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